Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why Do I Share My Depth Data?

Many voices tell us 'there is no such thing as God'. . . No such thing as higher order/spiritual reality -   and I was one of them  until the  Great Cosmic Power/Holy Spirit/Kundalini Shakti  (the same Power which creates and sustains the universe) grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and shook me to the very core of my being. There was no chance in heck I could ignore this thing! Many times I wished I got sick and had to stay in the hospital so I could  have alone time to process what was happening to me.  .  .
I had unsolicited Kundalini awakening and still had to function as if nothing was happening to me.  The good part was that even though some of my  Initiations were very intense, I trusted this Intelligence. How could I not?...when I could see its Influence in a form of golden light aura-field around my head and body with open eyes (in August 1994 & still have that journal entry scribble).
 I noticed the Light aura only after I stopped being preoccupied with checking if that by 'fluke' discovered narrow ribbon of blue light next to my skin  was still there (since May).  At the time, I didn't understand what that was about but sensed it was something 'heavenly', and called it  'Heavenly Robe'.
This Power worked its magic on me and burnt to crisp  my 'karmic soot' during those sometimes quite  uncomfortable  'kundalini rushes'. . .which literally felt like the rush of a gale-force wind within  every fiber of my being. Sometimes the 'wind' felt quite hot.
Not only this Power gave me a complete cosmic makeover, it Initiated me into the mystical Knowledge that only the eternal self-Soul can bear.  One Initiated to this level of Seeing the Real, bears witness to the fact that at the very core of our being we are That.  We also bear witness to the fact that this Knowledge introduces itself to the awareness of the fully awakened Innermost being (Soul).  The intellect can take us to 'God's door' (that's Self realization),  but  only the Soul - whose Essence is same as God's -  can directly experience her true identity.
To put it another way: On the other side of knowledge-seeking/complexity is the simplicity of the Divine Revelation.
 For cross-referencing purposes I look to others to see their take on this theme. Huston Smith who  has been hailed as foremost authority on the world's religions, wrote:
There is no way the finite is going to comprehend the Infinite on its own...It has to be the Infinite taking the initiative, and that is the meaning of Revelation. +  Trying to imagine these mind-boggling metaphysical planes is like trying to imagine with my finite mind what different orders of reality would be like. All I can do is to come back to generalizations. It would be absolutely mind-boggling! And it would be exciting beyond words.
One of the best human attempts to provide a metaphor is the image of Plato's cave. Imagine if we were suddenly swung around to light and taken out into this technicolor world, vast beyond the confines we were in. To me, that conveys the spirit. 
When asked: "Can you say more about what the experience of that "metaphysical plane" would be like?" - he said:
Eternal Bliss, try to imagine that in any way you wish and as far as your imagination can carry you.
* Quoted with gratitude to folks from What is Enlightenment journal - article, Can Religions Save Us, 2003.

Why do I share my Depth data? I do this because I have a moral obligation to carry forward what (genuine) ascended mystics passed down to us.  We  know what they are describing because we/I experienced  the same pain and ecstasy deep within our interiority.  We understand that it is up to us to keep sharing  Depth's data  in order to preserve the Integrity of  genuine Illumination.
This time, I am relying on Gopi Krishan's words - penned in his book titled Kundalini For the New Age - to show that what we say/do has nothing to do with self-glorification.

The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in the samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
It is every soul's birthright to know/experience directly what we share. If not his life-time, then at some other point-in-time,  all beings will go through the process of awakening to their own True Nature. It is worth remembering that causes set in motion in one incarnation yield their results in later incarnations.  Such a thing is possible because our  (karma) 'soul's imprints', are like a 'virtual memory bank' -  its 'software', though not consciously remembered  lands us in conditions one attracted by attitudes/actions in previous lives.

In closing I wish to include teaching on Love - written by Persian mystic Kahlil Gibran in book titled The Prophet.

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth
so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and
caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake
them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He trashes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire,
that you may become sacred bread for God's feast. 

All these things shall love do unto you
that you may know the secrets of your heart,
and in that knowledge become a fragment
of Life's heart. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sharing Spiritual Experiences

Aurobindo wrote that spiritual practitioners  who don't share spiritual experiences  seem to have a more steady sadhana.  Based on my own experiences of  not sharing mine for many years, I tend to agree.
 In the Fall 2001 began describing my (undergoing)  unsolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening experiences, while still very much in the process of constant 'cosmic makeovers', and trying to make some sense of it all during my participation on a forum with  spiritually minded folks.  I was very innocently talking about my mystical experiences mostly because I was under the impression others were familiar with what I was describing. . .

I knew I was in "good hands" and trusted this immense Force-Power-Light, still there were times I wished it would just leave me alone.
This path is not for the faint of heart! I suspect that because I was never proud of my spiritual experiences, the inner Shakti/Living Plume of Fire / Holy Spirit didn't get extinguished.
The year 2001 marked 11 years since my head 'lit up like the sun' for several minutes (in my living room in daylight) -- according to my frightened husband, who with shooing-away hand gestures during quick glances in my direction plead: "Don't do that I can't see you".
 Once the dust settled he told me:  "Your head was like the sun and I couldn't see you."
  I had no idea what that was about, but in due times realized my screaming:  What is REAL truth and Beauty!!!!!? had something to do with Eternity's  (Divine) cry to be heard. . .

I saw from young age there was so much human suffering and it pained me to feel so helpless and unable do anything about it.

 In Spring 1991 I attended 8 week-long spiritual development workshop with Rev. John White (.com) and it never occurred to me to ask what the sun/head incident could possibly mean.
 In November 1993 I was Soul-guided to become a student-practitioner and master the art of hands-on-healing with Dr. Kiara Galbreath - and even then it didn't occur to me to ask her about it.

 Sri Aurobindo wrote:

  It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ and Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves.

This, these words point to something that is everyone's birthright!  Every one is invited to  participate in this Mystery.  The world is in need of many conscious people!
 I know that  angry jeers,  remarks about my "delusions", their  shaming I suffer from 'spiritual inflation' is about them,  about where they're at in their soul-evolution.

 The following Aurobindo excerpts ring all kinds of verifying bells:

  It is not personal greatness that I am seeking to bring down the Supermind. I care nothing for greatness or littleness in the human sense....If human reason regards me as a fool for trying to do what Krishna didn't try, I do in the least care...It is a question between the Divine and myself - whether I am sent to bring that down or open the way for its descent or at least make it more possible or not. Let all men jeer at me if they will or all Hell fall upon me if it will for my presumptions - I go on till I conquer or perish.

The following (on spiritual experiences) passages  in  Aurobindo's words, are with permission from Sandeep.

 Experiences one's own or others' if one comes to know them, should not be talked about or made a matter of gossip. It is only if there can be some spiritual profit to others  and even then if they are experiences of the past that one can speak of them. Otherwise it becomes like news of Abissinia or Spain, something common and trivial for the vital mass-mind to chew or gobble.
 + To show what is written about experiences or to speak about one's experiences to others is always risky. They are much better kept to oneself.
 + I have certainly seen and heard of any number of instances in which people were having a flow experience and, when they told it, the flow was lost. + I suppose however it ceases to apply after one has reached a certain long-established stability in the experience, that is to say when the experience amounts to a definite and permanent realisation, something finally and irrevocably added to consciousness.

Supermind Explains Itself

The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03! Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and be...