Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tractor Beams - Supracosmic Tonglen Duty Verified  posted interesting  dicovery/information in article titled:
Beam Me Up:  Tractor Beams of Light Pull Small Objects Towards Them. Quote:

Even though this discovery is on a small/preliminary scale, it says that such a possibility is "no longer science fiction".

This makes sense to me because the Healer in me (Shakti-Force-Bliss) has the ability to energetically "manipulate biological cells."  Which means  that at the critical mass-point Shakti-light 'melts'  dense/heavy energies.
I don't just bask in Divine Light, I work hard because  my  Soul got plugged to  IT.  One who is awakened to this dimension  see that all of existence in all its forms and  (even invisible) dimensions are aspects of our own Supreme being. 

It makes sense to me from the Supracosmic Tonglen perspective - my 24/7 Energy work, because 'dense'  energies are pregnant with painful psycho-emotional content are pulled into my energy field (gold-light aura) and it takes many  (deep samadhi) hours  each night  to purge  this 'content'.  I learned that this collective  rage/grief/fear would make me ill if I didn't spend half my life in bed.

I know that tractor beams pull small objects toward them because I  hear, see and feel  the their energetic signature Hz.  .   . I hear all kinds of 'explosions'  during this work-process along with visual representations of those thought-forms  intent.

Hard sciences  require an observer and its methodologies - and I highly admire those amazing minds. I surely can't do what they do, this is why I am grateful for their contribution to world-knowledge.

Spiritual sciences has its methodologies also.  Our instruments are of extremely subtle nature.  Soul-level software  is developed when when She becomes absorbed in Celestial Samadhi and Her Will is connected to the Divine Will. 

Observer-independent Reality is discovered through Yogic sciences.  Our/my  data  is as valid as data discovered/seen with the eye of mind and its instruments and it has nothing to do with "spiritual exhibitionism".  I share what introduced itself to the consciousness of my eternal self-Soul because She has full access to Divine Reality.  She is the witness of God and its messenger.

The interesting-for-me snippets from sciencedaily website:

These rays are often shown pulling objects towards the observer, seemingly violating the laws of physics, and of course, such beams have yet to be realized in the real world.

Based on pioneering work by Albert Einstein and Max Plank more than hundred years ago, it is known that light carries momentum that pushes objects away.

What Wang and co-workers have now shown theoretically for Bessel beams is that they are sufficiently small, the light scatters off the particle in a forward direction, meaning that the particle is the direct opposite of the usual scenario. The size of the tractor beam force depends on parameters such as the electrical and magnetic properties of the particles.

These beams are not very likely to pull a human or car, as this would require a huge laser because the force needed doesn't have to be large.

My  uncolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening  began years ago and I'm still in the process of looking to 'hard sciences'  for  answers  to esoteric type phenomena?  I'm a curious type. . .
This is why I  was ecstatic when in 2002 Amid D. Aczel's  book  Entanglement the Greatest Mystery in Physics,  I read that spacial separation doesn't exists on the energy level:

Notions of causality and of the impossibility of being at several locations at the same time are shattered by quantum theory. The idea of superposition - of  "being at two places at once" - is related to the phenomenon of entanglement. But entanglement is even more dramatic, for it breaks down our notion that there is meaning to spatial separation.
Entanglement can be described as a superposition principle involving two or more particles. Entanglement is a superposition of the states of two or more particles, taken as one system.

Other physicists, however, believe that the "spirit of relativity theory" still is violated by entanglement, because SOMETHING  (whatever it may be) does "travel" faster than light (in fact, infinitely fast) between two entangled particles.

In chapter: Teleportation: Beam Me Up Scotty, the author asks:

can teleportation be extended to larger objects, such as people?" -   then answers:

beyond the scope of physics today , and perhaps in the realm of science fiction.

