Friday, April 3, 2015

Body is the Temple of the Soul

It is my pleasure to weave into this blog's tapestry Gopi Krishn'as voice - not someone whose work I am very familiar with - by sharing few excerpts from The Real Nature of Mystical Experience  (
My intent for including Krishna's  thoughts and their meaning is about communal affirmation,  about checking results with others who from same, or similar  stage/level,  bear witness to what  happens on this pathless path of Light, Sound and Sight:

 There is a sense of holiness associated with mystical experiences or, to speak correctly, the experience of future human consciousness, because it represents another step in the ascent of the soul towards knowledge of its own infinitude.   

To this,  - based on my own experiences -  I wish to add that, after many years of interfacing  with the  'Ocean of the Absolute', one realizes  that  what once seemed/felt  holy,  feels very   natural  or  normal.  The  only difference is that now we  are qualified to affirm what the Bhavad Gita sage asserted:   I am the field and also the knower of the field.

 Couple more GK quotes:

  It is always good to remember that our body is the temple of the soul, used by Divinity to manifest itself on earth. It is beyond anything we can conceive of  or reason about.  It is a fragment of the Divine Substance which sustains the universe. It is a drop from the Ocean of the Absolute, an Atom from the world of Eternal Being. It is the potentiality present in us because of our divine inheritance that our progress has become possible.

Every soul has the possibility to awaken to its majesty as a sleeper awakens from a dream. We feel amazed at the marvels of technology, forgetting the fact that all this rich kingdom of science is but a small sample of the glorious kingdom of the soul, which has built it for its own edification. The marvels we have created should serve as reminders to us of the wonders still hidden in our self.  It is the oneness in the mystical vision which shows that the triumph of one soul is the triumph of all. In the same way, the failure or pain of another soul, too, is the failure or pain of us all.  It is the bond of identity among the members of the race, like the bond of unity existing in the billions of cells in our body, which alone can rise mankind to the glorious summit of spiritual illumination ordained for it.

*  I hasten to add that the world is in need of great many evolved / awakened Souls in order to consciously participate in the evolutionary process.

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