Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bliss of Identity

Yesterday, first time I chanced upon Aurobindo's (for me verifying)  poem titled:  Bliss of Identity and decided to  post it today with the intention it may be of some assistance to someone who is undergoing Kundalini Shakti awakening.  This path is not for the faint of heart  and perchance just knowing someone else in this modern era  experienced Her Cosmic makeovers  survied the ordeals may be helpful.
But first this thought. . .
I had unsolicited Kundali Shakti awakening  and I didn't have anyone to reach out to for guidance.  I didn't  study any of the mystical traditions and had no clue what was happening to me then  and what to expect later.
 For example:
I didn't know what that was about when one day in the middle of the day in my living room, in 1990, according to my frightened husband my head "was like the sun and I couldn't see you"  (for several minutes).   During the 'discussion'  we were both standing. At some point he walked away and sat down on the furthest side of the sofa in the opposite end of the room ... and  with short glances in my direction and shooing-away hand gestures, pleaded: "Don't do that I can't see you".
 He wanted me to be  happy  and enjoy our family live -- which I did! He was my best friend and the best  husband in the world, still a big part of me agonized  over  the injustice and suffering of  so MANY beings world-wide.   My,  "WHAT IS REAL TRUTH AND BEAUTY!!!?"  -  was a cry I had no answers too. It was maddening to feel so helpless.

In  Summer 1994, by sheer fluke I discovered blue ribbon of light next to me skin and a golden light-aura around my head and body (and still have my journal notes). At the time it didn't occur to me one day I will be writing about in public domain.
This is why I was very glad to see  (many years later)  Aurobindo's words on the nature of the uncreated Light:

The sun stands universally for the supramental Light, the divine Gnosis. 

(This is the)   Power of the inner or higher Truth. There are different Suns in different planes each with its own colour.

On occasion, when the world's burden is overwhelming  and Energy work is draining, I have been known to plead the visible to my eye of contemplation eye-dazzling  white Light (sphere) to 'help restore my strength'.... and it happened!  Cosmic Tonglen work is the hardest job on the planet because it is a 24/7 thing.  This thought just  occurred to me  .... strictly speaking my body doesn't belong to me any more.  

          Bliss of Identity

All Nature is taught in radiant ways to move,
All beings are in myself embraced.
O fiery boundless Heart of joy and love,
How art thou beating in a mortal's breast!
It is Thy rapture flaming through my nerves
And all my cells and atoms thrill with Thee:
My body thy vessel is and only serves
As a living wine-cup of Thy ecstasy.
I am the centre of Thy golden light
And its vast and vague circumference,
There art my soul great, luminous and white
And Thine my mind and will and glowing sense.
Thy spirit's infinite breath I feel in me;
My life is a throb of Thy eternity.

Sri Aurobindo

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