Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Unknown is not Unknowable

It is fair to say that setbacks and obstacles will always be, but we are greater than any 'good' or 'bad' results- and the best part is that we  are supported by our eternal self-Soul's purpose.
The process of self-reflection, self-deconstruction and self-integration, takes time and most of us need the support of others before authentic transformation can take place, before a deeper form of self-love can take hold of us. Kundalini Shakti awakening has its own set of challenges,  this is why we need to be patient with ourselves.   Aurobindo's words is the best verifying  support I could ever  hoped to have.
Recently I chanced upon  Sri Aurobindo's words describing something that I know its true, and  think it may be useful to you, too. . .May the meaning couched within the written word catches your attention.
The Unknown is not Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we chose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe  faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existant and at a certain stage capable of development. We may chose not to develop them;  where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity.  And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can for ever prevail.

The Knower in us  is  the personal evolving Soul . . .At the zenith-point of her evolution She gets plugged to the Essence of the Absolute Supreme Being.  When inner and outer are united  and integrated in the consciousness of the individual, duality is dissolved.
This is a point one discovers what  embodied  (genuine)  Cosmic consciousness means.

I may return to add more, but for now I would like to include  one of my  (edited for clarity)  posts from 2012 titled:  Ascension Blues Good News - if interested

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

God is Closer Than the Air We Breathe

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts, this is why I include a goodly amount of  (verifiable) fact-checking  data from the mystical/spiritual sciences field.
All ascended mystics voice the same Radical Truth  no matter the tradition. . .
Sri Aurobindo said that the Unknowable need not remain the unknown for us because:

 fundamentally all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can forever prevail.

This is why when we say,  'there is no reality outside of God, and  God is closer to us than our breath', we really mean it . . . because  we know that God is everywhere both personal and impersonal/omnicient. 
The eternal self-Soul  exists independently from the mind and its constantly fluctuating  mental-emotional states.  Things shift drastically when  we reach (permanent) Samadhi state. . .And from this station we describe/share what we were allowed to see  (it has nothing to do with  mental level comprehension of the concept).

For a change of pace,  today I would like to include few quotes penned by Ken Wilber.  His writing on spirituality is spot for the part about transcending sexuality. His perspective on what the true/transcendent Shakti-Shiva's Congress Union  and mine differ.
In One Taste (in 2000) he writes:
in the very highest Tantric teachings, the mere visualization of sexual congress with the divine consort is not enough for final enlightenment. Rather, for ultimate enlightenment, one must take an actual partner--real sex--in order to complete the circuits conducive to recognizing the already-enlightened mind.

I say  there is merit in that pronouncement but  this is not the last word.  He is talking about 'peak experience'  during sexual congress, or Self-realization. . .
I  say the real Ravishment, the Real (permanent) Ultimate Consummation  of the Soul with the Essence of the Absolute/Supreme takes place at the zenith point of one's Soul's journey through Light-Sound via the Supreme Kundalini Shakti way within one's (celibate)  interiority. I know this because this happened to me. . .
And, if Ken Wilber changed his mind since he wrote those words, I have yet to hear it because I don't have a budget for book-buying.

In Wilber's  words, from: The Simple Feeling of Being - Embracing Your True Nature

*  So as this incarnational nonduality, this ultimately ecstatic tantric nonduality itself, began to unfold, and its manifestation began to unfold, you find that by the time you get to people like Sri Aurobindo, there's such a full-bodied understanding of this process. Even though some of the earlier sages were ultimately enlightened for their time, there's a richness, an unfolding, a resonance of spirit's own incarnational understanding in some of these recent sages that just give you goosebumps.

*  Since all things are already Spirit, there is no way to reach Spirit. There is only Spirit in all directions, and one simply rests in the spontaneous nature of the mind itself, effortlessly embracing all that arises as ornaments of your own primordial experience. The unmanifest and the manifest, or emptiness and and form, unite in the  pure non-dual play of your own awareness -- generally regarded as the ultimate state that is no state in particular.

*  The mystic's claim is that mystical. . .validity claims are anchored in extralinguistic realities that, however  much they are molded by cultural factors, are not merely the product of shifting cultural and provincial-only fashions (the referents of the transcendental signifiers exist in a worldspace that is disclosed to those with the appropriate developmental signifieds, even if these are always already culturally situated. Thus, cultural context does not prevent natural science from making and redeeming universal claims, nor likewise does it prevent mystical science from making and redeeming not-merely-culture-bound-claims).

*  Cosmic consciousness is not the obliteration of individuality but its consummate fulfillment, at which point we can speak of Self or no-self, it matters not which: your Self is the Self of the entire Kosmos, timeless and therefore eternal, spaceless and therefore infinite, moved only by a radiant Love that defies date or duration.

