Monday, October 21, 2013

Food for the Soul

Have you ever heard melody so enchanting that its sound-vibrations filled your being so completely that time stood still? . . And in that boundless stillness, your body-mind-soul throbbed in unison with its Beauty so utterly if felt like Eternity's sublimity descended on you and your  Soul's Joy danced upon the starry sky's canopy: I have been having 'sky moments' ever since I was a child and it is a great privilege to share (with those of you who haven't heard)  one of my favorites:   Pastor Solitarios.
You have your favorite songs  and  those breath-taking-away  moments in nature, I just thought I'll share one of my favorite melodies with the intention  its sound will strike  a resonating note  within your being.

Before I post the link I want to share the text / lyrics this Melody invoked in me.  The text is entirely my take / interpretation of the feeling  and  its translation  of this piece.  It's reflective tone is meditative.

* * *

Even though earth-shadow is dense, Love's Radiant Light shines bright.
Feel yourself rise into its Glory, feel its radiance, its stead-fast strength pour into your heart.
Feel Beloved's Presence in every fiber of your being burning the sting of emotionalism and wounded pride. . .
With gratitude see that out of the past new life is born.
Recognize, that the Sacred Heart is all around you and inside you working out a wise and beautiful Purpose  within your innermost Sanctuary (Soul). . .
Remain steadfast.
With inner-seeing See that, the spark of the Divine in each being is here to manifest divinity.
Be untiring in your work, but depend not on your own strength.
Allow not the darkness of the earth to deny you your birthright of freedom, of joy and service to others. . .
However humble your work may seem to you, it is still your special contribution to the happiness of  other beings.
May your Passion be Bright!

*  Composer of this piece is Zamfir.

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