Saturday, April 13, 2019

The River of Light Revisited

What I describe in this post is written from the perspective of (the)  "deepest state of the pure soul", as described  (and verified for me) by the Tibetan science on death and dying.  The Tibetan Book of the Death and Dying, is a scientific document. . .
My copy is translated by Robert A.F. Thurman with forward by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
The following excerpt clarifies what the experience of becoming one with the River of Divine Light, signifies: (later will  describe the experience and include another quote from same source/page).

"Finally, there is the extremely subtle body-mind, where the body-mind duality itself is abandoned. This is the indestructible drop, called "the energy-mind indivisible of clear light transparency." Very hard to describe or understand, and not to be misconstrued as a rigid, fixed identity,  this subtlest, most essential state of an individual being is beyond body-mind duality; it consists of the finest, most sensitive, alive, and intelligent energy of the universe. It is a being's deepest state of pure soul, where the being is intelligent light, alive and singular, continuous yet changing, aware of its infinite connection with everything".

Before I describe what that was (still is) for me, these notes: Custodians of  Divine Revelations  have a moral obligation to bear witness to what introduces itself to the awakened awareness of one's fully ascended Soul. . .
Behind this intention lies a motivation to  carry forward  this 'ancient'  Knowledge into the modern  era and become the agent of empowerment for  spiritually minded aspirants.   I have an obligation  to show  that the Truth-Power of the Divine Grace,  reveals who we are within the depths of our being. To show, that the Transcendent is beyond time, and the Unmanifest is the Source of the manifest.
The 'ancient' Rig Veda seer didn't apologize for what he/she received  (God-Realization / Divine Revelation), and neither do I, because I know I earned what I received by fully submitting myself to the Supreme Divine...and then performing the Will of the Supreme Being.

O Flame, O Wine, your force has become conscious;
You have discovered the One Light for the many.
-Rig Veda 1. 93.4
Today, I decided to revisit and upgrade - in 2010 written - The River of Light.  Its present 're-visited'  incarnation includes verifying material I was not aware of nine years ago. I will leave the original where it is,  and/but because this is quite a lengthy post, I will not include Sri Aurobindo's quote (here) from, The Mind of Light.
Because the theme-subject of the highest integration and fulfillment is very complex, each post unpacks but a portion of what happens on this Path without a map.  The reason it is intensely complex, is because my accounts include descriptions of direct contact-experience with  the Kosmic Essence-Energy and its Forces, direct contact with the Kosmic Mind and first-hand perception of all the domains of existence.  These 'accounts' are Spiritual Sciences' empirical evidence.
This  opening statement includes quotes from the Tibetan Buddhism perspective , and Sri Aurobindo's statement on transformation / what needs to happen before one is ready for the Ultimate Erotic Union with the Supreme Beloved.
Will start by saying that only very recently I noticed in The Tibetan Book of the Dead (translated by Robert Thurman) that,  my experience of becoming/flowing out of my Crown chakra as 'River of Light', falls into the fulfillment of the highest perfection stage, category.
The following excerpt is from Glossary:
Sanskrit yoganaddha is the Unexcelled  Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of all perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female -- all dualities are integrated in this experience of fulfillment.

(2010)  Today I brought from the library,  the only Aurobindo  book available in this system, titled The Mind of Light. To this day each time I read something penned by him, I am surprised. . .
For years I thought this man's work was far beyond my league, and wasn't even curious to see what his writing was about. This mindset changed when I allowed myself to be curious (the year I began writing here - 2009). Not initially,  but once my brain got used to all those new terminologies, I exclaimed,
 "I already know this because this happened to me!"
I didn't know anyone who  experienced  and wrote about (internet forums)  the things I did. I also  'claimed' nothing.  .   .This is why it was all the more exciting I  finally  had Sri A. writing to check/compare my Soul level (supramental)  Initiatory experiences with -- compare it with someone who got plugged to the domain of,  'I am absorbed in Celestial Samadhi lovingly attached to the Essence of the Supreme Beloved'.
This  stage is reached when one is in permanent Samadhi state and the Nervous/Chakra system uncoils to Infinity thanks to the awakened Kundalini Shakti and its activity.

