This blog unpacks the many types of hows' and whys' of the post-enlightenment stages, in order to fulfill "...the imperative demand of the soul." This Path without a map awaits someone who embodies the traits/characteristics of: "The saint, the sage, the seer, the inspired man of action, the creator - these are the summits of being. Beyond him is the supramental being, the spiritual superman." +
"Man cannot by his own effort make himself more than man; The mental being cannot by his own unaided force change himself into a supramental spirit. A descent of the Divine Nature can alone divinise the human receptacle." +
Therefore our surrender must not be blind and inert passitivity to all influences or any influence, but sincere, conscious, vigilant, pointed to the One and the Highest alone."
- Sri Aurobindo SWSA chapter 12.
My originally scribbled in 2011/07 blog titled Cosmic Tonglen Duty, in its now edit-expanded incarnation and new title, reads like a new riff so I decided to post it again.
The Divine Spirit/Universal Teacher within my fully awakened eternal Soul has been my most trusted guiding Principle because I was ready to submit my will to its Will. Aurobindo discovered same Truth: "God's Will is Consciousness applying itself to a work and results + That which is immortal in mortal being is a God established inwardly as an energy working out in our divine powers."
How did I discover that 'God's energy' is real/true? In 1994, by fluke - with open eyes and spiritualized consciousness - I discovered I had a vast aura-field knitted by gold light, and a narrow band of blue light next to my skin. . .Many years later I was happy to see Gopi Krishna's description of its meaning/significance:
"The "immortal" body made of the fire of Yoga, refers to the mantle aroud the Knowing Self, which in case of accomplished Yogi, encircles his inner being day and night. This is the divideha of the divine body, inside the gross body of flesh, in which one finds oneself unsheathed when Kundalini irradiates and opens the new channel of perception in the brain."
Aurobindo bears witness to same, this is why he wrote: "There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual call or line and they are justified if, that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative of the soul within them." - Excerpt from: Letters On Yoga."
In letter to his brother, Aurobindo describes what this type of lifestyle demands of us:
"My coming to meet you on the fourth of January was settled, but I could not come; this did not happened of my own accord. I had to go where the Lord led me. This time I did not go for my own work, I had gone for His work. . .hence-forward I am no longer my own master; I will have to go like a puppet wherever the Divine takes me and makes me do. . .all that I do does not depend on my own will, but its done according to the command of the Divine."
I know precisely what the 'imperative demand of the soul' feels like. . . and the reason I say,
'I was literally soul-directed to meet my Master Dr. Kiara Galbreath and become Vibrational Healer' at a time I had no idea what that even meant.
Aurobindo's body of work is immense and I doubt I will ever read everything he has written, but what I have read so far, is verifying for me. Recently (2011) I chanced upon his description of the 'Divine', and agree that:
"The Divine is everywhere on all planes of consciousness seen by us in different ways and aspects of His being. But there is a Supreme which is above all these planes and ways and aspects and from which they come. + These two sets of three names each mean the same thing. Visva or Virat, the Spirit of the external universe, Hirnayaogaraba or Taijusa (The Luminous) the Spirit in the inner planes, Prajna, or Ishwara, the Superconscient Spirit, Master of all things and the highest Self on which all depends. The Mental cannot be Ishwara. Virat is the outer manifestation and if we take all that as Brahman without knowing what is behind the manifestationn we shall fall into the intellectual error of Pantheism, not realising that the Divine is more than this outer manifestation we shall fall into the error of accepting what is dark and imperfect on same terms as that which makes for the light and divine perfection. There maybe other consequences also."
One whose inner Essence becomes Love without boundaries, knows that our 'great change' is Grace-bestowed by the Law of Ordained Inevitability at the apex-point of one's Soul evolution, and 'used' for the benefit of all beings in all domains of existence.
The River of Light blog, posted May 2010, describes visible to the eye of Spirit and felt in every fiber of my being, Divine Shakti Light's flow (Holy Spirit) out of my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes.
I don't know if Aurobindo knew/experienced Shakti's flow, but am glad to say when I chanced upon his brilliant word-elaboration on Divine Worker, I was a happy camper. Including excerpt from Volume B Essays on Gita,
"So too this God-lower will be the divine worker; not for the sake of works or for self-regarding pleasure in action, but because in this way God expands the power of his being and in his powers and their signs we find him, because the divine Will in works is the outflowing of the Godhead in delight of his power, of divine Being in the delight of Divine Force. He will feel perfect joy in works and acts of the Beloved, because in them too he finds the Beloved. + A work like ours has not only to bring down and represent and embody the Divine, but to represent too the ascending element in humanity and to bear the burden of humanity to the full and experience, and not in a mere play or Lila, but in grim earnest, all obstruction, difficulty, opposition, baffled and hampered and only slowly victorious labour which are possible on the path."
'Divine Labour', or 'Kosmic Tonglen Duty', doesn't supposed to make sense to the intellect and its logic. . .Only one whose eternal-self-Soul attains Erotic Union with the Essence of the Suppreme Beloved, can know what the term 'Ultimate Consummation' signifies, and knows what 'Self-generating Bliss', feels like.
In this blog I am attempting to the best of my non-academic ability to unpack many types of Soul-level contacts with the Kosmic Mind/God, and Descends of its 'more ruthless than love and happier than heaven' (Sri A quote) Supramental Forces into my bodily being - including descriptions of vibratory sensations in the Crown chakra when someone's towards-me-directed rage and thoughtforms I see and feel in all its ugly glory - and much more! All that and more 'happens', but it would be foolish of me to disclose everything because some things are for my ears and eyes only. . .But can add that, the Shabd Yoga master in me, knows that in that boundary dissolving dommain, the rage and fear in the collective feels very 'spikey', and had it not been for the visible to me blazing white Light/Divine radiance - 'manifestation of pure divine force descending from one of the Truth-planes', Sri A. - and its power-ability to 'burn to ash' all manner of spikeness (felt in my stretched to infinity universal body) I would be dead years ago.
Will end this essay by including Aurobindo's answer and my stanza on 'physics of ascention scribbled Oct/2013.
When Aurobindo was asked: "Can everybody contact the higher forces?"
"No, not indeed; but they can submit themselves to a doscipline and this brings success. + All kinds of indications will come from above and whatever you do must be referred to the Above. It will not do to depend on the mind alone. When initiative, guidance etc. will come down from above, then the thing begins; the next step will be to change the Adhara. Thus to act under the guidance coming from above, this is one side of the sadhana, the dynamic side. The other one is the discrimination between the Purusha and the Prakriti. The Purusha will calmly observe, give sanction, choose but will realise that all this does not belong to him - all these are outside him (Universal Spirit/Brahman). This is the static side of the sadhana. +
The Truth-power must be brought down from from above into that (inner) state of peace, and this higher power - Parashakti - will directly guide the vehicle - adhara - and transform it. After having all kinds of empty and idle thoughts, the mind should receive intuitions from above. The reason why we recommend the suspension of external activities is that otherwise the mind cannot abandon its habitual activities. This is why isolation is necessary. + The higher Truth is all the time working in us but through the lower power - Aparashakti. It is when we become conscious of the play of this higher Power will descend into and directs us, then only the yogic life will begin. + Our yoga demands surrender; the entire being has to be put in the hands of the higher force and allow itself to be transformed. For this an opening is needed."
- Source:
In 2013 I scribbled:
Physics of ascension bends gravity,
Tastes the still-point of consecrated will-participation and
Diamond Goddess Ray. . .
Fearless, unbridled passion, creativity and time-space
Lie crouching at the feet of Benediction.
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