Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Unknown is not Unknowable

It is fair to say that setbacks and obstacles will always be, but we are greater than any 'good' or 'bad' results- and the best part is that we  are supported by our eternal self-Soul's purpose.
The process of self-reflection, self-deconstruction and self-integration, takes time and most of us need the support of others before authentic transformation can take place, before a deeper form of self-love can take hold of us. Kundalini Shakti awakening has its own set of challenges,  this is why we need to be patient with ourselves.   Aurobindo's words is the best verifying  support I could ever  hoped to have.
Recently I chanced upon  Sri Aurobindo's words describing something that I know its true, and  think it may be useful to you, too. . .May the meaning couched within the written word catches your attention.
The Unknown is not Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we chose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe  faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existant and at a certain stage capable of development. We may chose not to develop them;  where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity.  And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can for ever prevail.

The Knower in us  is  the personal evolving Soul . . .At the zenith-point of her evolution She gets plugged to the Essence of the Absolute Supreme Being.  When inner and outer are united  and integrated in the consciousness of the individual, duality is dissolved.
This is a point one discovers what  embodied  (genuine)  Cosmic consciousness means.

I may return to add more, but for now I would like to include  one of my  (edited for clarity)  posts from 2012 titled:  Ascension Blues Good News - if interested

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