Saturday, September 23, 2017

Contemplative Science

Yogic, or Contemplative science of interior domains disclosed by direct experiencial evidence (at the apex of one's eternal self- Soul's evolution) is a deep topic because it is  a study grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence. Genuine Mysticism 'deals' with the direct apprehension of the Tranascendent source of all Life. . .
The gates of eternal Freedom are encountered  in the depths of our being -  this is why any mental/conceptual-level assertion of the nature of Reality without empirical proof/evidence of how one got there is only that,  an assertion. It is nothing more than a translation of what someone else said.
We know that the  deconstructed  human  body is an atomic structure, a field of energy infused with consciousness that is connected with all energies / consciousness - including Pure Consciousness + Divine Bliss /  Bhavadgita's  supreme ecstasy (at the apex-point of one's evolution).
 Unification of the individual Soul with the (universal)  Supreme Beloved  results in permanent Samadhi. Such a thing is possible because  the relative / absolute  is holographicly entangled.
At this stage-point one is  qualified to say:
In service to the Divine I bear witness to the fact we are expressions of the same One.
Our pointing out instruction to one who is ready to submit to the Supreme Divine and become humanity's servant in  visible and invisible dimensions,  is this:

Surrender to Soul's Desire, follow its lead.
Allow its devouring fire burn to ashes karmic imprints.
We promise. . . .
When the desire soul's transformation is complete, and
Desire has become not the object of knowing,
But a way of knowing, the Luminous Inner Dweller
Will move freely within Love's Essence.

At this stage,  humanity's servant doesn't just  bask in  Beloved's bliss, we work hard because  our Universal body is connected (literally) to  all beings in the visible and invisible domains.
Such a feat is possible because of 'entanglement'.   In entanglement it is the sound-wave reproduction of the object's  (non biological)  Soul/Essence - not the actual transport/teleportation of one's matter body - that gets attached/linked to the Original Subject (Supreme Divine).  It's a resonance thing.

In his brilliant book published in 2002 (I got it couple of weeks after it got published) titled Entanglement the Greatest Mystery in Physics, Amir D. Aczel writes:

Entanglement itself was thought to be within the realm of the imagination until science proved that it is a real phenomenon, despite its bizarre nature.
We know from de Broglie's work that particles have a wave-aspect to them, and that the wavelength associated with a particle can be computed. Thus, in principle, even a person can have an associated wave-function.  + 
Two particles are mysteriously linked together. What happens to one of them immediately causes a change  in the other one, whether it is two millimeters away or on the other side of the universe.

 Many argue no one has ever penetrated  the mystery of Reality.  Others think  one can become enlightened  by  looking at and mentally comprehending  model of Reality. Scientific materialist insists  'rational' minds are more evolved, and someone like me must submit to their flatland explanations (I included Ken Wilber's quote explaining 'flatland' in one of my recent post), etc.
 I say,  I'm okay with that -  everyone has the right to their opinions as long as they don't insist theirs is the last word.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Liberation Through Understanding In the Between, is an excellent source-example of   what one might call   Contemplative Science.  I have a copy translated by Robert A.F. Thurman  (with his commentary), and today decided to quote couple of excerpts on 'Soul'.  This version-perspective also makes sense to me. Hope it will resonate with you, too.

From Glossary  on 'soul' & 'spiritual gene':

Soul.  That which is the deepest personal essence of a living being, which journey's from life to life and takes rebirth, and which becomes enlightened finally.
 (* I use terms such as: 'Union of the eternal self-Soul with the Essence of the Supreme Being, or 'Ultimate Consummation /  Shiva-Shakti's Erotic Embrace within one's interiority in place of 'enlightenment'. . .'Supreme Enlightenment' is an experience & it is  not the same thing as Self-realization.)

The Buddha's famous teaching of selflessness has often been translated in the past as "soullessness," and was used to confirm the Western sense that Buddhism is nihilistic and atheistic. The Buddha rejected any absolute, unchanging, fixed, intrinsically substantial, intrinsically identifiable soul, just as he rejected the same kind of self or ego. But relative, changing, relational, living, conventional entities that can usefully be termed ego, self, and soul are never prohibited in Buddhist psychology. In the Natural Liberation in particular, the extremely subtle body-mind very much qualifies as the soul of the being who is undergoing death, the between, and liberation or rebirth.

Spiritual gene.  Sanskrit gotra refers to the subtle encodement within the life-continuum of an individual of the instinctual residue of her past lives' evolutionary experiences and actions, which is carried as a subtle "drop" into the next life, wherein it interacts with the physical genes from father and mother to determine the character of the being in that life. The Tibetan Buddhist vision is of conception is rather beautiful, a moment where the father's white drop meets the mother's red drop, and the individual's blue drop enters within their union.

This superb excerpt on 'extremely subtle body-mind' is from page 40

The Tibetan view is that everyone has such a subtle mind, and everyone traverses these experiences. But it takes special training to develop awareness of them, to experience them lucidly.
Finally, there is the extremely subtle body-mind, where the body-mind duality itself is abandoned. This is the indestructible drop, called "the energy-mind indivisible of clear light transparency."
Very hard to describe or understand, and not to be misconstrued as a rigid, fixed identity, this subtlest, most essential state of an individual being is beyond body-mind duality; it consists of the finest, most sensitive, alive, and intelligent energy in the universe. It is a being's deepest state of pure soul, where the being is intelligent light, alive and singular, continuous  yet changing, aware of its infinite interconnection with everything.

It is beyond all instinct patterns of lust, aggression,, or delusion, beyond all duality, one with reality, and one with the Truth Body of all Buddhas.  (skip)

Each living being is really just this indestructible drop at the extremely subtle level. This is the living soul of every being. It is what makes the boundless process of incarnation possible. It is the gateway into liberation, always open, essentially free, though the being evolved around it may identify itself with intensely turbulent states of suffering. It is peaceful, translucent, trouble-free, and uncreated. Knowing it is what made the Buddha smile. It is what makes Buddhas and living beings the same.

    This extremely subtle indestructible drop is very similar to the Hindu notion of the Self (atman) or Supreme Self (paramatman), which is reached as the absolute negation of all petty, individual, personality self. 

This posts' sister blog titled: Soul Science Musings unpacks more. . .if interested

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