Friday, January 28, 2011

Sri Aurobindo's Poetry Rocks!!!

But first --for the record -- I want to say that (from) my Jan. 23rd "no more bulishit!" moment is playing out in Egypt as I write this . . .
This night (She who hears the cries of the world) heard man's raging anger, which will NOT be silenced by empty platitudes any more!
The Warrior's body can be killed, but NOT His Voice!
I bow to you oh-brave-Men for 'actively' standing up for your Dignity . . .
Crushing poverty and disrespect for basic human rights are won because of 'boiling blood' of the
"NO MORE BULSHIT!!!" strenght/kind -- not because suddenly the rulling elite decides to be "truly democratic". The Shift is at hand once more. . .


Kudos also to pres. Obama for his (from memory) 'This is our time, this is our sputnik moment' speach the other day.
Hate me if you must o ye who thinks he is demonic -- (and if ye must) I'll be ready for the attack (in subtle) -- I can handle it.


Last night, very reluctantly I decided to read (first time) Sri Aurobindo poetry. Reluctantly, because I thought they were monstrously looong. . ."Just one or two then", but ended up reading about half a dozen as I was gripped by how 'personal' they are -- how 'biographical' they are!
First of all I was surprised that some were quite short! But the most importantly I got my 'proof' that indeed Sri A. knows intimately the Beloved!
His Bride of the Fire tells it all! (poem)

This day I want to part-quote excerpts from

........ A God's Labour .......

I have gathered my dreams as a silver air
Between the gold and blue
And wrapped them softly and left them there,
My jewelled dreams of you. (...)

He who would bring the heavens here
Must descend himself into clay
And the burden of earthly nature bear
And tread the dolorous way. (...)

I have laboured and suffered in Matter's night
To bring the fire to man;
But the hate of hell and human spite
Are my meed since the world began.

For man's mind is the dupe of his animal self;
Hoping its lusts to win.
He harbours within him a grisly Elf
Enamoured of sorrow and sin. (...)

The Truth of truths men fear and deny,
The Light of lights they refuse;
To ignorant gods they lift their cry
Or a demon altar choose. (...)

On a desperate stair my feet have trod
Armoured with boundless peace,
Bringing the fires of the splendour of of God
Into the human abyss. (...)

A little more and the new life's doors
Shall be carved in silver light
With its aureate roof and mosaic floors
In a great world bare and bright.

I shall leave my dreams in their argent air,
For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
The living truth of you.


The 'living truth', not only of the 'mental unity' kind/recognition , but in the "embodied" sense also. . .That's where the rubber hits the road, and
Cosmic Tonglen Duty happens!


In the quiet mind turned to the Divine, the initiation comes of
the Divine Will and the right way to do it.

-Sri Aurobindo

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good/Evil Forces - Aurobindo's Riff &

First, on the '&' part note. . .
The Moscow's airport bombing horror is the result of 'evil actions'
-- are the handiworks of very 'split off' people who are filled-to-brim- with insane ideology and/or religious belief system -- and in their own eyes, they are the world-saviours, of course!

1 day before the bombing took place, I saw something (a symbol) whose energy point-indicated 'something really scary is happening' ("was in the works" - which woke me up).
Night before this, She who hears cries of the world, heard man's agonizing howl.
Because I'm plugged into the 'Collective Atmosphere', the Crown chakra gets really busy in times of great shock, fear and pain in the Collective consciousness (I call those "psychic storms") and it's hard to sleep because my energy field is so 'intensely on' (to put it mildly).


As indicated in this blog, I didn't even attempt to read Sri Aurobindo's books as I was under the impression it was waaaay above my head his lofty philosophy. It is also true, that now and then I read a quote here and there, but because I wasn't familliar with his 'terminology', I had a hard time wraping my head around certain concepts. . .Then slowly, very slowly, the more I read, the more sense it all made. My library system has only one of his books (which I read last year).
Thanks to the internet there is a lot of 'Aurobindo' material to be head. . .But even then I only read Sri's stuff when I feel 'compelled' to -- which is not very often, as this blog would indicate
(I only quote him if/when I read something.)

