Pushing back against world's density is like trying to reverse river's flow with a feather. Still we do it, because one who 'knows better' has a moral obligation to do the thing that supports Evolution's Intent - on the world's still evolving, still developing, stage - even if it seems antithetical to what many suppose 'spirituality' or 'morality' aught to be about.
Some morality pretenders -- those whose egos are not plugged to 'something bigger' - think they are love and light incarnate. They are Pretenders, because they don't know that divine/spiritual Love^Light is a Conscious Power, not sentimentality. Conscious Power, not afraid to kill figuratively, or literally, the 'enemy of Truth'.
Power of ridicule has only one agenda...to shame and silence someone whose worldview differs from the abuser. One of my most ardent gaslighters on Facebook's public Integral Global group, told me recently:
"Stop pretending to have deep insights about the transpersonal stages".
I know exactly why he has no choice but cling to this view-point (cognitive dissonance), still I can't let this bully's power-over tactics to go unchecked. . .This is why (again) I informed him why he does that:
"Your narrow mind can't comprehend the meaning contained in the written word at the Clear Light stage-level. (as an 'enduring trait', not 'insight' glimpsed in 'peak experience'). In other words, your mind can't SEE that what I bear witness to is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature. . . You can't SEE that what I share is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence as revealed by my fully ascended (non-biological) Light / Immortal being."
Gaslighters tell me what I share is for the purpose of "self-glorification".... one of them few days ago assured me: "Claims of absolute truth, such as you make, Helen, are dangerous and have led to the killing of millions. It's fanatical bullshit".
Such notion comes from egoic conception....What I share has nothing to do with egoic desire to flaunt my 'magnificance'...Such motive is foreign to me!
What they say has everything to do with their desire to assassinate my character. . .And, as long as I am insane (in their opinion), my decades worth of empirical evidence in the Spirit Science field, is nothing but trash.
I am so grateful for my spiritual peers!
Gopi Krishna's statement on why it is important for someone like me to share what introduced itself to my fully ascended Soul, is very gratifying. The following excerpt is from:
Kundalini For The New Age:
The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts . . .this is why I include verifiable (fact-checking) data from individuals whose eternal self-Soul reached same or similar status.
The intellect and its reasoning mind (with its ability to utilize cognitive tools of conceptual abstractions) objects mightily to anything that claims to be direct knowledge gained by going beyond the mind-line. Knowledge, gained by rising to the levels of perception beyond the surface mind/intellect is supramental knowingness.
Sri Aurobindo confirmed this for me:
Mind cannot go outside its cycle--all ideas of a straight line of movement or of progress reaching infinitely upward or sidewise into the Infinite is a delusion.
He also asserted - and I agree, because this happened to me:
If a soul of man is to go beyond humanity to reach either a supramental or still higher status, must pass out of this cosmic existence, either to a plane or world of Bliss and knowledge or into the unmanifest Eternal and Infinite.
What I bear witness to is grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence. My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and I will never apologize for the Knowledge that introduced itself to the awareness of my fully ascended/liberated/immortal Soul.What I bear witness to is the Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature.
My duty to obey the inner call of my Vocation for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
I found confirmation of what this Kosmic address is about in the book titled:
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead - in the Glossary section, under "integration". My copy is translated by Robert A.F. Thurman with Forward by the H.H. the Dalai Lama:
"Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unexcelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of the perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated in the experience of fulfillment."
One who is plugged permanently to the bhava Samadhi stream (Divine Bliss) calmly responds to all manner of attacks. The types of attacks the volatile ego most relishes in, is to "hit hard" (assassinate) my character for ignoring her aggressive attempts to 'enlighten' me.
Ego-personality whose traits include vanity, grandiosity, desire to experience power through humiliation -- due to the inexplicably powerful must win drive -- is relentless in its pursuits to take out anyone whose worldview is different. Such a person can't differentiate between healthy and unhealthy ego expression and is ever-ready to "hit hard" (direct quote by she who said was surprised others didn't hit me "even harder").
She is utterly convinced it is her duty to set me straight (enlighten). I have not the least desire to change her mind, because truth be told, what I share was never meant to be seen by someone whose mind can't comprehend Soul level Revelations.
To one who accuses me of "only quoting" Aurobindo and Wilber", I say:
How quaint of you to pretend I don't have decades worth of Depth data's empirical evidence in the Spiritual Science field.
To one who insists 'there is not a shred of evidence there is such a thing as a universal Evolutionary Force (some call Eros, or Spirit), I say nothing any more. . .because identity threatening cognitive dissonance is real.
To one who insists I am not 'rational', I say nothing anymore because what I share was never meant to be read by one who never had the experience of permanently falling into the Supreme Light and merging with its Bliss-force.
To one who insists that, (directed at me quote)
'truly enlightened person is never certain about anything, but embraces the mystery and the uncertainty it harbors' ....I say this:
What is wrong with this assertion?
There is no such thing as 'enlightened person'. Self-realized person, yes. Person can be Self-realized without the embodied part. . .but to call this 'true enlightenment', it is NOT.
How do I know this?
The Halls of the Highest Mystical Knowledge reside in the Living Libraries within the immortal/God-Realized Souls. . .those of us who become God-Realized by Merging with the Supreme Supracosmic Sachichdananda / the Light-Bliss of the Supreme Mind, realized in the Supramental plane.
There are many levels of enlightenment, but the True Enlightenment, is the one that happens at the apex of one's Soul evolution. . .At this juncture, the Supreme Shakti / Divine Force-Power-Bliss
Initiates the Soul into supreme Knowledge.
This is why, when I say 'what I share is the Communication of the Supreme Divine from the Source of its Nature, I mean it literally.
None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell.
This the traveler of the worlds must dare.
- Sri Aurobindo (Savitri)
* I wrote this -now edit-expanded- riff in Facebook group (public) named Integral Global, in response to the latest attacks on me.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
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