Friday, March 19, 2010

There is Nothing That is Not God

In Sally Kempton words::::

You are God. Radically non-dual. This utterly free divine awareness manifests this universe inside herself. Consciousness is manifesting itself as you, inside your mind, inside your awareness through your actions, through your process of perception.
Your mind stuff is the same awareness that creates anything.

I'm sure many truly 'get' that without having a 'fundamentalist' fit . . .
I also get why some who belive that so much that, in the name of the Mighty Dollar present themselves as That. Some don't mind forking over $1,000 (american) for a day of fu'k with the "Goddess" (as per my 17th blog) who "insists" they will come crawling back for more.

In the same manner, the spiritually gullible for years and years, forked over their wives , all their money and labour in surrender to God incarnate Franklin Jones as "gifts" to demonstrate their detachment. Franklin proclaimed himself as the last "Avatar" (Saviour.)


Now, (for the record) from the perspective of one who is plugged-in I want to show what it's like to experience directly That. . .
This dawn, twice, and for the longest time, I was bliss-basking in -- (was directly face-to-face with) the SUN a couple of feet distance initially, followed by a complete Mind-melt.

I think some may have called it "Shambhala Sun" . I have called it the "Second Sun" in the past.
There was a time I wondered what the apperance of the SUN meant when my head "lit up like the sun" in the light of day (as witnessed, and in his words, by my husband) but no longer. It is the very "second coming" people of all faiths await...It is the Christ-consciousnes/God-union, within the individual. Any individual.

This 'Second Sun' belongs to everyone, just as the day time Sun does. . .
Anyone, whose priority is anchored in "surrender" to That, can and will, experience same. Belching out holy writings can't do it. . .Surrendering to the meaning within the words bears much Fruit.
(Getting mad at me or anyone else only blocks That energy flow.)


For a change of pace, and because I greatly appreciate True Teaching -- once again a quote, or two from The Human Buddha, penned by teacher of Enlightment Anadi (

"Presence is nothing but the awakened essence of manifestation. When the manifestation is unconscious it is completly confined to how it 'appears' to be; it is purely identified with its own objectiviztion."

"Realization of the Asolute belongs to consciousness; it is the function of the manifest. The realization of the Absolute is the fifth dimension. Although we might regard presents as not being in time, for it is unceasingly present to the Now, when we go deeper into its nature we see that the touch of time is there. It might seem that Presence knows itself instanteously, but actually this recognition happens in a split second -- it is a function of a subtle time. One needs to be sensitive enough to see it. Presence is the point at which the Unmanifested touches the manifested, which is in time. When consciousness wakes up to itself, the state of Presence is realized; when the state of Presents wakes up, the Unborn is realized.

How does the Presence, which is touched by time, reach the timeless? It is a mystery.
There is a realization which encompasses the knowing of consciousness and the not-knowing of the Unmanifested: the experience of being present and the absence of presence. This realization is truly beyond all that we know.
The Absolute can be compared to the sun, while Witnessing to its rays.
The realization takes place at their meeting point; before the sun becomes its rays there is a gap where the knowing of the Absolute is born. The way to reach the Absolute is surrender. One must drop the centre of Presence into the non-centre of non-presence."

Mucho Thanx Anadi :)
(I printed several pages from Anadi's old website years ago and am glad they re-surfaced recently.)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where Your Heart is There is Also Your Treasure

I feel quite nourished, or inspired   by the message  I was given (while) in Deep Samadhi this Am hour,  during Visitation from two Tibetan Lamas...One pointed to my eyes, said:   "unflinching when faced with oppression".
Yes,  my spiritual  courage  would run dry in a jiff,  and I would burn out like a birthday candle if I wasn't plugged to my Soul's strength  (because the adverse forces are hell-bent on silencing me).

The  Visiting Lamas were  aware (the Enlightened Mind is aware) , that once upon a time I was compelled to get down on my knees and with forehead resting on The Tibetan Book of Death - Liberation Through Understanding In The Between - penned / translated by Robert Thurman,  and asked for Padma's Blessing.

I was  overflowing with gratitude  one day while reading Padma Sambhava's teaching   and the only thing that made sense to me at that moment was to get down on my knees place the closed book on the floor. . .and with eyes closed opened the book before  bowing/resting my forehead on it, and asked for Padma's Blessing .  .   . It seemed like time stood still and everything was fluid  ... with opened eyes I beheld His (tangka image) right hand raised in a Benediction gesture.
 I took this as a real sign - a sign that the Universal Mind responded  to my soul's longing in the way that made sense to me. . . It felt like I received a real Blessing and  wholeheartedly accepted it (with gratitude).
This  kind of  seemingly 'irrational' behaviour has everything to do with  the Heart's intelligence and its 'passionate energy'. . .I treasure these moments.

The Way of This Yoga

In the previous blog I included Mr. Mohaparta's (false) claim that Aurobindo's 'philosophy or yoga doesn't have any straight...