Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Way of This Yoga

In the previous blog I included Mr. Mohaparta's (false) claim that Aurobindo's 'philosophy or yoga doesn't have any straightforward method for direct access to spirituality'. It is clear to me he is not ready for the Supramental Yoga . Not ready to hear and accept Siddha Yogi's teaching: "...from a higher spiritual experience, from a deeper source of knowledge and not lubrications of the logical intellect trying to coordinate its ignorance."-Sri A.
Not ready to experience the Truth by opening his mind to 'faith, aspiration and surrender'.
Blaming Aurobindo releases Mr. Mohaparta from admitting he is not even close to the 'Nirvna' state - which in the Master's words is: 'only the begining of the higher Truth, a mere 'passage from the Ignorance to the higher Truth'.

So who is ready for this Yoga?
" The realisation of this Yoga is not lower but higher than Nirvana or Nirvikalpa Samadhi. *skp
The way of Yoga here has a different purpose from others - for its aim is not only to rise out of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supramental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transform them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in Matter. This is an exceedingly difficult and different Yoga; to many or most it will seem impossible. All the established forces of the ordinary ignorant world-consciousness are opposed to it and deny it and try to prevent it, and the sadhak will find his own mind, life and body full of the most obstinate impediments to its realisation. If you can accept the ideal wholeheartedly, face all difficulties, leave the past and its ties behind you and are ready to give up everything and risk everything for this divine possibility, then only can you hope to discover by EXPERIENCE the Truth behind it. *skip
The sadhana of this Yoga does not proceed through any set of mental teaching or prescribed forms of meditation, mantra or others, but by aspiration, by self-concentration inwards or upwards, by self-opening to the influence, the Divine Power above us and its workings, to the Divine Presence in the heart, and by rejection of all that is foreign to these things. It is only by faith, aspiration and surrender that this self-opening can come. *skip
Purification and a basis of calm are the first necessary steps in the spiritual life. The aspiration must be for the entire purification, especially (1) purification from sex, so that no sex imaginations may enter and the sex impulse may cease, (2) purification from desires and demands, (3) purification from depression which is the result of dissapointed desires. It is the most important for you. Patricularly what you must aspire for is peace in all the being, complete equanimity, samata. The feeling that peace is not enough must go. Peace and purity and equanimity once stablished, all the rest must be the Mother's free gift, not a result of the demand from the being. *skip
To be entirely sincere means to desire the divine Truth only, to surrender more and more to the Divine Mother, to reject all personal demand and desire other than this one aspiration, to offer every action in life to the Divine and do it as the work given without brining in the ego. This is the basis for the divine life. One cannot become altogether this at once, but if one aspires at all times to it and calls in always the aid of the Divine Shakti with a true heart and straightforward will, one grows more and more into this consciousness. *skip
Only those who can accept the call to such a change should enter into this Yoga."
- Excerpts from: Letters on Yoga CWSA 29 Synthesis of Yoga.

The Way of This Yoga

In the previous blog I included Mr. Mohaparta's (false) claim that Aurobindo's 'philosophy or yoga doesn't have any straight...