Guardians of Deep Mysteries are performing the Will of the one God-Spirit for the benefit of all being in all domains of creation and, "the great consciousness looking out through the eyes of every sentient being and in identity with all of the Kosmos." - Ken Wilber's quote.
I have a moral duty to obey the inner call of my vocation and bring to the world's Mystical table the Correct information on what happens at the highest of the perfection stages (integration of all dualities). Will begin by reminding the spiritual aspirant:
"Open your soul to the Eternal - but it must be eternal that draws forth your strength and beauty, not desire for growth. For in one case you develop in the luxurance of purity, in the other you harden by the forcible for personal stature". . .This, penned by an unknown to me author statement, resonated with me one hundred percent since I never wished to be 'spiritual' in the first place.
I discovered within the depth of my interiority, that the deepest possible connection with the Supreme Divine in all its aspects and beyond aspects,is revealed to the awakened awareness of one's eternal self-Soul at the zenith-point of Her evolution. We assure people that our True Soul / Goddess Living Light - whose essence is same as the Supreme Beloved's - was never born and is (therefore) untouched by death and corruption. This type of Knowingness is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence, and comes on line (is unveiled to us) via Divine Grace. And, 'when everything is ready', we bear witness to the fact that the Universal Christ Principle is both immanent, and also transcendent.
Supramental Yogic science specialist collects and evaluates the evidence, and checks the results with those who have adequately navigated and integrated all dualities.
Gopi Krishna writes: "All the great mystics who have written on this subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition, and from their descriptions, can compare one's own condition."
We know that the Mystery of the Ineffable unveils itself to the living Soul. . .
The closer the Goddess Living Light gets to its Source
The purer the Water of Gnosis.
Marguerite Porete, in her own words bears witness to same:
"Such a soul, says Love, swims in the sea of joy, that is in the sea of delight flowing and streaming from the Divinity and she feels no joy without feeling any joy, for she dwells in joy and joy dwells in her; for through the power of joy she is herself joy, which has changed her into itself."
Marguerite was burnt at the stake for refusing to take her book titled: The Mirror of Simple Souls from circulation. She offended the powers that be by declaring: "Reason, you'll always be half-blind."
My post titled Solar Hear Initiation, describes what transpired during one particular Initiation, and was very glad to finally have Aurobindo's confirmation on why/how such a thing is possible:
If the soul of man is to go beyond humanity to reach either a supramental or still higher states, it must pass out of this cosmic existence, either to a plane or world of knowledge or into the unmanifest Eternal and Infinite. + By "void" is meant emptiness clear of all content except existence pure and simple. Without that one cannot realise the silent Brahman. + The silence can remain when the blankness has gone. All sorts of things can pour in and yet the silence still remains, but if you become full of force, light, Ananda, knowledge etc., you cannot call yourself blank any longer.
Because my 'cosmic synchronicity' Initiation event included the experience of a descent of Supramental/Divine Peace, Light and Bliss, and a Vision of and an encounter with the uncreated Sun Principle and its Power I am including Aurobindo's words on the meaning/significance of this type of descent of:
When you see Light, this is Vision. The vision signifies future realization. When you feel Light entering into you, that is experience; When the Light settles in you and brings illumination and knowledge, this is realization. Repetition of experience leads to realization.
And this:
The psychic and spiritual transformation are within our mental conception. The supramental has a radically different awareness of things. Mentality cannot know its nature. It can only be known via the spiritualised mind. It can only begin to understand Supermind when we have connected to spiritualised mind. Our personal endeavour and aspiration cannot reach Supermind; ours is the life of ignorance.
The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us, but Overmind and Supermind have not been organized in the inner subliminal of the human.
To know them too, Supermind must descend into us. In the ascent and descent about which I have written in The Life Divine, the whole being - you may call it the Self goes say, to the Overmind, settles there and meets the Divine and then the descent of the Divine takes place. +
For real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above: there would be necessary too a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence , a will in it for its separate law of action to be completed by transformation and lose rights, over one's being. (The Life Divine)
-Sourced from
Description of what a 'face-to-face meeting with the Divine' was like for me circa 1995. I was in bed (on my side) alone when I became aware of someone's presence behind me and turned around - and with the eye of contemplation beheld the presence of a very beautiful 'Asian' looking Woman tenderly gazing at me. I "knew" She was "ignored" and asked, "What's your name?" ... "Kwan Yin, do you like me?" .... "oh yes", I uttered. I watched Her walk over to the foot of the bed . . .the room was filled to brim with swirling White Light. . .Next instant I became aware of my my Causal body's floating-like sensation within this glorious stream-Light. During this most precious Goddess Essence Transmission's flow into every cell of my body, I heard myself moan a little due to the inexplicable intensity of the Bliss factor. . .Afterwards, Bhakti tears sealed this sacred 'deal'.
I am happy to say that Aurobindo confirms for us what the White Light signifies:
"The white light is a manifestation of pure Divine Force descending from one of the Truth-planes leading to the Supramental." + "There are incarnationss or emanation of living and conscious Forces with whom we can eneter into concrete touch." + "If mankind only caught a glimps of what infinite enjoyments, what perfect forces, what wide claims of your being lie waiting for us in the tracts which our animal evolution has not yet conquered, they would leave all and never rest till they had gained these treasures."
I learned long after this (Kwan Yin) Event that The Upanishads lists ten ascending levels of bliss, before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the previous level. . .What I just described matches Sri Aurobindo's auto-biographical poem titled: The Bliss of Brahman.
Genuine encounters with Divine Presence are Transformative.
I am very grateful for Gopi Krishna's confirming words from: The Real Nature of Mystical Experience
In every case of illumination, mere visionary experience is not sufficient. It must be attended by certain objective signs to confirm it. + It has to be remembered that in the mystical ecstasy the intellect remains active. There is no blunting of the rational faculty. This is repeatedly mentioned in the Upanishads. Reason has to be satisfied that the experience is not a delusion.
I talk about my experiences with the intention to affirm that this same Light-Force-Bliss is within the depths of every being.
Mystics share their stories to assure every being (that) what happened to me can be repeated in you, also.
And while at it, I want to bear witness to a type of synchronicity that made me gasp, when first time my flesh eyes beheld the painted image of the transfigured Christ. I like Ken Wilber's description of 'synchronicity'... (it is): "a natural part of the evolutionary fabric of the universe - a direct experience of the self-organizing self-transcending currents or Eros-at-play, forever turning in all quadrants simultaneously."
Brief account: I was watching BBC documentary on Leonardo daVinchi's lost for centuries then rediscovered, restored, and exhibited in 2011 painting. He presented the painting-image of Salvator Mundi, to the king of France.
The part that took my breath away was the image of a "crystal sphere" resting in the Redeemer's/ Christ's left hand (his right hand raised in benediction). . .I gasped because the same-looking crystal sphere entered my chest with a loud burst-like pop sound during my Solar Heart Initiation few years before the painting was restored and exhibited.
Aurobindo stated that: 'the Sun is the symmbol and power of the inner or higher Truth and stands universally for the Supramental Light, the divine Gnosis.'
In my post titled Solar Hear Initiation, I describe what happened after the Sun's brilliance morphed into 'crystal sphere' (in 2009).
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