Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Silver Goddess Ray

Some cry 'God is dead!'  Love's Messengers (Ascended Soul) task is to  claim otherwise!  One whose ascended Soul unites with Godhead/Absolute Supreme Being,  bears witness to what it's like to consciously come in contact with the Divine Ultimate and its Bliss-Essence/Silver Goddess Ray in all its  eye dazzling silver-white Glory.
This Essence  resembles the likeness of a lightning bolt but has the appearance of a  'Field'. This 'fact' gives us the authority to assert: Without its/this Influence there would be no evolution of biological organisms, no evolution of consciousness.
This Glorious Field's point of entry is possible - for one with open Crown chakra -  at the zenith-point of   Erotic Rapture . . . the result of  an  upwards flowing transmuted  Erotic Potency in its highest Expression, which is even Higher than what I described in The River of Light

Silver Goddess Ray signature can be named  'Kosmic DNA' since this  Field's  configuration  makes possible for the  Universal Mind to exist. It also means that the fully ascended  being's Essence-Awareness is the  Goddess Ray incarnate,  because She is the instrument of Spirit through which She Speaks (speaks from the source of its nature).  

This - my Testimony -  is a literal statement-description of  decades worth of  experiences Kundalini Shakti style -  not  not a translation of something I read in some esoteric text.  Experiencer of the Divine knows that:
Mind cannot go outside its cycle - all ideas of a straight line of movement or of progress reaching infinitely upwards or sidewise into the Infinite is a delusion. 
In Sri Aurobindo's words -  which I second.
 'Goddess Ray' and  its  Mind-Intelligence  introduced itself to my eye of Spirit countless times, this is why/how I Know that its eternal and immutable Nature is part and parcel of our Deepest  Essence in all its eye-dazzling Silver Ray glory:  This is also  why when I say: 'This is the Communication of the Divine from the Source of its nature', I mean it literally.
In this state - which is not a 'feeling', or 'intuition',  but a state of being (permanent in my case) -  one becomes aware of the Immaculate Wideness  to which all visible and invisible manifestation 'belongs'.

The Lie Destroyer  exists in relation to the vibratory cosmos but is also beyond  it . . . where alone the Silver Goddess Ray reigns .  Ascended Souls  use words as containers  into which subtlety of meaning is poured . . . this is what  authentic Divine Revelation is about.
One who I named  (my) 'community of peers', Sri Aurobindo,  expressed same idea by stating:
What you call thinking I never do. I see or I don't see.  +    If a soul of man is to go beyond humanity to reach either a supramental or still higher status, it must pass out of this cosmic existence, either to a plane or world of Bliss and knowledge or into the unmanifest Eternal and Infinite.

The materialist sees my/our Testimony, thinks it is the 'product of delusional mind'  -  sees my poetically framed phrase 'Silver Goddess Ray' as something "poetic",  in a  "mythic" or "magical thinking", sense.   Doesn't mean I am going to allow their jeering and character assassinations  to prevent me from speaking.
I already know that even if I shouted from roof tops that what I share is not the product of subconscious mind's dive into hallucinatory wish fulfilling appearances/formations, drug-induced 'trips',  or translation of what others said. . . still it would not incline the materialist to think 'she could be right'. Maybe if I were a man it would be a different story?
The main reason I wanted to write today is because I want to keep track/record of the mysterious 'cosmic chant' that began several days ago in the right side of my brain  hemisphere.  This Initiation's ever-present  activity is most vividly heard/perceived (with my right ear) when I'm in bed.  Because I am not interest in jumping to conclusions with 'guesses'  as to what this type of  Initiation might mean, I am happy to patiently  wait and  see. . .
I already know that  those with right ear  heard sweet-sounding notes are frequency carriers of  loving thoughts and intentions.  .  .and those with left-side perceived  sound-hertz  are pregnant with  pure rage/hate.

*  Edit-expanded September 14/2013

1. Will mention first that,  the 'cosmic chant'  lasted over two years. I realized that this Sound Current Initiation *perceived with the supramental mind* is the Shabd Yoga Master 'signature' -- one out of several Grace-bestowed *undistorted* Transmissions of omipotent Knowledge in all its aspects *such as Descent of Divine/Uncreated Light, etc.*, before one gets permanently plugged to a plane of existence where She remains eternally with the fathomless depth and mystery of the Supreme Beloved. . .not as concept, but 'actually'.

2. In August  2013,  I chanced upon information relevant to what I was describing in this post (with reference to  perceiving 'messages' with right / left  brain hemispheres)  and decided to include - with permission from Mr. Sandeep  - verifying passages from blog on synchronicity:

The capricious spark of intuition which is briefly flashed during occurrences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into the highly refined powers (Siddhis) called 'Prakamaya' and 'Vyapati'. It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of "the present states of mind, feeling, sensation etc. of others" and it is with Vyapati, that we "communicate anything we have in our systems, thought, feeling, power, etc., to another. As Sri Aurobindo explained, "every thought, feeling, sensation or other movement of  consciousness in us create a wave or current which carries it out into the world-consciousness around and  there it enters into a person who is able and allowed to receive it. Half at least of our habitual thoughts and feelings are such unconscious borrowings."
Record of Yoga, p.20

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Illuminations From Beyond the Intellect