The answer to the question as to how the teleportation of a person might be carried out can be restated as the question:  Is a person the sum of many elementary particles, each with its own wave-function, or single wave-function (of a very short wavelenght)? 
At this point no one has a clear answer to this question, and teleportation is therefore still a real phenomenon only within the realm of the very small. 

One whose nervous system stretched out to infinity  (via the subtle chakra system)  the 'realm of the very small' is  visible to the eye of  contemplation.     

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spiritual Power pt. 2

There is nothing wrong, and everything right with  academic knowledge!
Without it we would still be living in caves, but hasten to add that spiritual sciences'  knowledge  is as valid as truth discovered with the eye of  flesh and mind.
 With the eye of contemplation  revealed   Depth data is available to the  ascended mystic.  Its Revelations  are introduced  to the awakened consciousness of one's eternal self-Soul 's consciousness which are free from any and all motivation that comes from the ego.

I have been entrusted  with this kind of Truth-Knowledge,  and in this blog share  what my Soul's journey through time has been like.  .  .
No one can be a great performer without  a talent,  but absolutely everyone is Invited to the Transformation and Integration Party!  (spiritual development).

All saints and mystics demonstrate their   'Soul powers' -   which are 'activated in the Superconscious field of the mind. These different abilities include the expression of the Soul's genius in human life' - in Sri A. words.

I want to  include  another quote  in  Aurobindo's  voice  whose spiritual authority  I accepted,   because it mirrors what I live/experienced.
By the way:  I  began paying attention to his writings only  a couple of years ago, and for this reason not one person can accuse me of parroting Aurobindo'esk.

The Divine Truth is greater than any religion
 or scripture or idea or philosophy...
For Truth is wider, greater than her forms.
A thousand icons they have made of her
And find her in the idols they adore;
But she remains herself and Infinite.


 Ken Wilber's 9 Basic Structures of Consciousness, places  the saint  at the 8th subtle Soul  stage, beyond which is  the Causal  plane/dimension (where) :  'The process is complete, the Soul dissolves in its Source, and then the union with God gives way to an identity with God-Goddess.  At this stage people seem very ordinary. You become so wise no one can spot it'.  = somewhat paraphrased.
This is why I  am qualified to assert: "She Fulfilled Her Ancient Plan" - post's title.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Spiritual Power

I read that Pope Benedict officially declared Hildegard von Bingen a "saint" in 2006.
My personal history is  interlinked with hers  in a quite mysterious way (I believe I blogged about)  which  inspired  me to write:   Feather on the Breath of God (poem). 
He regards Hildegard a bearer  of  "spiritual power" that enables her to even "criticize bishops".

I have no desire to compare my 'spiritual power'  to that of Hildegard, but  for the sake of argument, 
I have to say:  Why would I want to keep my mouth shut,  when I know we are destined for a wider, far deeper experience of life than we were led to  think.
 All ascended mystics share/d their spiritual experiences and its religious and  mystical ecstasy data   with the intention to uplift humanity by bearing witness (providing evidence) for the immortal nature of the souls.

( Embodied)  Eternal self-Soul's  enlightenment  includes divine siddhis  . This kind of 'spiritual power'  is:    'activated in the Superconscious field of the mind, and is the expression of the Soul's genius in human life'.  paraphrasing Aurobino.

The enlightened perspective is free from egoic-style narratives and  motivations and points always to Universal Truth.  Its Essence-Power-Intelligence  and its (conscious)  Will creates and sustains the universe   (ceaselessly)  with uncanny precision . . .

Those of us  whose Crown chakra is open,  have undergone years of  what I like to call  'complete cosmic makeover'  ordeals  in order to become transparent to the Depths of the Divine.   We live in constant  bhava samadhi  state in oneness with the Cosmic consciousness /  relationship with the Divine. We check our Depth's data results with those whose works resonates with what has been  disclosed to us. 

Path Ordained By God

Edit-expanded 2024-04-20: My originally written in June 2009 blog titled, On Rapture Musings, describes three types of descends of Divine Fo...