Couple of days ago I read first time a passages from Sri Aurobindo's chapter in: The Life Divine titled, The Knowlegde and the Spiritual Evolution, and realized he described perfectly the relation between Supermind and Ananda. I have been talking about "Supermind and its Bliss", and the effect it has on me, but never was able to articulate its nuance . . .No wonder some say he was a "giant of consciousness."
With grateful heart I want to include excerpts - but not before I inject something I wrote in post titled Soul Level Spirituality - penned in September 2016.
You are making a great mistake to think that one who reached this (permanent) Ultimate Consummation stage/point, is interested in flaunting one's 'magnificence'. Such motive is foreign to me/us. Such notion comes from egoistic conception. What I share is the Natural Result of a very long and hard Soul-journey through space/time. This is the Communication of the Divine from the source of its Nature, that's why it feels very natural to innocently write about this. . .For the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness in Service to the Divine.
* "The spiritual man is one who has discovered his soul: he has found his self and lives in that, is conscious of it, has the joy of it; he needs nothing external for his completeness of existence.
The gnostic being starting from this new basis takes up our ignorant becoming and turns it into a luminous becoming of knowledge and a realised power of being. All therefore that is our attempt to be in Ignorance, he will fulfill in the Knowledge, all power and action of the self-force of being, all delight into universal delight of self-existence.
Attachment and bondage will fall away, because at each step and in each thing there will be the full satisfaction of self-existence, the light of existence fulfilling itself, the ecstasy of delight of existence finding itself.
Each step of evolution in the knowledge will be unfolding of this power and will of being and this joy to be, a free becoming supported by the sense of the Infinite, the bliss of Brahman, the luminous sanction of the Transcendence.
* (But) in the gnostic way of being and living the will of the Spirit must directly control and determine the movements and the law of the body. For the law of the body arises from the subconscient or inconcient: but in the gnostic being the subconscient will have become conscious and subject to the supramental control, penetrated with its light and action...
* The body will be turned by the power of spiritual consciousness into a true and fit and perfectly responsive instrument of the Spirit.
* The Supermind itself in the descending degrees of the manifestation emerges from the Ananda.
It is not, indeed, merged in the sense of being extinguished or abolished but inherent in it, indistinguishable from the self of awareness and the self-effectuating force of the Bliss of Being.
In the involutionary descent as in the evolutionary return Supermind is supported by the original Delight of Existence and carries that in it all its activities as their sustaining essence; for Consciousness, we may say, is its parent power of the Spirit, but Ananda is the spiritual matrix from which it manifests and the maintaining source into which it carries back the soul in its return to the status of the Spirit.
A supramental manifestation in its ascent would have as a next sequence and culmination of self-result a manifestation of the Bliss of the Brahman: the evolution of the being of gnosis would be followed by an evolution of the being of Bliss; an embodiment of gnostic existence would have as its consequence an embodiment of the beatific existence.
* It has been held that ecstasy is a lower and transient passage, the peace of the Supreme is the supreme realisation, the consummate abiding experience. This may be true on the spiritual-mind plane: there the first ecstasy felt is indeed a spiritual rapture, but it can be and is very usually mingled with a supreme happiness of the vital parts taken up by the Spirit; there is an exaltation, excitement, a highest intensity of the joy of the heart and the pure inner soul-sensation, that can be a splendid passage or an uplifting force but it is not the ultimate permanent foundation.
But in the highest ascents of the spiritual bliss there is not the vehement exaltation and excitement; there is instead an illimitable intensity of participation (*yes - key word 'participation') in an eternal ecstasy which is founded on the eternal Existence and therefore on a beatific tranquility of eternal peace. Peace and Ecstasy cease to be different and become one."
-With gratitude, from:
She desires the ancient mornings
and fulfills their light;
projecting forward her illumination
she enters into communion with the
rest that are to come.
- Rig Veda
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
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