Salvaging Immortal Teaching from the hands of Ignorance in service to the Divine, is a tall order in a world where, no matter how absurd the assertions, 'public men' get undivided attention and support from their followers. There are plenty of 'public women' (as well) who perform the Pre/Trans fallacy move. . .Today I will focus on debunking (biologist) Rupert Sheldrake's assertion that the 'Divine/Great Luminous Sun' - in the Gayatri mantra - refers to this planet's star. He calls is "conscious sun". . .since even, "childern think the sun is conscious and that's why, they draw it with smiley face".
*Pre/Trans fallacy occurs when any genuinally transegoic structure or state, is identified with the same structures that are pre-egoic. & I can't post direct links, but Google search will find the video about 'conscious sun', by title: Mysteries of consciousness Kastrup, McGilchrist, Hoffman, and Rupert Sheldrake.
Divine Revelations unveil themselves to the (in Sri Aurobindo's words from Savitri) 'Unseen eye that looks at the unseen, when Light with the golden ecstasy fills his brain'. Those of us whose spiritual eye is open, know precisely what Sri A means. We know that philosophical conundrums and unanswerable questions about the nature of ultimate Reality, give up their secrets at the highest developmental stages. The 'Hidden Treasure Texts' can't be touched by the surface mind and its intellect, this is why the secular culture is not amused with what we are 'allowed' to See-Feel-Know. . . I'm just glad they can't do to me what the mythic-literal church lords/men did to many of us in the past *brutally murdered*.
The Revealer of the Living Light of Knowledge (one's fully ascended/God-realized Soul) has a moral duty to obey the inner call of one's Vocation by bringing to the world's spirituality table the Correct Knowledge.
I am happy to say that my spiritual peers' texts match my experiences of the Divine:
Aurobindo's words from Forward in the Translation of the Rig Veda, ring loud and true: "Confronted with the stately hymns of the ancient dawn, we are conscious of a blank incomprehension. And we leave them as prey to the ingenuity of the scholar who gropes for forced meanings amid obscurities and incongruities where the ancients (Rishis) bathed their souls in harmony and light."
Vivekananda's interpretaion of Gayatri (of same line Sheldrake quoted): "We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten our minds".
In Radhakrishna's words on same: "We meditate on the effulgent glory of the divine Light, may he inspire our understanding."
From Gayatri Text (excerpts)
"42. Well concealed, and attainable only by great effort, is that subtle Bindu (Sunya) which is the chief root of Liberation and which manifests the pure Nirvana-Kala with Ama-Kala. Here is the Deva who is known to all as Parama Shiva. He is the Brahma and the Atma of all beings. In Him are united both Rasa and Virasa and He is the Sun which destroys the darkness of nescience and delusion.
46. Here is the excellent (supreme) sixteenth Kala and the Moon. She is pure and resembles (in colour) the young Sun. She is as thin as the hundreth part of a fiber in the stalk of a lotus. She is lustrous and soft like ten million lightning flashes, and is dawn-turned. From Her, whose source is the Brahman, flows copiously the continous stream of nectar (or, She is the receptacle of the stream of excellent nectar which comes from the blissful union of Para and Parma.)
48. Within its middle space (i.e., middle of the Nirvana-kala) shines the Supreme and Primordial Nirvana-Shakti; She is lustrous like ten million suns, and like unto the tent-millionth part of the end of a hair. She contains within Her the constantly flowing streams of gladness, and is the life of all beings. She graciously carries the knowledge of Truth (Tattva) to the mind of the sages."
"The Devi who is Suddha-sattva pierces *passes through an obstruction* the three Lingas, and, having reached all the lotuses which are known as the Brahma-nadi lotuses, shines therein in the fullness of Her lustre. Thereafter in Her subtle state, lustrous like lightning and fine like the lotus fiber, She goes to the gleaming flame-like Shiva, the Supreme Bliss and all of a sudden produces the bliss of Liberation."