I named Aurobindo my 'primary peer review person',  even before reading his autobiographical poems titled: The Bliss of Brahman, The Bride of the Fire, or Savitri. The subtlety of significance within the written word the open mind will see, as none other than 'the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature without uttering single word'.
The line in Savitri: "A soul shall awake in the Inconscient's house, The mind shall be a God's vision tabernacle, The body intuition's instrument, And a life a channel for God's visible power", is a literal description of something that's not 'supposed to make sense', to the surface mind.
I also resonate with Gopi Krishna's work. Long before I became somewhat familiar with his work, I already knew that my mystical experiences were not the result of the subconscious' mind's dive into hallucinatory, wish-fulfilling formations.
The following excerpt is from his book titled: The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, confirms this for us.
In every case of illumination, mere visionary experience is not sufficient. It must be attended by certain objective signs to confirm it. It has to be remembered that in the mystical ecstasy the intellect remains active. There is no blunting of the rational faculty. This is repeatedly mentioned in the Upanishads. Reason has to be satisfied that the experience is not delusion.
Description  of what the experience of becoming one with the 'River of Divine Light',  confirmed by one who knew-- prefaced by excerpt from The Tibetan Book of the Dead:

"the being is intelligent light, alive and singular, continuous yet changing, aware of its infinite interconnection with everything. It is beyond all instinct patterns of lust, aggression, or delusion, beyond all duality, one with reality, and one with the Truth Body of all Buddhas."

Today (May 2010)  I am bearing witness to what transpired this AM hour during Yogic/Deep Samadhi state which transcends sleep.  .  . I was on my back with hands resting on mid-body. When my Bliss body's ecstasy reached critical-mass-point, I beheld with the eye of contemplation (Spirit) a vast sea of diamond-white points of Light morph into a 'solid' River of Light...and its endless flow (sublimated Erotic Potency/ Shakti Force-Power-Light)  out of my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes (for the benefit of all beings in all domains of existence, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself)

The literal meaning of what I described is:

I Am Aware
I Am the Anointed & the Anointing One
Self-generating Bliss Of Luminous God-Force
In Loving Oneness With Everything
That's Arising
* The self-generating Bliss', refers to what the Vedas seers named "Soma".
In words of Gopi Krishana on the real meaning of "Soma"

"The real meaning of "Soma" refers to the internal process of sublimation leading to higher consciousness or Samadhi. Since soma is Sanskrit term its interpretation should be based upon the ancient Vedic religious beliefs, not the western assumption of drug use. There is no proof in the Vedas that actually mention any human drinking a herbal concoction" +
"The hymns of the Vedas  are symbolic allegories and shouldn't be interpreted literally, as the Vedas say directly that: "One thinks he has drunk Soma when they press the plant but the Soma the Brahmans know -- no one eats that."

As mentioned earlier one must be in permanent Samadhi state . . .During the 11 to 13 hours I spend in bed every day in a state of intense erotic ravishment (Erotic Potency flowing up and out of the crown chakra) , I am completely detached from 'feelings' because I am in a state of Peace that passes human comprehension...Well, except those very rare occasions when I return to my flesh body too abruptly and feelings get involved.
Soul Liberation is not well understood this is why I have a moral obligation to write about it by giving precise accounts of what happens during the many Initiatory phases. .  .
One who feels the Divine Presence and its governing Power  (manifesting in and through the body), understands perfectly its Nature as well as its action-influence in all domains of creation. We understand that the LAW (Supreme Light-Power-Bliss) that governs the Action-Influence is the Kosmic DNA. . .Without this most blessed Influence, there would be no evolution of consciousness.

We  understand what the term 'I have crossed the abode of life and death', signifies.
Those who submit to Divine Will, know, that at this stage-point in Soul evolution, we are performing the Will of the one Spirit in order to:
 effect a spiritual transformation and bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. +
It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine Ananda - Christ's Kingdom of heaven, our Satyauga - upon earth.
Sri Aurobindo,

I am glad the Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit--the Supreme supracosmic Sachichidananda (which is above Supermind)
"and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level." Glad, because this topic is not well understood and is (therefore) subject to a variety of misguided interpretations.
I share my Depth data's revelations just like any other ascended mystic/Soul has done no matter the tradition. We demonstrate that this (evolutionary) Great Kosmic Power (or Holy Spirit / Supreme Shakti) flows into the world of Form for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
I will close this part on this note: The Bhagavad Gita states that 'finding supreme ecstasy is the final goal'.... One whose Soul fulfilled her ancient plan discovers that  Divine Labour is the final goal.

Link to The River of Light from 2010


  1. Tattiriya Upanishad 's (11.8) description of 'Divine Bliss' is perfect!

    "To give the idea of bliss that Brahman represents, take a young and honest man with a commanding personality, well-read in the scriptures, well-built and strong.
    Suppose he owns the wealth of the entire world. Then take his maximum stage of happiness as one unit and multiply it by infinity: that is the bliss of Brahman."

  2. The Flower Garland Sutra's (verifying) statement from chapter on
    The Ten Superknolwledges, on the final stage - 10th "glorious mind" - as the 'most secret and sacred', is accurate.
    It goes like this: "Like rays of light, they appear everywhere while remaining silent and unmoving in concentration."

    Page 856 has this - also 'accurate' quote: "These ten great metaphysical treasures are immensely vast, without measure, incalculable, unthinkable, inexplicable; they are inexhaustable, difficult to bear, impossible for any and all worldly knowledge to expound."

    Quotes from: tibetanbudhistencyclopedia


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