Edit-adding link to Healer's Note, to show that the healer-in-me wishes for one and all to consciously and with self-caring dignity bring forth that which is most noble in us.
Yesterday I articulated why Jesus' 'second coming' is not possible in the way some folks wish it to be. . .and decided to post here what I wrote in someone's Facebook page.
*BTW, I do believe in rebirth of evolving souls*
The second coming is an actual Event, but it doesn't happen in a way that makes sense to the psychologist or philosopher or religious fundamentalist. . .It happens when one's ascended Soul's separate self-sense 'evaporates' in Celestial Samadhi and is lovingly 'joined' in Erotic Embrace with the Essence of the Supreme Beloved (Sachichidananda) while still in the human body.
How is such a thing possible? In Cosmic Synchronicity and Confirmation, I describe what happened to me (w/links to related posts) www.spiritspeaks-theofilia.blogspot.ca/2013/08/cosmic-synchronicity-confirmation.html
In other words: Being whose Third Eye and Crown chakra is open, is in direct 'communion with the transcendent Reality' - but not in a manner which makes sense to the 'surface mind'.
Sri Aurobindo put it this way:
When the upper lotus opens, the whole mind becomes full of light, joy, power, behind which is the Divine, the lord of our being on his throne with our soul beside him or drawn inward into his rays; all the thought and will becomes then luminosity, power, ecstasy; in communication with the transcendent, this can pour down towards our mortal members and flow by them outwards into the world.
In my post written in 2010 titled, The River of Light, I describe what the 'flowing outwards of ecstasy/evolutionary force-power (transmuted Erotic Potency) into the world' is like
This is not a metaphor, or mental level interpretation of something wishy-washy, but a direct experience and a knowing, which KNOWS that: 'The state of being as limited being has ended for me and now I belong to the Glory in which I dwell as a function of the Divine in service to the Divine and all Beings in all dimensions.'
So, if Jesus Knew who he 'became' and Knew his eternal self-Soul will ascend to the Celestial Glory, why would he aspire to do a 'do over'?
The Shiva Sutras (sloka 4) confirms what the Liberated Soul Knows:
All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established in his own nature.
For him, the state of being of a limited individual has ended.
Jesus invited folks to, 'pick up your cross and do as I do and greater things will be accomplished'. He never said: 'Do as your pride and lusts wills, because as soon as primitive minds murder me, you will be saved'.
When he said (soon) 'You will look for me, but you won't find me because you cannot go where I will be', he meant 'this won't happen unless you become pure in spirit'. In other words, the second coming is a perfected consciousness of love-wisdom such as the Christ possessed.
Modern day mystic Bernadette Roberts discovered within the laboratory of her body-mind-soul complex, the 'second comings'' significance:
"Beyond self, the revelation is not an immaterial Soul or spirit but, rather the revelation of the true nature of the body as part and parcel of Christ's eternal Mystical Body. This Mystical Body dwells in the glory of the Father and its enlightenment is the Holy Spirit. + Maturity possible only through the Grace of God. The Self, the mature human in a state of union with God, also falls away. + With years of selfless giving, the self is literally eroded away as God consumes moore and more of the human being."
Swami Vivekananda recognized the 'pure in spirit' Jesus' -- his, Grace-bestowed 'my Father and I are one', status, and said: "Had I lived in Palestine, in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood". + "It is an irrational claim to believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ and at the same time to hold that the greater part of his teachings have no application at the present time. If you say that the reason why the powers (Divine Siddhis*) do not follow them that believe (as Christ said they would) is becaue you have not the faith enough and are not pure enough--that will be alright. But to say that they have no application at the present time is to be ridiculous."
One who is conscious of Divine Bliss in every fiber of one's being, also feels its Influence (Divine Bliss) and sees Light-aura around head/body (I discovered mine 'by fluke' in 1994 - and still have that journal scribble) bears witness to the fact that one is capable of becoming 'more then human' and earns the right to wear The Robe of Righteousnes. We are the Guardians of Deep Mysteries and have the spiritual authority to remind the world His blood was not spilled in vain. . . remind those who can hear this Message, that everyone is invited to live in Christ Consciousness, that, everyone can aspire to align themselves with the Supreme Universal Law and live in the Passion of Christood on world-stage without distorting spiritual Truth.
"Four Gospels tell about Jesus, to help us place ourselves in the story of our representative. In the epistles the doctrine of representation is explained by the category of solidarity. Jesus represented humanity in such a way that what took place in him could be repeated in us. This is not easy for us to grasp because of our tendency toward individualistic thinking. But it is not beyond us altogether. People serve us on our behalf all the time. Leaders represent us in the corridors of power; doctors and engineers do for us what we cannnot do for ourselves. Representation is is experienced in every social group."
Excerpt from: Flame of Love - A Theology of the Holy Spirit, penned by Clark H. Pinnock
Sri Aurobindo reminds us: It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ, Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves.
Paramahansa Yogananda, in his book Second Coming of Christ, (which I became aware of long after I wrote this post) , writes:
"Acension to liberation is not a simple matter of a few affirmations, prayers, or desultory attempts at meditation. It can only be achieved by persistent practice of scientific methods of penetrating the spiritual eye. No soul, no saint, no Christ or Buddha has resurrected himself--at the time of death or in the highest samadhi states of meditation -- without entering this inner door to transcendent consciousness. As soon as one frees the soul from the physical astral, and idea bodies, he can emerge with the Formless Absolute or experience soneness with the Great Light of the universe. That is the light of the Infinite Christ."
In St. Teresa of Avila's words on same theme:
We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look upon Him present within us. &
Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks with compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses the world.
Monday, September 3, 2018
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