Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Soul's Bliss-Light is the Real Healer

Just finished editing my  post  "Heart's Intelligence has Reasons Reason Doesn't Know",
from Nov/27/2010 -- from which I will re-post sections here -- and want to add that I care about the integrity of the message, not how I, the messenger,  may appear.
How my not at all perfect grammar, sentence structuring etc. appears  to one who may be  quick to judge.
The  real message floats within the word's meaning.

That blog in its revived form is monster long, but because I feel this topic is always relevant I'm choosing to quote the  key parts/snippets from it.
I'm doing this today, because the Healer in me wants to stress it is not about lil' me - even though I work very hard  (because my Bliss body is involved in  "Supracosmic Tonglen Duty").


" Soul's Bliss-Light is the REAL Healer".

Heart's Love-intelligence is the driving force of all kindness and compassion (compassion can  seem "wrathful").
This force is none other than the inner Soul's intelligence which knows how to best
oversee it's destiny and mission. . .
I learned that She will NOT let us get away with platitudes.

For the record: The Healer in me experienced (again) astral encounter with someones painfully angry energy. I don't fight back, I witness its raging fury in complete stillness with full trust the dazzling White Light (in me) will burn it to crisp. . .I mention this to illustrate that the astral-emotional projectile of a living being does have a will of its own, and will project its hostile energy-consciousness towards someone who makes it feel exposed.

The passionate, or astral (subtle) body is very vulnerable because it is 'built' by both positive and negative emotions and feelings.
The mental, logic-capable body can act as its midwife. First, by acknowledging "it's time to heal the emotionally wounded inner child", then create a soft mental space and place to land to unpack its more vulnerable emotional self (compassion for self) then slowly but surely began a process of decompressing its burden.
Giving one self permission is the key which gives those uncouth energies/emotions a voice.
Years ago I read one psychologist's account of her emotional unpacking by allowing her angry self to crawl on the bed and growl with all her angry strenght to let that energy flow out of her system.

Heart's Intelligence can't shine fully when emotional baggage still holds us captive. The good news is that we can do something about it. . .

Marion Woodman wrote in The Pregnant Virgin writes: (and I agree)

"No amount of therapy or analysis can heal a heart that can not trust...(...)
The possibility of receiving is blocked by the unconscious message "You are not worthy to receive it; if you do, you are guilty" (*MW elaborates why that is so).
(..) They fear surrender to the creative unconscious. Yet real creativity happens only when the ego is strong enough to surrender".

The Mystic in me/awakened Soul's Bliss-Light is the real Healer (...) I didn't choose to do it, my Soul did.

How painfully beautiful our inner Soul's Love is! And, when we directly experience and LIVE within its embrace, thoughts of feeling special don't even arise because we know that all names and faces belong to this one Mind/Spirit, this one Bliss-Light.

How to get from there to here? . . . Easy does it, but it also means we will need to slay some dragons along the way. . .

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Kosmic Tonglen Duty 2.0

Edited: the queen of edit-expantions does it again Apr.30, by including Aurobindo's words with regard to the 'guidance from above...