Sunday, August 28, 2011

Shiva / Shakti Marriage - Om / Hrim

I learned via direct experience the significance of  Shiva / Shakti's  eternal embrace, which is the individual bodily representation of the Supreme Cosmic power -- a  power which creates and sustains the visible and invisible worlds / dimensions. 
Kundalini  Shakti   unites with  her Beloved Consort in the transcendent realm within one's body-mind-soul system, but before that takes place  many factors come into play on this journey without a map. . . A great many  encounters  with the  Divine Forces within ones innermost sanctuary in the vastness of the Supreme Existence  have to be experienced before one arrives  at Supramental state. 

In Aurobindo's verifying words:

"After realization of the Self, there are many things beyond that. The divine guide within urged me to proceed, adding experience after experience...Till I arrived at Supermind."

One of the most significant occurrences on this pathless path is the fact  that in advanced  Soul evolution  the deity Archetypes introduce themselves to ones consciousness in the subtle realm.
My mystical / encounter with Kwan Yin , and  my Initiation  (by Her)  was the most precious Gift!

 It also means -- in words of author Ken Wilber -- that at this point:

"The self is then no longer exclusively bound to the ego, but it is bound to its own Archetype. The point is that as each higher-order  structure emerges, the self eventually identifies with that structure -- which is normal, natural, appropriate." p. 237
"And thus the archetypes, the true archetypes, are the Forms of our own highest potential, the Forms of our own true nature, calling to us to remember who and what we really are. And in their last action, they are set aside and deconstructed -- the ladder that, having served its purpose, is discarded -- and there stands instead the radiant infinity that was always already shining through and beyond those Forms altogether." p. 359 - both quotes from The Eye of Spirit

 Real mystical experience  takes place within ones  "glorified body" --  which is the body and the intelligence which the awakened Soul has -- the part of ourselves which literally sees the uncreated Light of Creation.  The same Light that is  within the depth of every being. 

This is possible because in the subtle level, the Soul and God unite, at the causal level  the Soul and God are both transcended in the prior identity of  the Spirit / Pure Formless Consciousness -- no longer  (in) union  of God and Soul, but  in the state of  Ultimate Identity  with  the Godhead / Spirit / Supermind, plus Love-Bliss.

Or, as Aurobindo put it:   "Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature."

Those who  don't recognize the importance the awakened Soul,  think  that this "sacred marriage", or "sacred sexuality" topic can be resolved/unpacked  with their  mental/cognitive intelligence, and therefore insists that sex with human partner means / is  the same thing as the transcendent  Shiva and Shakti's  erotic union   (24/7  mystical experience within ones body). The real Ultimate Consummation . . .Real Union eternal self-Soul with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme Being. 

There is a lot of confusion around the topic of so called  'sacred sexuality' circles,  because people  don't know / don't recognize that,  that  the awakened Soul experiences life outside of earthly time.
In the flesh,  the sex act has a beginning, middle and it ends.  Nothing permanent about that.
Calling something "transcendental",  when it's "not even close",  doesn't make it so / doesn't make it "the real deal",  just because he/she insists it is.
Sex gurus  are hugely misguided in this area, but alas, they are the ones whose words are taken as a something final.  They are welcome to do  and say what they want,  as long as they don't claim theirs is the last word!

And then there is me.....a big nobody who has the chutzpa to challenge them?
Not I!  but the Shakti-in-me!

Transcendental Bliss is the intellect-defying  God/dess / Divine Shakti / Awakened Soul, frequency vibration,  which has no beginning or end.
It can never "end" because once one gets plugged into the Celestial Flame of Love, one can't fall out of it! . . . .
Individual Enlightenment is for the sake of all beings! -- for the sake of evolution of consciousness itself. 
Simple, Pure, Hearts can't fall out of it!

Shakti and Shiva's bliss  frequency looks like the brightest, the most eye-dazzling diamond imaginable. This  Star-like diamond doesn't have a price tag. . .
Aurobindo  said that this 'diamond' energy "may indicate the Mother's Light at its intensest, for that is the diamond white light". 

As for its purpose

Transcendental Bliss-energy flows out of the Crown chakra into the world's hologram / subtle planes. 


I blogged about personal  meta-mystical experiences with "triangles" and am glad to see  others verifying words on their spiritual  significance.  Some named it 'sacred geometry' , which are  first Forms of  unqualifiable Spirit.

"Within Indic lore, the shape is generally understood to consist of two triangles - one pointed up and the other down - locked in harmonious embrace. The two components are called 'Om' and the 'Hrim' in Sanskrit, and symbolizes man's position between earth and sky.
The downward triangle (*which appeared directly before/in my eye of contemplation in its silver-bright glory) symbolizes Shakti , the sacred embodiment of femininity, and the upward triangle symbolises Shiva, or Agni Tattva, representing the focused aspect of masculinity".

Also this (my) Yogic experience:  I noticed in night sky's canopy two stars -  witnessed their spiraling down motion. . .the closer they got to earth, the larger their silver bright glory. . .Next, their  now morphed Forms resting on my front garden / lawn in shape of two very large,  old fashioned looking,  ploughs.  I have been ploughing the Fields day and night ever since (mystically speaking). 

Brief reminder note: I  was Soul-directed to become energy healer in a  Yogic experience in  1993. My first meeting / interaction with my Master took place in the subtle . She tested me, by asking to "pick up" a small, shimmery-black stone in the shape of a square. I confidently picked it up and instantly felt  massive surge of energy lifting  me off the ground.  Two or three weeks later I singed up for the Workshop even though I had no idea what 'energy healing' was about.   The Workshop was exciting!   (Then) In my  first in-class practice session I spend most of my time streatched out on the massage table.  My Master was balancing my energy and  something very  interesting happened.  At some point  in  her soft (meditative) voice she instructed me  to stay still  - explained,  that a  "huge triangle came over us".  I came to that class with a back pain, went home without it. 

