Monday, June 6, 2011

The Path of Trusting Surrender

In spiritual sense both trust in, and surrender -- surrender to the Divine within one's core of being -- are the two most important principles to be embraced by one who wants to consciously participate in discovering who, or what we really are.
Some  insist that what can be perceived with the eye of mind and with the eye of flesh,  is   IT,  and  argue mightily there isn't any sort of  (not of this world) 'Evolutionary Impulse' (some call Eros).

The adventures types are wired to push the evolutionary  edge and venture where even the Angels dare not . . .because this is our destiny . . . The spiritualized consciousness operates within the supramental domain -- it is how we discover there is a Secret Purpose working for our evolution and it needs our  participation.  The  transcendent She, our secret self-Soul is nudging us to  perform the will of the one Spirit. 
I  have lived in that kind of trusting surrender. . .and to me,  the nudging  feels like a  command  drawing one to enter into deep participation  for the sake of all beings.
 This path is not for the faint of heart.
 In contrast, the classical / traditional  idea of enlightenment is about reaching Nirvana and a movement out of the everyday world.

By nature I never have been the faint of heart type. . . even my  4 year old self  declared her independence by  refusing  learning  prayers  by declaring: "I will dance for God!"  (I mentioned this in my Little Girl poem in my first blog entry).
I always felt that joyful, numinous  intense something tugging at my Soul's strings making me dance instead of walking many,  many times!   I felt deeply this same  joy  - despite  some sadness of  having my entire family and friends  overseas -  when  my teen self danced  alone in a park  after dark on the shores of lake Ontario.  I lived within walking distance from the lake and spend many hours there in that same blissful state.  There were times I  deeply missed my family and at those times, the most soothing thing for me was walking on the rail tracks  because  it reminded me of home.

Years later,  this  same Bliss-impulse  placed  me/She who has no name on  the topmost rung of the spiritual Ladder  to witness  something and to receive the Influence  which Impressed  upon me...
 'I will never turn away from suffering'.  *Soul level mystical Vision-experience described in,  Divine You Report From The Divine.

At the zenith-point of Soul evolution  we push and expand the boundaries of acceptability...
This is why this path is not for the faint of heart.  At this stage-point  one has the courage to claim (I do)
I jumped out of all possible systems (traditions) because I am no longer bound by any of them.
Supramental Mysticism is beyond the structure of guru and roles,  because it is the very nature of one's eternal
Soul / Light  Bliss-Body being, to seek union with her Kosmic Beloved. . .
And, when that happens. . . This time in Hafiz' words: He summed up perfectly what the fully ascended Soul bears witness too:
I have learned so much from God that I no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew. The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me that I can no longer call myself a woman, an angel, or even pure Soul. Love has befriended me so completely it has turned to ash everything  and freed me of every concept and image my mind has ever known. 
I named Sri Aurobindo my 'primary peer review person' (I check my Depth's data  results with those who  have undergone the same or similar Transformation and Integration process, and attained same, or similar level of mystical embodiment).
So, once again  with deep gratitude in Sri A words:

"Because it aims not at the departure out of world and life into Heaven or Nirvana, but as a distinct and central object. If there is descent in other Yogas, yet it is only an incident on the way or resulting from the ascent - the ascent is the real thing.
Here the ascent is the first step, but it is a means for the descent . It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life; here the object is the divine fulfillment in life.
Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here..."

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