Friday, December 16, 2016

Yogic Consciousness

This year in August I found out that Peter Heehs  in his book: The Lives of Sri Aurobindo - stated that Aurobindo  suffered from "an inherent streak of madness" -   implied,  he didn't attain Supermind.
Heehs',  and others  of same opinion have no idea that Supermind and its Bliss-Essence  can't be reached by the reasoning mind,  so he/they sooth themselves  with nonsensical theorizing about the state of mind of one whose Soul got Initiated to this Kosmic address.
The non-initiated mind's impulse/motive invents absurd notions in order to shine before others  with 'look at me, I'm  smarter than the one some call "giant of consciousness!'
These types of assertions generate instant  attention . . . After all,  Aurobindo has been called "giant of consciousness",  so instantly the Heehs' of the world compulsive need to feel  superior,  jump into word-action because they are utterly convinced  they have the power to  strip the "giant" of his/her power.  These  special people types can fool a lot of  unsuspecting folks  -  and we, those of us who know better, supposed to say nothing?
Academics, and non-academic folks (without Yogic consciousness) are  NOT in a position to comprehend the highest-level Gnosis.  Some can sound very clever, but clever thinking does not evidence  mystical wisdom.

Aurobindo stated (and I agree that):

Mind cannot go outside its cycle - all ideas of a straight line of movement or of progress reaching infinitely upward or sidewise into the Infinite is a delusion.

The Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the apex-point of  Ananda Bliss--and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level.   
Precisely!   Anyone whose Anada Purusha (eternal self-Soul) gets  plugged  via the Crown chakra  to the Essence of the Absolute Supreme  feels  its Influence in every atom  of our being. We  see with the  eyes of flesh and spiritualised  consciousness  Light-aura field  around our head/body.
 Aurobindo expressed this beautifully in his poem titled: The Bliss of Brahman  (snippet)

I have become a foam-white sea of bliss,
I am curling wave of God's delight,
A shapeless flow of happy passionate light,
A whirlpool of the Streams of Paradise.

I am a cup of His felicities,
A thunderbolt of His golden ecstasy's  might,
A fire of joy upon creation's height,
I am His rapture's wonderful abyss. 

Again in Sri Aurobindo's words:

Therefore when the heart and life turn towards the Highest and the Infinite, they arrive not at an abstract existence or non-existence, a Sat or else a Nirvana, but an infinite I am of bliss, and Ananda Purusha;  nor can they emerge and lose consciousness and bliss in featureless existence, but must insist on ALL three in one, for delight of existence is their highest power and without consciousness delight cannot be possessed. That is the sense of the supreme figure of the interest Indian religion of love, Sri Krishna, the All-blissful and All-beautiful. 
- The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 3: The Yoga of Divine Love, ch.5 The Divine Personality, pp 554-555.

If he didn't experience this,  (poems) The Bliss of Brahman,  The Bride of Fire and Bliss of Identity, wouldn't  have been written.
We wouldn't know about the great value and importance of certain  mystical states/experiences, if we didn't get Initiated to this 'Ultimate Consummation'  station-point.
Anyone who is ready to commit to the Divine within ones innermost sanctuary, will go through  years of Love's purifying trials and arrive  . . .

In closing:  Recently I chanced upon a quote attributed to the author of the  Dead Sea Scrolls - whose words' meaning is filled-to-brim with  radiance of a mystical illumination . . .which  ascended Souls world over  no matter the tradition can relate to.

I have reached the inner vision and through Thy Spirit in me I have heard Thy wondrous secret, through Thy mystic insight Thou hast caused a spring of knowledge to well up within me, a fountain of power, pouring forth living waters, a flood of love and all embracing wisdom, like the splendor  of eternal light.

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