Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Supermind Explains Itself
The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03!
Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and beyond aspects) and its conclusions is an extremely complex topic, this is why I am never satisfied with the final result. And even now I am not at all sure today's edit-expansion of this blog is the final draft.
Between Self Realization and Soul Liberation lie several developmental stages. Someone who has not traversed the low subtle, high subtle, low causal, high causal and ultimate stages is not qualified to critique Sri Aurobindo's work - because the Supramental Yoga isn't just about knowledge, but also about experimental wisdom. His teachings integrate complex supramental and psychological insights that require deep personal evolution to truly grasp.
Someone can study Sri Aurobido's writing for several decades and still declare: "I have been following a flexible approach as regards writings of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo by avoiding literalism" & "Sri Aurobindo advocated the spiritual approach as a solution to all problems, but his philosophy or yoga doesn't have and straightfoward method for direct access to spirituality. Nor is anyone's subjective spiritual experience verifiable."
Quotes from: Savitri Era blog, in Tusar Nath Mohaparta's words.
I was very tempted to tell this man he is misrepresenting Aurobindo's work, but stopped myself when I realized he was 'promoting' it in many blogs. There is no way such a mind would accept 'correction' from anyone.
Mr. Mohaparta is genuinely not aware that the Supramental Yoga is for the spiritually mature people - not aware that knowledge of the Supreme Truth cannot be projected into the intellect, because it completely transcends the comprehension of the recepient. This man's pride-mind thinks he is uniquely qualifed to promote Aurobindo's work, and if I were to 'disturb' him the wound to his pride might be too great to bear.
Those who 'know better', know that at the apex of one's Soul evolution into wholeness and transcendence, the She who exists to serve the ever-expanding evolution of understanding of the nature of Divine Reality (in all its aspects), Knows, what we bear witness to is not a theological claim, but a matter of experience resonant with those beings who in their innermost Sanctuary/ Soul became a vessel that can hold/bear the Supreme Descent.
Aurobindo writes: "The Life Divine is not philosophy but fact. It contains what I have realised and seen" + "The supramental Yoga is at once an ascent towards God and a descent of Godhead into the embodied nature. The ascent can only be achieved by a one-centered all-gathering upward aspiration of the Soul and mind and life and body; the descent can only come by a call of the whole being towards the infinite and eternal Divine. If this call and this aspiration are there, or if by any means they can be born and grow constantly, and seize all the nature, then only a supramental uplifting and transformation become possible.
The call and the aspiration are only first conditions; there must be along with them and brought by their effective intensity and opening of all the being to the Divine and total surrender. This opening is a throwing wide all the nature on all its levels and in all its parts to receive into itself without limits the greater divine Consciousness which is there already above and behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence.
In the receiving there must be no inability to contain, no breaking down of anything in the system, mind or life or nerve or body under the transmuting stress. There must be an endless receptivity, an always increasing capacity to bear and even stronger and more and more insistent action of the divine Force. Otherwise nothing great and permanent can be done; the Yoga will be in a break-down or an inert stoppage or a stultifying or a disastrous arrest in a process which must be absolute and integral if it is not be a failure.
But since no human system has this endless receptivity and unfailing capacity, the supramental Yoga can succeed only if the Divine Force that enters from above to work in nature. This is only possible if there is on our part a progressive surrender of the being into the hands of the Divine; there must be a complete and never failing assent, a courageous willingness to let the Divine Power do with us whatever is needed for the work that has to be done. *skip
Only when the conscious integral surrender to the Divine has been learned by mind and life and body, can the way of the Yoga become easy, straight, swift and safe."
Excerpts from: The Hour Of God, The Path.
THIS I knew and 'allowed', because I knew I was in 'good hands'. The Divine Shakti Force and its 'Deputies' - - same as: Vedic Gods, or Conscious Forces that represent powers of the Supermind, I riffed on in post titled: Path Ordained By God - - rescued my Divine Soul from its lower nature many years before I discovered Aurobindo's work. . .And when I did (discover) I was shocked how 'resonating' or 'verifying' his words were. And am not surprised I had couple of soul level 'mind melts', or encounters with him when the going got though.
Aurobindo's words from his epic poem Savitri Book 5, Canto 2, are best received by beings ready to submit its 'lower nature' to the Divine:
"Rare is the cup fit for lover's nectar wine. As rare the vessel that can hold God's birth; A soul made ready for through thousands of years Is the living mould of a supreme Descent".
Individual who has not felt in every fiber of its being the transforming Power of the Descent of Light, Peace, Force, Ananda - has no choice (cognitive dissonance) but reduce genuine Divine Revelations to something that makes sense to his/her not yet spiritualised consciousness.
Aurobindo knew this - and when asked what he thought about something, he replied: 'what you call thinking, I never do. I either see or I don't see'. Tusar's failure to "see" with the eye of Spirit the depth of Aurobindo's work satisfies his lower-stage ambitions.