Couple of nights ago, again, my right brain hemisphere was  flooded by  flute-like sound despite very intense 'psychic storms' in the collective.  This Sound's flute-like melody kept humming along without ceasing.  During the day I am aware of it faintly - it is only when I'm in deep Samadhi, its several notes long, fluke-like Sound coming from the right side/ear  becomes really audible. 
I have no doubt that this Kosmic chant current is the carrier of those periodically heard 'signals' I've been hearing with either left brain hemisphere, or right.
My brain hemispheres are not divided. . .
Quick recap on the difference between the left and right side sounds.
The signals/info perceived with my left left brain hemisphere are charged with negative emotions/intentions, directed at me when someone gets negatively triggered by what I say (in cyber land). I  see those thought forms in all their aggressive glory.  I could say a lot more about this, but am choosing not to.
On the other hand, those sweet sounding (right side) flute-like sounds   are  the carriers of  very loving energy-intention/information

* Edit note:  29/08/2017
In 2013 I chanced upon information about this particular type of divine siddhi ("activated in the Superconscious field of the mind" Sri Aurobindo)  called Vyapati and Prakamaya (Divine siddhis) in  http://auromere.wordpress.com/2010/12/sri-aurobindo-on-synchronicity/
With permission from Mr. Sandeep,  including the following excerpt with deep gratitude:

"The capricious spark of intuition which briefly flashed during occurrences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into highly refined powers (Siddhis) called 'Prakamaya' and 'Vyapati'.  It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of "present states of mind, feeling, sensation etc. of others" and it is with Vyapati, that we "communicate anything we have in our systems, thought, feeling power, etc., to another."

As Sri Aurobindo explained, "every thought, feeling, sensation or other movement of consciousness in us create a wave or current which carries it out into the world-consciousness around and there it enters into any person who is able and allowed to receive it. Half at least of our habitual thoughts and feelings are such unconscious borrowings".  Record of Yoga, p.20

Today - August 29, 2017 - I chanced upon verifying information on (Divine)  Sound & Light.   The following  excerpts are from:

"In Yoga Sandhya, an elaborate account is given by the practice of "hearing shabd."

*  I practiced nothing - must have in previous incarnations*

"In the Rig Veda and the Athan Veda there are hymns in praise of Shabd."
"A yogin ought to sit in Sidha Asan, and adopting Vaishnavi Mudra, should hear within him the "Sound" coming from the right side."
"The flute of Krishna is symbolic of the same Sound allegorically explained. This Sound is the source of all revelation to the Masters to whom It is revealed from within and it is, therefore, that they know and teach the one and the same Truth."

"From the above it is sufficiently clear that all Master-souls, whether Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and countless others, were conversant with the practice of the Word, though they did not necessarily expound it as regular science.
Most of them tell of Anhad Shabd only, leading up to Und and Brahmand or the subtle and cosmic regions. But perfect saints, irrespective of whether they belonged to one religion or the other, have gone beyond this and have spoken of Sar Shabd and Sat Shabd as well, and of regions beyond Brahmand (Par-Brahmand, i.e., Sach Khand, Alkah and Agm Deshas)."

"You can see His Light when your inner eye is opened" & "You can hear His voice when your inner ear is opened."

The following quote is from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surat_Shabd_Yoga

"Those who have mastered this path have finally merged with the Supreme Lord in His Absolute, Nameless and Formless State. The Creator, the Absolute, projects itself into form that assumes two primary attributes:  Light and Sound.
(Shabd, Word or Naam) and Light are primal manifestations of God when he projects Himself into Creation. In His nameless state He is neither light nor darkness, neither sound nor silence, but when He assumes shape and form, Light and Sound emerge as His primary attributes.
-Kripal Singh

* Based on my experience,  Kripal Singh's  assertion is true, but partial.
One whose eternal self-Soul fulfills  her ancient plan at the zenith-point of her evolution, unites with the Essence of the Supreme Divine Beloved...bears witness to new revelation about the nature of the Supreme Being.
It can be captured by this one phrase:
What I Am is Love and What I Have is Bliss
And this - from:  http://auromerepress.com/2009/07/vedic-vak-four-levels-of-sound/

1. Para-Vak is the highest form of sound. It issues from the Supernal Ether (para mam vyomam) where all the sound vibrations that build the various world preexist in an undifferentiated state.

2. Pashyanti is the sound vibration heard in the Causal worlds. Pashyanti in sanskrit means "seeing speech." A sage whose consciousness is concentrated in the causal body is able to "glimpse" a Truth in a vision or revelation. Knowledge is acquired in the inner mind by sight without the use of reasoning faculty or sensory data.

3. Madhyama (Middle) is the sound as perceived in the subtle or Pranic world. A good example of this would be thought-forms held in our mind.

4. Vaikhari is the lowest form of sound and it signifies outward expression. This is the spoken word emerging from our throat.
 The above mentioned cosmic chant lasted for about 2 years - maybe longer? I'm pretty sure I mentioned when it stopped  in one of my posts.  Whatever it was that needed fine-tuning within my interiority, has reached its apex-point and integrated itself into my body-mind-Soul system. I hear still the constant, crystal- like / extremely subtle spinning sound vibration within  and in my Universal Body (without).
 In conclusion will add that,  this was another type (one of many)  of Initiation into Divine Mystery -  which correlates with what Aurobindo wrote:
Divine condition descends from above, is given by the Divine"  +  "The higher  spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us"  +  (but) "to know them, the Supermind must descend into us."

P.S.  In order to avoid having overly long post, I edit-removed half of it to make room for new material.
Also, it occurred to me to mention that I chose  to use my (not recent) passport  photo-image (profile) my son took a picture of  for a very specific reason.  .   .
 He looked at it and declared it "ruined".  I looked at it, and said "it's perfect" -  but didn't tell him why.  I thought it was perfect, because of the 'white light' image next to my right ear -- the brain-hemisphere with which I hear/receive  sweet sounding messages.

Supermind Explains Itself

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