Monday, May 11, 2009

Fullness of Presence in Supreme Identity

When  someone  is  ready for spiritual  self-surrender  the awakened consciousness of the Soul  takes charge and, in time will possess the whole being. Once this is accomplished it will  naturally surrender itself to still higher/deeper stage . . .
Surrenders  our littleness to the Supreme Divine  visible to my eye of contemplation its uncreated  Light . . . but it  is the Divine who decides how far we go. . .

One can get there with the help of a  living Master who is in the Absolute State, or  (like me) receive it   from another dimension of Life.   My encounter  with, and  Bliss-energy transmission from  Kwan Yin in 1996,   falls into this category, for example. There were many other Divine energy transmissions  and the reason I  know consciously that I, and everyone else abides within  the  (supreme) GodheadAnyone who experiences this, in their own words  will  utter something  which will mirror (this) Rig Veda quote :
Beholding the higher Light beyond darkness we came to the divine Sun in the Godhead to the highest Light of all. 

 Known by  various names this Shakti Bliss-force , or the all pervading power of Divine love vibration,   permeates into every atom and molecule, but its subtle power can't be directly felt at the level of human awareness  until the spiritual work is done.
This spiritual force - which some call Kundalini Shakti -  has to ascend and pierce through all the chakras before uniting  with the all pervading power of Divine Love before one feels in every fiber of ones being its Essence, and sees with the eye of flesh its golden light aura around our head and body. (I still have my journal entry when first time I saw mine -  Summer 1994).

Everyone is invited to this Love-party. . .

Those who  possess stabilised sincerity  and spiritual  purity  show  the way, but we can't do the work for you.  We worked hard and long before we were ready for the complete cosmic makeover and the Supreme Transmission.  I never had any ambitions of being  spiritual but it happened anyway.   This Force-Power  is received  by the human vehicle  when its Chakra System can  properly  accommodate  this Love-ananda frequency.

In its  Initiated state  the Soul-flame doesn't change her identity, it changes in orientation. . .
Now we see clearly  that the destiny of the Soul, is, and always was,  in the hands of the Perfect Power.  We see that the (Divine)  Solar Heart's  all encompassing wisdom is the driving force of evolution.
One who is plugged into the  Fullness of Presence in Supreme Identity has no choice  but perform  our  Duty on energy level.
 Plainly stated,  when Kundalini / Shakti force is activated within one's body  it produces a large flow of energy  in the reproductive system. This Energy/Essence is directed upwards   pumping  Bliss-essence into the World's hologram.
 I named this job/work Cosmic Tonglen Duty. . .
This  work is not only not glamorous, but right down hard. . .and not something the ego-self would ever volunteer for.  It is not about resting in 'Nirvana' . Nirvana is but a stepping stone, or a means  to something deeper still...Into its  fabric are  woven  'Divine Duty' (work).

When I pleaded:  "Your Will, not mine, be done!",  the Divine  first directed me to become hands-on energy healer. Once I mastered this step, the Soul (who performs the will of the one Spirit)  had another plan in store for me.
I write about these things because I see 'mental spirituality'  parading  as the Real Deal. 

Who will say/confirm this for me? -- who will say:  "This is it, she knows this directly!"
She knows --   not  as a mental abstraction, but as something as concrete and solid as the desk I'm sitting at. As solid as my body is . . .There is no one. . .  But  this is as it should be, since only one who is plugged directly to this dimension of being can know what I describe,  can verify this for me.

Someone like Hadewijch of Brabant and Beatrijs van Tienen left written texts of their struggles before they got plugged in to this Supreme Frequency, but  I think it is even more difficult in this day and age I believe because I live in a culture which  sees this  as something  pathological.

Recently I chanced upon this quote:

"If the mind is actually part of a continuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to every other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, and region in the vastness of space and time itself, the fact that is able to occasionally make forays into the labyrinth and have transpersonal experiences no longer seems so strange." - Grof 

It is safe for someone like Grof to talk about  this,  but as soon as I talk about my mystical experiences and Divine revelations,  I am treated with  great suspicion (by many, but this is as it should be).

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