Saturday, September 10, 2022

Legacy of Eternal Value

The final Samadhi state - the result of permanent state of union of the Soul with the Supreme Beloved's Essence - can't be reached by thought clawing at the Golden Chalice of Sweet Nectar, because its Essence is not created on earth plane. Mind guided by spontaneous actions of the Will of the Beloved /Suppreme Divine/ Supermind, realizes that the actual state of Liberation is Nirvana and Full Enlightenment. In other words, Mind which attains the Stage of Coronation into Omniscience in all its aspects and beyond aspects, bears witness to the fact that the Divine Grace guides the process of inner transformation - which in some cases can lead to the (permanent) state of God realization. . .The domain where thought dissolves can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, by one whose Karmic destiny becomes 'ripe' for it.
When Sri Aurobindo was asked what he thought about a topic that overreaches the five senses, he replied: "What you call thinking, I never do, I see, or I don't see. That is all".
Precisely so. This is why, when the One Who Stands in The Center of the Holy Fire, asserts that God realized Soul remains eternally with the fathomless Depth and Mystery of the Divine Beloved - not as concept, but actually - we mean it literally. . .
This process of ascension to ever-higher domains of supramental Reality is guided by an Intelligence which is beyond the intellect's grasp. At this stage-point One realizes that: "The saint, the sage, the seer, the inspired man of action, the creator--these are the summits of being. Beyond him is the supramental being, the spiritual superman".
- Sri Aurobindo's words, which I second with a resounding YES!

(Genuine) Guardians of Deep Mysteries - who bear witness to the Legacy of Eternal Value - have a moral duty to obey the inner call of our vocation, because what we Know is TRUE. We Know it is TRUE, because during the Initiatory Act, one sees with the eye of Spirit/God the Descent of Divine Light and feels in every fiber its Infuence. Example (from the Yogic science empirical evidence category) of what an Initiatory Act and its Infuence might entail. One (out of countless others) took place in the 90's (when alone in bed).
Brief description: (something I shared already long time ago) I sensed someone standing behind me and turned to see. . .and beheld a beautiful Woman tenderly gazing at me. I knew She was "ignored", and asked "What's your name?" . . ."Kwan Yin, do you like me?". . ."Oh yes" (telepathic communication). . .next instant I saw Her/She Who Hears Cries of the World walk over to the foot of the bed. . .the room was filled-to-brim with swirling White Light and my super-subtle body undulations floated within a stream of unimaginable Bliss-intensity. . .I heard myself moan a little. . .Saying Thank You (afterwards) sealed this Grace-bestowed 'deal'.

Communal affirmation of those who are adequate is important to me: Plotinus affirmed: "You can only apprehand the Infinite by a faculty that is superior to reason." & "In this state of absorbed contemplation, there is no longer any question of holding an object in view; the vision is such that seeing and seen are one; object and act of vision have become identical."

One who I named my 'primary spiritual peer', Sri Aurobindo, would recognize precisely what this type of Initiation signifies, because he had same-similar encouters with the Divine Essence-Power.
I decided to include an excerpt from (recently read) Savitri - Canto Four the Vision and the Boon (and instantly recognized what he was bearing witness to since same 'happend'many times to me), to show that at the apex-point of one's Soul's evolution Grace-bestowed Initiations are Real (but we don't expect anyone to believe us, we say, 'find out for yourself') :

"Then suddenly there rose a sacred stir.
Amid the lifeless silence of the Void
In a solitude and an immensity
A sound came quivering like a loved footfall
Heard in the listening spaces of the soul:
A touch perturbed his fibers with delight.
An Influence had approached the mortal range,
A boundless Heart was near his longing heart,
A mystic Form enveloped his earthly shape (*exactly so)
All at her contact broke from silenc' seal;
Spirit and body thrilled identified,
Linked in the grasp of an unspoken joy;
Mind, members, life were merged in ecstasy.
Intoxicated as with nectarous rain
His nature's passioning stretches flowed to her,
Flashing with lightnings, mad with luminous wine.
All was a limitless sea that heaved to the moon.
A divinising stream possessed his veins,
Each nerve became a burning thread of joy:
Tissue and flesh partook beatitude.
Alight, the dun unplumbed subconscient caves
Thrilled with the prescience of her longed-for thread
And filled with flickering crests and praying tongues.
Even lost in slumber, mute, inanimate
His very body answered to her power.
The One he worshipped was within him now:
Flame-pure, ethereal-tressed, a mighty Face
Appeared and lips moved by immortal words.

In conclusion, will say that the Anointed One is beyond defeat . . .because the:
"Absolute Truth is not an object of analytical discourse or great discriminating wisdom. It is realized through the blessing of the Guru and fortunate Karmic potential. Like this mistaken ideas of discriminating wisdom are clarified." - Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche.

Again, in Sri Aurobindo's words from The Life Divine, p. 293, reminder that:
"Everyone whose psychic being calls him to the spiritual path has a capacity for that path and can arrive at the goal if or as soon as he develops a single-pointed will towards that alone." & "The solution is certainly Divine Grace - it comes of itself intervening suddenly or with an increacing force when all is ready." & "Experiences one's own or others' if one comes to know them, should not be talked about or made a matter of gossip. It is only if there can be some benefit or profit to to other and even then if they are experiences of the past that one can speak of them." And, in Gopi Krishna's words in what sense sharing spiritual experiences are vaild: "All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."

Supermind Explains Itself

The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03! Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and be...