*  Spirit knows itself objectively as Nature; knows itself subjectively as Mind; and knows itself absolutely as Spirit -- the Source, the Summit, the Ground, and the Process of the entire ordeal.

*  In the manifest world, what we call "matter" is not the lowest rung in the great spectrum of existence, but the exterior form of every rung in the great spectrum. Matter is not lower with consciousness higher, but matter and consciousness are the exterior and interior of every holon.
(not sure if this (last) snippet is from same book).

I wrote Spirit Speaks in 1995 (after many mystical experiences)  -- if curious

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Silence is Full of Answers

Some claim 'ultimate enlightenment', but if  there is no real experiential data to back that claim -- whose results  has been checked and double checked with those who have adequately completed same journey --  then those of us who know better have the right to think:  'Please stop feigning understanding about the Unknowable (to mind's intellect), about  That which  introduces itself to the eye of contemplation when  one's  third eye chakra, and  the crown chakra, are opened on the subtle and extremely subtle levels.  The Creative Power of the Absolute Supreme  (some of us call Kundalini Shakti, or the Holy Spirit) is the Bliss-Essence, which one feels in every fiber of our being (permanently). If your eternal self-Soul fulfilled her ancient plan, then you should be able to explain in simple words what this journey through (transcendent) Light and Sound was like for you.'

The opening statement is directed towards one who bullied me most and I want to have on record what I had to deal with when writing in a forum where talking about 'integral spirituality' was encouraged.  That forum is no more.  Towards the end of very intense exchanges with his woman (lasting many months), she offered a couple of fake apologies and was indignant when I ignored her (initial) "sorry for razzing your ass", statement. I accepted her another fake apology just to get her off my back.  Truth be told, I didn't need her apology and proposed several times we agree that we disagree, but she ignored me.
LN thought she was fully enlightened (Buddhist) and could explain in few paragraphs the concept of Enlightenment and proudly assured me: "You have nothing to contribute to evolution of consciousness". She insisted I was "delusional". She compared herself to "Lady Tsoygal", (who some call "Queen of Bliss") and tried every nasty gaslighting trick to show how delusional and dangerous I was to the community. She was not even remotely 'the queen of bliss' and her own words betraed her by saying she was 'looking forward to going camping to the forest to get high'. She knew not that Soul level Bliss is a state of being not a temporary experience of being 'high'.
I still have few notes/quotes she wrote to me/about me:
  "I have a life and don't have time to read you..." - "What is being unrooted here is Truth! Your separation from Innate Divinity can't hide behind the grand and accurate words of brilliant others, Helen".  Same comment ended on this note: "I'll leave you to your linenar quilts of squares filled with your unsubstantial words, now."
To Jane she said:  "I don't for one second believe that Helen has been initiated, nor do I believe her capable of what she claims (Soul level Liberation/Divine Siddhis). It's grotesque to me, so,  "no" sorry long as I'm seeing  Helen pretending to be what she's not, she will receive critical response from me. I can't look away from the false." *

When my third eye chakra opened circa 16 years ago,  the spot (on forehead) vibrated like crazy and the spot felt quite hot/ painful!   I had no idea there were going to be more openings on ever-deeper levels  in years to come.  Each  initiation  more startling than the last,  but no longer painful.
Also,   in my experience, Crown chakra opening was  not a one time thing, either.  I described my  (94, or 95)  'Thundering Combustion Experience', below.
 Or, the time  (during Energy balancing session on my Master  = class setting w/many witnesses)  I felt a  'wide column' of Divine Energy enter  my being through the Crown chakra in rhythmic waves.

If my Crown chakra was not open, I would never know what authentic Union of the Soul with the Essence of the  Absolute Supreme and (therefore) also  literally one with all beings in visible and invisible domains of existence, feels like.  .  . I would never bear witness to the fact that it is possible  - with spiritual consciousness and flesh eyes open -  to see one's Divine  aura-Light  around (my) head-body and narrow band of blue light next to my skin.  I was startled when I discovered mine in summer 1994', and thought one day I will find some reference to what this signifies in some 'esoteric book'.  In due time I did chanced upon Aurobindo's work  and was very glad to see this (verifying) statement:
 Divine condition descends from above, is given by the Divine.  +  The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us. +  to know them, the Supermind must descend into us. + By "void" is meant emptiness clear of all contents except existence pure and simple. Without that one cannot realise the silent Brahma.  + The silence can remain when the blankness has gone. All sorts of things can pour in and yet the silence still still remains, but if you become full of force, light, Ananda, knowledge etc., you cannot call yourself blank anymore.

What I share is within the context of:
 In service to the Divine I bear witness to this
 For the benefit of the whole world 
For the evolution of consciousness itself. 

