Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fruits of Transformation

The following quote from Dr. Clark H. Pinnock's book titled:  Flame of Love -A Theology of the Holy Spirit, resonates with me completely:  Revelation is not a closed system of propositional truths but a divine self-disclosure that constitutes to open and challenge.

I am grateful for this brilliant theologians work. . .at the same time am glad I read this book many years after the Holy Spirit / Kundalini Shakti began Initiating me into Divine Mysteries. This way, no one can point their accusing finger insisting that happened because I crave attention and worldly status, and my subconscious mind created hallucinations. 

The historical person named Jesus taught:  When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth  (Jn 16:13).   Throughout world's history the mystical traditions  used words such as:  Kundalini Shakti, Goddess, etc.  The interesting part is that Enlightenment grounded in multidimensional evolution and transcendence - as revealed by the awakened awareness of the ascended Souls -  is beyond  traditions. . . still we use words which traditionally made sense. 
Today I will use the word/name Goddess, to name what this Essence is, and is not. 

Goddess' disclosure of her own nature (beyond concepts) and her Purpose for mankind is not contaminated by the reasoning mind, not even by intuition. . .it is  not something one attains  after drinking some plant  potion (which creates hallucinatory inner worlds).

 The She Who Reveals points to what Her nature is:

               Ecstatic Queen of Hearts
              Drinks from Eternal Fountain of Immortal Bliss
              Elixir of Love

These words point to the state of consciousness one is  when receiving divinely disclosed Revelations   (I have called it 'Deep Samadhi'),   plus the non-stop activity of an inward and upward flow of  transmuted sexual potency, which flows into world's hologram from crown chakra via subtle planes. Mystical literature in all traditions has a name for this (erotic)  'Potency', such as:
 Shakti-Bliss/Soma/Goddess/Supernal Holy Light/Innermost Logos/Kundalini.
One whose eternal self-Soul has reached apex of her evolution bears witness to this.  We have the authority to assert what the Baghava Gita seer said:  I am the Field and also the knower of the field.

For this to occur one has to undergo a grueling process of many types of Energy-level Initiations. Aurobindo description of  'mechanism of descend'  resonates with my experiences. In his words:

The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power of Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.

 I would like to end this reflection  by including Ken Wilber's  quote  from: A Brief History of Everything:

 Are the mystics and sages insane? Because they all tell variations on the same story, don't they? The story of waking up one morning and discovering you are one with the All, in a timeless and eternal and infinite fashion.  Yes, maybe they are crazy, these divine fools. Maybe they are mumbling idiots in the face of the Abyss. Maybe they need a nice, understanding therapist. Yes, I'm sure that would help.

 But then, I wonder: Maybe the evolutionary sequence really is from matter to body to mind to soul to Spirit, each transcending and including, each with greater consciousness and wider embrace. And in the highest reaches of evolution, maybe, just maybe, an individual's consciousness that is Spirit awakened to its own nature. It is at least plausible. And tell me: is that story, sung by mystics and sages the world over; any crazier than the scientific materialists story, which is that the entire sequence is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and furry, signifying absolutely nothing?  Listen very carefully; just which of those stories are actually insane?  

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