Sri A's translation of the Rig Veda includes the following statement: "Confronted with the stately hymns of the ancient dawn, we are conscious of a blank incomprehension. And we leave them as prey to the ingenuity of the scholar who gropes for forced meanings amid obscurities and incongruities where the ancients (Rishis) bathed their souls in harmony and light."
Tusar and those in the same 'blank' boat folks, are not capable to see their error.
Sri A wrote in Letters on Yoga-2:
"The detail or method of the later stages of the Yoga which go into little known and untrodden regions, I have not made public and I do not at present intent to do so."
A being whose Soul "(She) has lured the Eternal into the arms of Time" (line from Savitri Canto VI The Kindgoms and Godheads of the Greater Life) becomes a fit vessel ("cup" - Savitri, book 5) for holding Divine Beloved's 'nectar wine'. . . knows, that the method for securing Conscious Immortality depends entirely on the backward-flowing method. . .We know that this process is being guided by an Intelligence that's far beyond human comprehension and that certain 'in Secret unveilled things', aught to stay secret.
Aurobindo warned: "Beware of exaggerated ambition, pride or vanity trying to seize on spiritual force or experience and turn it to one's glorification ending in megalomania, an unbalanced vital and weak nervous system apt to follow its own imaginations without any true mental will or strong mental will to steady or restrain it. ." & "...the higher vital wants the freedom to fulfill its ambitions, the lower vital loves to indulge in its petty deed, etc. As each of these defects is identified and relinquished, the psychic flame burns with ever-new intensity creating a palpable warmth in various parts of the body."
And, because I 'know better', I have an obligation to rescue from the hands of ignorance that which Grace bestowed on Sri Aurobindo.
Aurobindo did experience the transforming power of the Descent. If he did not, he wouldn't know that: "Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine nature." & "By the supermind is meant the full Truth-Consciousness of the Divine Nature in which there can be no place for the principle of division and ignorance; it is always a full light and knowledge superior to substance or mental movement." - Synthesis of Yoga.
But when asked: "Why not write something about Supermind which those people find difficlult to understand?", he replied: "What's the use? How much would anybody understand? Besides the present business is to bring down and establish the Supermind, not to explain it. If it establishes itself, it will explain itself - if it does not, there is no use explaining it. I have said some things about it in the past writings, but without success in enlightening anybody. So why repeat the endeavour?
When asked: "When the Supermind descends into the earth-consciousness will all sadhakas be aware of it - the descent into the earth, I mean, not in themselves?", the Master replied: "It wouldn't be necessarily be known by everybody. Besides, even if the desent were here one would have to be ready to before one could get the final change." &
"It is true that I want the supramental not for myself but for the earth, and certainly therefore I cannot object if anybody wants the supramental. But there are conditions. He must want the Divine Will first and the soul's surrender and the spiritual realisation (through works, bhakti, knowledge, self-perfection) on the way."
I am uniquely qualified to confirm everything Sri A said. I heard the CALL and responded, etc. . . .and (therefore) have a moral duty to obey the inner call of my vocation by bearing witness to what happens on the Path of Deep Esoteric Truth and uphold Sri Aurobindo's legacy while at it. . .Leaving his legacy in hands of someone who 'follows a flexible approach as regards writings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo', is not an option for one who knows that a mind satisfied with itself is blind to its deceptive nature.
"One can be a fit instrument for the Divine in any of the transformations. The question is, an instrument for what?" - Sri Aurobindo, from: Letters On Yoga - Spiritual Realisation and Supramental Transformation.
Those who 'know better', know that distorting or misrepresenting one's meaning or contributions by stamping out threats to one's cherished viewpoints, is playing the: 'I am more brilliant than he', card. The hand of falsehood exploits every occasion to promote its own un-divine agenda, needs to be exposed for what it really is.
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Supermind Explains Itself
The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03! Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and be...
All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established in his own real nature. For him, the state of being of a lim...
Edit-expanded 2024-07-10 includes link to video which includes recording of the gold frequency + expanded # 3) My originally written in June...
What I describe in this post is written from the perspective of (the) "deepest state of the pure soul", as described (and verifi...
I enjoy the works of Aurobindo's co-worker The Mother. Together they delineate the Integral Yoga. I call their Yoga the "yoga of the psychic being." Because some swami had taken the Integral Yoga name already. Fie. Can this Yoga be done along with being a Christian? I aim to find out.
ReplyDeleteCan this Yoga be done along with being a Christian?
DeleteI am happy to say that Vivekananda recognized Jesus' Sacred Heart, status. . .
"Had I lived in Palestine in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood."
Sri A's article titled: The Ascent Towards Supermind, is great!
ReplyDelete& available @ www.intyoga.online.fr/ld2_26.htm