The omniscient cosmic Intelligence is the consciousness of the (Supreme)  Supermind.
Sri Aurobindo coined the term Supermind, and described  it's nature:
Supermind at its highest reach is the divine Gnosis, the Wisdom-Power-Light-Bliss of God by which the Divine knows and upholds and governs and enjoys the universe.
The essential character of Supermind is a Truth-Consciousness which knows by its own inherent nature, by its own Light; it has not to arrive at knowledge but possesses it. (end quote)

            The Ineffable hidden in plain sight
             The closer one gets to the source of ALL that IS
             The purer the Water of Gnosis

One who has first-hand knowledge about this Intelligence is more than happy to describe what happens when the transforming  power  enters one's innermost sanctuary, what it's like when  this Intelligent Force  gets hold of us permanently.
My writing style is not stellar, still I am duty-bound to write  about what actually happens on this journey - what literally  happens when one gets plugged to the Intuitive Mind, the Illumined Mind, Overmind and Supermind and its Bliss energy.
What I describe in this blog is not for the faint of heart, and truth be told I wouldn't volunteer for such a thing.  But it happened  - unsolicited Kundalini Shakti awakening - and even though I had no one in this earth-dimension to connect to, I knew I was in good hands  and calmly endured everything that was being 'downloaded' into me because I submitted to the Divine.
I share what introduced itself to the awakened consciousness of my eternal self-Soul with the intention that someone (who sees value in what I share)  may be inspired to keep on keeping on even if the going is tough.
Some folks  insist that 'Silence' (or 'Emptiness')   is  'empty nothingness'. . .
The ascended mystic asserts,  Silence is full of answers -  and those answers are disclosed to the eye of contemplation. We see its Influence (aura light) and feel its Bliss-force. . .
The spiritual  (cosmic) currents cannot be captured by the  mind/eye of flesh and its scientific  methods. Spiritual sciences has its own methods, it's own verifiable data bank, but its meaning is hidden to the mind which didn't perform the  experiment.  

I rejoiced when I discovered  that Aurobindo knew this!  He knew and declared this boldly. I discovered his work shortly after I began writing in this blog, and will forever be grateful to him.
In his words few snippets:

1.  The psychic and spiritual transformation are within our mental conception. The supramental transformation however is beyond our mental conception. The supramental has a radically different awareness of things. Mentality cannot know its nature. It can only be known via the spiritualized mind.
2.  It can only begin to understand Supermind when we have connected to spiritual mind. Our personal endeavor and aspiration cannot reach Supermind; ours is the life of Ignorance. The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us, but Overmind and Supermind have not been organized in the inner subliminal of the human. To know them too, the Supermind must must descend into us.
3.  In the ascent and descent about which I have written in the Life Divine, the whole being - you may call it the Self - goes up, say, to the Overmind, settles there and meets the Divine and then the descent of the Divine takes place.

                       . . . The winds of Grace are always blowing . . .

The Darsana Upanishad (6. 36-38) describes the sounds heard when the consciousness becomes centered in the Brahmandra (anterior fontenalle), located in top-center region of the head:  When air(prana) enters the Brahmarandra, nada (sound) is also produced there. Resembling at first the sound of conchblast (sankha-dhvani)  and like the thunder-clap (megha-dhani) in the middle of the head, like a roaring of a mountain cataract (giri-prasravanna).  Thereafter, O great wise one! the Atman, mightily pleased, will actually appear in front of thee. Then there will be ripeness of the Knowledge of Atman from Yoga and the disowing by the yogi of worldly existence. 
- Guy L. Beck,  Sonic Thelogy, pp 39-103 - quoted with permission from Sandeep

I am not a scholar of Upanishad and didn't see  this  quote of subtle sounds until this year. I talked about subtle sounds in this blog.  My 'Thundering Combustion Experience', is one example - and since I  don't have the link handy, I will briefly describe my 'roaring mountain' event:

In 1994-5,  in the middle of the night I was awakened by the sound like thunder's roar in my head and was certain this explosive  Force-power was going to render me toast. I  had only time to think "God be with me! . . .Next instant, the person that was 'me' vanished . . .there was no me to relate to.  I  became the awareness aware of itself, aware of crystal-like (faint) vibrations. . .The moment felt like eternity.
Next, I was snapped back into my flesh form so forcefully, my subtle body's torso bounced up to a sitting position before gently coming to rest in the horizontal.

This is a description - one out of many examples - of what it  means to bring the Divine/Spirit into one's being, what it means to become fully transparent to the  Depths of the Divine, what it takes before one has the (spiritual) authority to say: this is what needs to happen before one is ready to claim  that Soul evolution  and  Her liberation is a real thing  (not same thing as Self realization). The awakened Inner Being (Soul) is the Witness of God and His Messenger.

Supermind Explains Itself

The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03! Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and be...