Monday, April 18, 2011

Bliss-Ananda / Supreme Identity

Today's focus is to underline the importance of  not only having trust, or faith that the Soul's  intelligence is unfolding her own evolution, but also highlight why it is wise to  surrender to her will.  She is the Spirit-fire which  burns bright when our hearts and minds are on  fire . .  . are filled with the energy of compassionate concern for other beings -- because we now see that there is no 'other', in principle.

If selfish concerns are on the main burner , be most certain that she won't get much traction. Feeding starving children  opens our heart center.  This is  her / God's  will  because at the Soul level, we are connected....we are all God's children, our original Divine Parent before our parents were born (as the Buddhist would say).
No heart-energy, no soul-traction. No problem --  just don't claim "Liberation", because as soon as you do....

The Shakti in her workings will strike ruthlessly at all forms of ignorance and blindness and all even that trusts wrongly and superstitiously in her, and we must be prepared to abandon a too persistent attachment to forms and cling to reality alone. - Sri Aurobindo

The Soul's  Blissananda-consciousness  - which some call Divine Shakti-bliss-Light, or in Christian speak,  the Holy Spirit --  is our guiding what  guides and gives us the strenght to carry out our inspired  actions  in the world of form.

 Pretty much all of my life I lived what Sri Aurobindo describes as the "four part of perfection" , this explains why  I always had this uncanny trust that I was always  "in good hands". And  even when I didn't believe in 'God',  my inner-promptings, mystical Visions and other intuitions  gave me the courage to trust  this process.
 Had I been filled with self-importance and had ambitions of becoming a great enlightened being with megalomaniac dreams  of  being 'very important' in other's eyes....I would never  get  plugged to the Essence of the Divine Beloved, and most importantly, I  would lack the empirical data  on  high Archetypes, and no knowledge what they represent.

 Aurobindo's four part perfection:

I - "the perfection of the intelligence, heart, vital consciousness and body.
II - "the perfection of the fundamental soul powers".
III - " the perfection of the surrender of our instruments and action to the divine Shakti"
IV - "depend at every moment to their progression on a fourth power that is covertly and overtly the pivot of all endeavour and action, faith, shraddha."

"The perfect faith is an assent of the whole being to the truth seen by it or offered to its acceptance, and its central working is a faith of the soul in its own will to be and attain and become and its idea of Self and things and its knowledge, of which the belief of the intellect, the heart's consent and desire of the life mind to possess and realise are the outward figures". (...)
The heart's faith, emotional beliefs, assents are also needed upon the way, but cannot be always sure guides until they too are taken up, purified, transformed and are eventually replaced by the luminous assent of a divine Ananda which is at one with the divine will and knowledge.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Savitri-myth Not Mere Abstraction

After many years of undergoing very intense  Soul level downloads (Initiations) from  the Divine Ultimate, I chanced upon Aurobindo's writings, and realized this was the confirmation I needed to have before I could say I have a communal confirmation and  my primary peer person is Aurobindo. After many years of not being able to find my 'community of the adequate',  I now can say I have it!  Recently I mentioned I had Soul level encounter with him -- and  wrote, while we were  standing shoulder to shoulder (with white clad Aurobindo),  he was (telepathically) speaking words of encouragement, but don't recall the name of the post where I mentioned that.
Aurobindo's words confirm what I have been saying for a long time...Saying, that human evolution is divinely guided,  and those who truly hear this Call have no choice but respond to its mandate. The following excerpt is in words of someone who understands his work:

Sri Aurobindo has revealed the importance of the Savitri-myth by saying that it belongs to the Vedic cycle. It is not just a great tribute, but is an assertion of the Divine Word expressing itself in a new manifestive glory here. The fact that its structural outline can hold the profundity and the wideness, the twofold infinity of his spirituality, is itself a recognition at the substantiality of its splendour. We must understand that, although it is a symbol, people moving in it are not algebric substitutions of abstract characters, cartoon pictures jerkily portraying a cinematographic sequence; but they  are dynamic personalities in flesh and blood shaping and fulfilling the drama of life: they are "incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces with whom we can enter into concrete touch and they take human bodies in order to help man..". The legend has therefore a certain historical basis as well, though may not be at one single point of space and time but spread over events in larger dimensions, yet all of them together unfolding the secret destiny.  

This is the Savitri we must accept and present and not the goody-good stuff that is often given to us by the pious sentiment. (...) The word of the Rishi has that power, and its object is to set out the universal Truth in the working of man and his Soul, to achieve through its mantric utterance a concreteness of reality triumphing over all that opposes it in the worldly affairs; that it be the vehicle of the highest dharma, of the inner movement finding its way in cosmic modalities. Savitri Mahatmya can therefore be appropriately proclaimed as the tale of a decisive divine action in this evolutionary unfoldment. If it is to be considered as a book, then it would qualify to be the precious life-blood of a master-spirit.  When the poet becomes the seer and hearer of the Truth-Word, kavayah satyasruthra, then through his creation we experience aesthetic delight of the spirit , we receive supreme revelation in a flame-body of the symbol he gives us, a symbol that is more than an image.
 With gratitude:

Path Ordained By God

Edited for clarity: My originally written in June 2009 blog titled, On Rapture Musings, describes three types of descends of Divine Force in...