This is why the triangles  and the square -  which  many years later I saw in  Aurobindo's symbol - made me jump  with joy, because  I could instantly  See what that represents! 
The funny thing is, I discovered his work when my blog-writing was well on its way. I read short quotes  here and there (over the years), but  it was hard to me to get my head wrapped around his terminology. It was that, but  also that  he was a "spiritual giant".  Now more than ever I am glad I didn't know his work  prior to my Yogic and mystical experiences.  It  reassures me that my  subconscious mind didn't 'create' them in order to fulfill  some  egoic want.   

Mirra's (Sri Aurobindo's spiritual partner)  quote on 'glorified body' is interesting to me:

"When the physical body is thoroughly divinised, it will feel as if it were always walking on air, there will be no heaviness or tamas or unconscious-ness in it. There will be no end to its power of adaptability: whatever conditions it is placed it will immediately be equal to the demands made upon it (...) lasticity will enable it to stand the attack of every hostile force . . : (*yes!)
it will present no dull resistance to the  attack but  will be, on the contrary, so pliant as to nullify the force by giving way to it to pass off . . . (*yes! that's why Supracosmic Tonglen Duty works, but this process is much, more complicated then what Mirra presents, bec. the attacks come from living beings whose (vital) mind's parasites unleash their furry)
Lastly, it will be turned into the stuff of light each cell will radiate the supramental glory.
Not only those who are developed enough to have their subtle sight open but the ordinary man will be able to perceive this luminosity. It will be an evident fact to each and all, a permanent proof of the transformation which will convince even the most sceptical." 

I think Mirra's vision was on the right track, but I question those last three sentences, since even I need a proper lighting to see my golden light aura -- which I discovered by fluke w/eyes open i.e. in 94' - also, next to the skin a finger-wide blue ribbon of light, I named my Heavenly Robe.
I think Mirra got  overly optimistic? 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Great Compassion - Gentle & Wrathful

This epoch's biggest  tyrants are dying off

The latest, on the word stage "Arab Spring" people movement, was started when critical mass of wrathful proportions galvanized people's sense of hope. It's not over their suffering, but one thing is for sure  once  people declare, "This is nuts!!! we suffer because our leader is a heartless, greedy bastard!!!! ???? "  Once this  realization is born in peoples' minds, it can't be pushed back - no matter what.

The world is on the edge of a New Dawn . . . .

Our deterministic sciences think theirs is the last word. . . Hearts and  minds numbed by 'hard sciences' is it any wonder so many believe that the 'good life' is measured by outer manifestations of of success - measured only in materialistic terms.


Today's  story on how Love's  energy rises to the occasion when the  opportunity presents itself:

Exactly one week ago I was at the grocery store . . . My back was turned, so I didn't hear or saw what transpired exactly, but was close enough to hear garbled word-scuffle.
Next, I noticed  a man walking  by me slowly muttering something angrily in a different language while  gesticulating angrily . . . .Our eyes met, I sensed he wanted to talk, so  I  asked:  "did someone say something rude to you?"
This  handsome middle age man with  neatly tied  pony tail   told me that  the  store employee  insulted him:  
 "He called me trash!",  then continued speaking in Aboriginal language  and arm-waving towards the door behind which the kid/summer help disappeared.  Later he told me  he spoke in his native (angry) "Thunderbird" voice.

My first response was to apologize "for all ignorant  white people", adding ""They don't represent my voice. There are many of us who respect your culture, your humanity" --  he jumped in and said, "respect the spirit, yes".
I suggested he speaks to the stores manager to report the incident. He waved his arm in a 'who cares, it won't change a thing anyway!' and asked  not to worry about him.

Still, moment later in mid-sentence the verbal attack's energy carried his steps towards the stores' back room door (behind which the young man disappeared)   while punching the air with his fist. 
When he returned to where I stood he appeared much calmer.

I reassured him not all white people were this ignorant. . . He agreed.  We talked some more.
He told me he longed to go back to Thunder Bay to be with his "spirit people".  Now with smiling face  he  began really looking at me. . Looking with  trusting eyes.
By then I sensed he was a homeless person. 
My giving attention to his pain and  my words 's intention was to reassure  him   that no one can take away his dignity.

We parted after goodly few minutes of  quality  time. . . His now relaxed body language and smiling gently face reassured me the ignorant punks words lost their hold on him, and we parted.

A bit later I finished my grocery shopping  and saw him  standing by the door... He  wanted to tell me something about the art  piece  (etching)  on a tall apartment building across the street -- he  explained  that the  picture of  the  Thunderbird  and sun's rays above his form was his People's Spirit  "who talked to people". He  was the messenger of the  of the Great Spirit / Sun.
Added  he was hopeful that  in few days he will be with his people in Thunder Bay.
He did say at this point that he was homeless.  When parting  our ways I wished him "best of luck!"

Moment  later,   he called out,   and once again  came up to speak to me - this time without a word he  took my right hand  and held it with both hands and head bowed down  for several   seconds, before 
uttering:   "Your Grandfather was very wise", then  walked away.

See what happened in this particular scenario?

Compassionate concern  gave something to this beautiful man, and the energy-consciousness of Great Compassion/Love  gave  something to me in  return.

I didn't know this man's name, he didn't know mine, but that didn't stop LOVE  from shining through us.

Supermind Explains Itself

The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03! Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and be...