In October/2015 I articulated (in another cyber-place) my encounter/experience with One Who Defeats Death - His message was clear: "Be Fierce, Say what you Know, no matter what!"
I received this support because nasty people's bullying was relentless. One desperate lady told me I'm a "charlatan". . .that hurt a little because I liked her and (earlier) extended invitation to visit me in my home. I never internalized projections and know what transference is about, still that one word left me dismayed to what extent someone will go in order to silence me.
Today, I will share what I said in my Thunder Speaks thread (forum, which is no more).
May the meaning within these words inspire you to keep on keeping on, even when the going gets rough! I survived:)
Several days ago, Manjusri's emanation in its Fierce and Uncompromising Intent form, introduced itself to my consciousness while I was floating in a sea of Pure Bliss. . .
His bull-headed Form began circling me at neck-breaking speed. I recognized 'you and I are not two' intent-message. This was not the first time Manjusri captured my attention.
Today I learned that Manjusri is universally regarded as both the historical Bodhisattva, and as the primordial white Buddha who is compared to the sun, and as the "bull-headed" Form. To this point I knew (only) about his double-edged sword signifying realization of the transcendent wisdom - whose task is to cut down ignorance and duality. I knew already that, the left-hand holding lotus signifies attainment of ultimate realization from blossoming wisdom.
We know that Mythic Lords, Goddesses and Angels are personifications of mystical attributes of one's consciousness' enlightened qualities / capabilities / powers.
I like what Ken Wilber wrote in The Eye of Spirit about High Archetypes, p. 237:
In advanced evolution, the deity-Archetype emerges, is introduced to consciousness (in the subtle realm), the self then identifies with and as that Deity, and operates from that identification. The self is then no longer exclusively bound to the ego, but it is bound to its Archetype. The point is that as each higher-order structure emerges, the self eventually identifies with that structure -- which is normal, natural, appropriate. As evolution proceeds, however, each level in turn is differentiated from the self, or "peeled off", so to speak. The self, that is, eventually dis-identifies with its present structure so as to identify with the next higher-order emergent structure.
What I share comes from a unique position since I didn't study world's mystical traditions. I started reading after (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti's Force-Power began working in me.
It took many years to integrate all that I have gone through - all that have introduced itself to the awakened awareness of my eternal self-Soul. Articulating in clear and simple words what this journey (through uncreated Light and Sound) has been like for me, proved to be a great challenge!
But 'figured it out' I did, with the help of beings who left written records of their Soul-level experiences...Soul level Initiations (experiences) are the very stepping stones to ever-wider domains of consciousness.
Heart's Invitation
We are like the flute through which
Heart's longing turns to music
. . .
Your heartbeats are in My heart
And in your longing is My longing
In our durability we are deathless
Like the always ever-same
Lilac's intoxicating fragrance.
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