Christian Saint Hildergard of Bingen, described her experience of a 'blinding light of exceptional brilliance': "And it came to pass in the eleven hundred and forty-first years and seven months old, that the heavens were opened and a blinding light of exceptional brilliance flowed through my entire brain. And it kindled my whole heart and breast like a flame, not burning but warming. . .and suddenly I understood the meaning of the expositions of the books, that is, to say of the psalter, the evangelist, and other catholic books of the Old and new Testament."
In addition, from: The Symbolism of the Stupa, authored by Adrian Snodgrass: "The Great Sun, which is the metaphysical Sun, is not to be confused with the physical sun of our everyday experience. *skip* "Whereas the light of the physical sun is partite, shining in the daytime, but not at night, the Sun of Wisdom shines brilliantly in all places and at all times and everywhere throughout the Dharma (eternal) World. The Great Sun cannot truly be likened to the physical sun except by analogy; the physical sun is subject to the limitations of causality, whereas the Great Sun is wholly trandscendent. Therefore, it is called the Great Sun, Mahavairocana. The Supreme Sun "after elevation to the zenith shall no more rise nor set, but stand single in the Center. Hence this text;
"There is has not set, nor did it ever rise, it neither rises nor sets; once and for all it stands in heaven for him who knows the doctrine of the Brahman." The perceptible Sun is merely the likness of the Supernal Sun; it moves, and by its motion reassures the rhythms of time; but the Imperishable Sun; it is stationary, fixed in the eternal Present, in the punctual and Principle Instant whence time evolves."
When this very much Real SUN *initially* revealed itself to me in all its eye-dazzling glory, I marvelled at its brightness. Each time that happened I marveled less and less. . . One day I woke up within its Bright Splendour feeling utterly exhausted - subjectively it felt like I was a slumped over ragdoll, and asked that my energy be restored. And when I woke up in this dimension I felt super-energized and filled with gratitude.
Throughout this blog, I chronicle a variety of encouters with the 'Granter of Divine Knowledge' - which, initially I named "Uncreated Sun", later, "Solar Heart". Solar Heart Initiation Revisited, blog - penned in April 2019 - describes what the intensity of this type of 'Descent of the Divine Sun', feels/was like. (I can't post direct links)
Gopi Krishna in his book titled" The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, elaborates: "It has to be remembered that in the mystical ecstasy the intellect remains active. There is no blunting of the rational faculty. This is repeatedly mentioned in the Upanishads. Reason has to be satisfied that the experience is not a delusion. This means that the union is real" & "The human eye cannot even bear the sight of this splendour. It would be struck blind even when millions of miles away. Our consciousness is an extremely dilute form of this splendour.." & "In the mystical ecstasy the very self is transfigured. It becomes the subject and the object both. The Titanic Presence that now dominates the scene is the whole universe and the Soul of the individual at the same time."
We don't want to minimize some of the real differences between world's mystical traditions, we want to show that the super-liminal Order of Reality unveils itself - in all its aspects and beyond aspects - to the God-Realized Soul, no matter the tradition/religion. In other words, every genuine Saint/Mystic/Yogi bears witness to the same 'unalterable truth':
Saint Augustine put it this way:
"If we both see that what you say its true, and we both see that what I say its true, then where do we see that? Not I in you, nor you in me, but both of us in that unalterable truth that is above minds."
In words of Allma Prabhu, (tenth c. dionisian bhakti yoga mystic) on same theme:
"Looking for your Light, I went out (in meditation): It was like a sudden dawn of a million millions suns, a ganglion of lightnings for my wonder. O Lord of the Caves if you are light, there can be no metaphor."
Sri Aurobindo was the first being that verified for me what the 'Vedic Sun' (really) signifies: "The Sun in the (this) Yoga is the symbol of the supermind, and the supermind is the first power of the Supreme which one meets across the border where the experience of spiritualised mind ceases and the unmodified divine Consciousness begins the domain of the supreme nature."
Thursday, September 7, 2023
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