Last Saturday, I chanced upon Sri Aurobindo's material on 'good' and 'evil' -- which made me sit at the edge of my seat and had every reason to conclude, "That's exactly right!"
'Exactly right', because some of my shared (here) stories are about having "subliminal experiences" , which very much include my hanging out in subtle with "kindred soul-people", as well as encounters with demonic forces, (which includes attacks by ppl's 'shadow energies' who get trigerred by my boldness. . .After the last scary attack, I asked "who was that?" and instantly received the answer.)
At the high-end of the Absolute/Light spectrum I shared an encounter with "Kwan Yin", which included Bliss-Initiation -- which mirror's Aurobindo's "there are supraphysical beings embodying those forces".
While back, in one of my posts I wrote somt. like "was it you?" (Aurobindo) after I saw next to me his black hair, long beard and 'stoic' demeaner resembling his younger self.

I have yet to read his own experiences on "vivo encounters" with "loviedovie".


For the record, I'm including the following excerpt/part-quote from
on Good and Evil Forces::

"I was for a long time held by the human mind as a traditional knowledge that when we go beyond the material plane, these things are found to exists in there also in the worlds beyond us. There are in thses planes of supraphysical experience powers, and forms of vital mind and life that seem to be prephysical foundation of the discordant, defective or perverse forms and powers of life-mind and life-force which we find in the terrestial existence. There are forces, and subliminal experience (which) seems to show that there are supraphysical beings embodying those forces, that are attached in their root-nature to ignorance, to darkness of consciousness, to missuse of force, to perversity of delight, to all the causes and consequences of the things that we call evil.
Thse powers, beings or forces are acitve to oppose the increace of light and truth and good and, still more are antagonistic to the progress of the soul towards a divine consciousness and divine existence.
It is this feature of existence that we see figured in the tradition of the conflict between the Powers of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil.
Cosmic Harmony and cosmic Anarchy, a tradition universal in ancient myth and in religion and common to all systems of occult knowledge.

The theory of this traditional knowledge is perfectly rational and verifiable by inner experience, and it imposes itself if we admit the supraphysical and do not cabin ourselves in the acception of material beings as the only reality.
As there is a cosmic Self and Spirit pervading and upholding the universe and its beings, so too there is a Cosmic Force that moves all things, and on this original cosmic Force depend and act many cosmic Forces that are its its powers or arise as forms of its universal action.

Whatever is formulated in the universe has a Force or Forces that support it, (ppls. 'shadow energies' feed the dark forces) seek to fulfill or further it, find their foundation in its functioning, their account of success in its success and growth and domination, their self-fulfilment or their prolongation of being in its victory or survival.
As there are Powers of Knowledge or Forces of Light, so there are Powers of Ignorance and tenebrous Forces of the Darkness whose work is to prolong the reign of Ignorance and Inconscience. (...)

And if Mind and Life, impersonal forces, form conscious beings or use persons to embody them in physical forms and in a physical world
( (like that of 'Kwan Yin' for instance -- but w/strings attached to "burden" of "Cosmic Tonglen Duty' -- not for basking in o"self-importance"))
... and act upon Matter and through Matter, it is not impossible that on their own planes they should form conscious beings whose subtler substance is invisible to us or that they should be able to act
from those planes on beings in physical Nature.
Whatever reality or mythical unreality we may attach to the traditional figures of past human belief or experience, they would then be representations of things that are true in principle.
"... the immesurable is not a sign of absoluteness: for the absolute is not in itself a thing of magnitude; it is beyond measure, not in the sole sense of vastness, but in the freedom of its essential being, it can manifest itself in the infinitesimal as well as in the infinite.
It is true that we can pass from the mental to the spiritual, -- and that is a passage towards the absolute -- a subtle wideness and an increasing intensity of light, of power, of peace, of ecstasy mark our passing out of our limitations: but this is at first only a sign of freedom, of hight, of universality, not yet of an inward absoluteness of self-existence which is the essence of the matter. To this absoluteness pain and evil cannot attain, they are bound to limitation and they are derivative. If pain becomes immesurable, it ends itself or ends that in which it manifests or collapses into insensibility or, in rare circumstances, it may turn into an ecstasy of Ananda."

(Sri A. sheds a lot of light-sense in this riff because of my 24/7 Energy Work, which I coined 'Cosmic Tonglen Duty' -- but I don't expect anyone to belive me. "Find out for yourself please!", is my stance.


I luveit when that happens. . .(this nite)
wouldn't you agree babeee you n' me have a groovy kind a'luv?


Kosmic Tonglen Duty 2.0

Edited: the queen of edit-expantions does it again Apr.30, by including Aurobindo's words with regard to the 'guidance from above...