My early attempts at unpacking (my) experiences of the descent of Supramental Consciousness were poorly written. Many got the edit-improved treatment, many more got the delete button treatment. Today I edit-expanded in 2009 written post titled, Peace That Passes Understanding, and decided to bump it up to the top of page with a more fitting title: 'Descent of Supramental Consciousness' (the original post's title is same as this one).
Not without a great deal of struggle can one get passed the limitations of the egoic self before one can taste the kind of Peace and Bliss that passess understanding. . .But it happenes sooner or later, even to me (smile) - the me, who has been known to not always be the angelic being some think I am today - thanks to (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti/Holy Spirit performing cosmic makeovers on me.
She bestowes blessing such as automatic body purification, first-hand perception of all the realms of Creation, Divine siddhis, fills us with spiritual Bliss, and reveals our inmost Essence to be Divine. This has been my experience so far.
I didn't aspire to be spiritual and didn't chose this Path - it chose me, because my eternal self-Soul was ready to fulfill her 'ancient plan'. I didn't study esoteric texts and didn't have anyone to talk about what was happening to me, so I tried to find others who have undergone the same types of experiences. I found some for-me-resonating information in texts about the Saints.
Meantime, the Descent of Supramental Consciousness, continued . .I knew I was in 'good hands' and trusted implicitly this invisible to the eye of flesh part of Reality to work into me what it Wills.
To say that this journey has been difficult, is an understatement, and the hardest part was seeing my family suffer because of the divorce. I knew I couldn't continue to be a 'wife' *to my best husband and a best friend in the world*. . .I knew I had no choice but ride my Soul's destiny wave to its culmination point, without having the slightest idea what the end-point might be.
Aurobindo verified for me my Soul's 'readiness'for Liberation/ Unity with the Divine Transcendent Source-Condition of everything that's arising, in this lifetime - years after I 'figured this out' myself: "There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and keep the family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of Karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual call or line and they are justified if that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative demand of the soul within them." Snippet from, From Letter On Yoga
Soul level experiences is the ascended Yogi/Yogini's empirical data to be 'gained for earth consciousness'.
I kept a record of some of the 'epic' experiences, but the idea one day I will be scribbling about it in this blog and other websites, never occured to me during those early years - mostly because I didn't have the Internet before 2001/Fall.
Sri Aurobindo, whose work I discovered the year I began writing here (2009), confirmed for me those Initiation experiences were the descent of Divine Light, Peace, Force, and Bliss. In his words: "These are the things that transform nature", in order, "to carry on the work through the instrument" + "One feels the Force only when one is conscious of it."
Quotes from, Letters on Yoga on Descent
Spirit Speaks chronicles how my Soul's journey through Light and Sound progressed - the good, the terrible and everything in between - which may or not be a source of inspiration to others.
Most spiritual aspirants are not aware there are many types of bliss experiences - ten, according to the Upanishad - before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
My couple of nights ago descripption of getting a 'head massage' by spiraling bands of laser-like energy, released my subtle/causal body from the flesh body. Today's experience included the laser-like action - which lasted only thirty seconds or so - but made a great impact on me, because of the sheer intensity of the Bliss factor.
Brief description: I was in a Deep Yogic state (awake during sleep) when I became aware of what felt like counter-rotating bands of energy moving up and down my head and body. Startled, I instincitvely braced myself to feel some kind of discomfort, since I remember well those, sometimes not so pleasant sensations of karma burning Kundalini rushes. I was absolutely alert and absolutely Bliss filled. . .The instant the 'massage' stopped, I heard a loud snap sound of what I could imagine two electric wires might make when crossed. Uttering 'Thank You', for such beautiful Initiation comes naturally.
This experience triggered a memory of reading someon's description of the Merkabah body, and decided to find information of this very esoteric sounding term in
I found this quote interesting: "The Star Tetrahedron, better known as the Merkaba, is comprised of two opposing tetrahedrons that are spinning in opposite directions. In ancient Egypt the word Merkaba referred to a a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world intoo another. In Hebrew it means chariot of God. In the bible it is the way Elijah ascended into Heaven. The word Merkaba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, and is considered to be a light vehicle for space/time dimensional body; to assist in the attainment of higher levels of conscious awareness; and to travel or transision between dimensions and realities.
Elswhere I saw thiis statement, but failed to scribble the source: "The Merkabah can most eaisily be described as a sphere of golden light."
The mention of the 'gold sphere' caught my attention, because in 1990, my head "was like the sun" for several minutes - as witnessed by my frightened husband - who by then, from the far end of the room and the far end of the sofa, kept glancing in my direction and with shooing-away hand gestures, pleaded: "don't do that, I can't see you."
I know, that if I didn't have these experiences I would not have been able to transmit this Light-Power to others.
One incident comes to mind: the time my student (with eyes closed in meditative state induced by Shakti flowing through my hands) perceived and described, hovering above her mid-body a large sphere of Light. . ."What's it doing here?" (asked few times). I tried to explain the significance of the Vision, but as the minutes ticked by, she bacame agitated and said "I don't like this". It became very apparent she was not ready to accept and benefit from this Grace-given Initiation.
Most spiritual aspirants are not aware that complete transformation is possible when the Supreme Shakti Force 'rescues' the (true) Soul from its lower nature. . .Are not aware that:
"The Divine is in his essence Infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If this is so, it s not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be raeched by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multi-form dynamic experience is essential for the complte transformation. -Sri Aurobindo
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