Author of the 'Apollo Complex', is author of many books on human development and consciousness, Ken Wilber - this excerpt is from The Atman Project, chapter 8, p.77.
My mind was, as the Buddhists say, that of a monkey: compulsively active, obsessively motive. And there I came face to face with my own Apollo complex, the difficulty in transforming from the mental sphere to the subtle sphere (or the soul as the Christian mystics use the term) is the beginning of the transpersonal realms; as such, it is supramental, transegoic, and transverbal.
But in order to reach that sphere, one must (as in all transformation) "die" to the lower capacity (in this case mental egoic).
The failure to do so or incapacity to do so is the Apollo complex. As person with Oedipus compllex remains unconsciously attached to the body and its pleasure principle, so the person with an Apollo complex remains unconsciously attached to the mind and its reality principle. ("Reality" here means "institutional, rational, verbal reality"), which, although conventionally real enough, is nevertheless only an intermediate stage on the path to Atman; that is it is merely a description of actual Reality itself, and thus, if clung to, eventually and ultimately prevents the discovery of that actual Reality. (skip)
... as it was, I was fortunate to make some progress, to be able to eventually to rise above the fluctuations of mental contractions and discover, however initially, a real incomparably more profound, more real, more saturated with being, more open to clarity. This realm was simply that of the subtle, which is disclosed, so to speak, after weathering the Apollo complex. (...)
From the subtle, one no longer 'gets lost in thoughts'; rather, thoughts enter consciousness with smoothness, grace, and clarity.
To read more
If curious:
For in-depth teaching on 'evolving soul', take a look at how Aurobindo describes it. . . .
Will add that, I completely agree with his description of what the eternal self-Soul is, and is not. (Psychic being and authentic Soul in Sri A teaching means the same thing).
The following assertion is true to one who 'sacrificed' its lower nature to the Divine:
The supramental change can take place only if the psychic (*Soul) is awake and is made the chief support of the descending supramental power.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017
Moral Obligation - Divine Command
Out of countless tears
She fashined a Mighty Sword In the stillness beyond the internal dialogue
Sword of Justice compels me to report that
which the Divine Logos disclosed
Divine self-disclosure is self-validating. This type of Knowing comes on line *developmentally speaking* when one's eternal self-Soul gets plugged to (the) "I am the Field and the Knower of the Field" - as reported by the Bhavad Gita seer.
One who is not delusional, seeks individuals who write from the bhava Samadhi state/stage - in order to check/verify our contemplative conclusions with. . .
Even though Gopi Krishna's eternal self Soul has not reached its apex-point of evolution, I greately value (and quote) what he had to say with regard to mystical illuminations.
In his book titled The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, he said the following with regard to his level of Realization:
"I do not claim to be illuminated in the sense we ascribe illumination to Buddha, as I still find myself at the human level. (skip) I do not claim to be a mystic or a saint, as I am still very much entrenched in the world and have not completely risen above it".
I have been accused of 'spiritual inflation' and other silly things - not only by the scientific materialist, but by those who think they are 'enlightened'- because the subtlety of meaning contained within the written word is completely invisible to the surface mind.
Sri Aurobindo and other ascended Souls wrote extensively about their mystical experiences without apologies. Nobel prize winners in all fields publish their work without fear of being accused of 'flaunting' their brillaince. . . I feel divine Bliss and its Influence in every fiber of my being 24/7, and see with eyes open & spiritualised consciousness divine Light in the form of golden aura-field, plus a narrow ribbon of blue light next to my skin--which Sri Aurobindo said was (blue) "Krishna light" (discovered by 'fluke' in 1994-and still have that journal note), and am supposed to be ashamed of the fact I am bearing witness to something which the Divine Grace 'plugged' me into? The world's materialists must not be disturbed by the fact that God/Goddess/Spirit reality is as real as the keyboard I'm writing on? I'm supposed hide the fact that Soul Liberation is a real (at the zenith-point of Her journey through Light and Sound). Soul-literate scientists don't look to the spiritually blind for approval-verification of our contemplative conclusions. How in the world the scinetific materialist supposed know what Samadhi is/means< and what theTRUE nature of the Ineffable is/means. They can't see it this is why they tell me things like: "stop pretending you have knowledge of the inner realms" (direct quote). They think that my description of what I-Soul first time witnessed in May 2010, and described in The River of Light, is sheer lunacy"> This is why I am all the more grateful to Gopi Krishna, for saying in Kundalini for the New Age:
All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
What I share is not for personal gain. What I share is not the result of drug-induced hallucinations (from ingesting plant brews and other drugs) - which in some circles are hailed to be the real deal, the real 'expansion of consciousness', thing. I see grasping mind's wishful thinking - they don't, and I'm okay with that, as long as they don't claim theirs is the last word.
The last word belongs to those who know better. Gopi Krishna elaborated (and I agree)
The real meaning of "Soma" refers to the internal processes of sublimation leading to higher consciousness or Samadhi. Since soma is a Sanskrit term its interpretation should be based upon the ancient Vedic religious belief, NOT Western assumption of drug use.
There is no proof in the Vedas that actually mention any human drinking a herbal concoction; it was the Gods Indra and Agni who drank streams of this nectar and then conquered the Dragon or Serpent Vrtra (a symbol of Kundalini).
The hymns of the Vedas are symbolic allegories and shouldn't be interpreted literally, as the Vedas say directly that: "One thinks he has drunk Soma when they press the plant but the Soma the Brahmans know - no one eats that.
I shake my head at (my) lamely written posts, but also can't help but marvel at the intensity of the Evolutionary Impulse compelling me to do this.
Those of us who feel in every fiber of our being this impulse, acknowledge we are guided to become witness to the fact that at the deepest core of our being there is a oneness which drives and guides this universe towards ever-greater emergence. . .for the benefit (transformation) of all beings, for the evolution of consciousness itself in service to the Divine. Some call this force Eros, other's God's Love, etc.
I have a moral obligation to report on things that are not now, never will be acceptable to folks who refuse to acknowledge that (authentic) spiritual sciences is a legitimate profession. I didn't chose to be 'spiritual', the (transcendent) One who is awake within my mortal coil, did.
The following excerpt from Gopi Krishna's book titled, The Man of the Future, explains what types of personality traits define genuine prophet/mystic/saint/accomplished yogi/seer/sage.
We are, therefore, face to face with a mighty problem when we try to find an explanation for the mental condition of religious teachers of the highest order. We have to account for the existence of not one but four outstanding attributes of the front rank mystic minds. They are Ecstasy, Moral Elevation, Psychic Powers and Genius. This remarkable combination is confined to this class and this class alone. Otherwise we find these attributes distributed singly and in too few cases.
The combination of even two out of them in one individual is extremely rare. The man of genius may not have moral elevation, ecstatic vision or psychic gifts, a medium may not have moral stature, vision or genius, and one prone to visionary states may not have the moral armor, psychic powers or the true genius of the true mystic.
In judging the prophet, the mystic and the real saint we have to take the startling fact into consideration that he (she) is in possession of all four rare and lofty attributes, each of which, even when singly present, confer distinction on one possessing it. There is no difference except one of degree between a genuine prophet, mystic, accomplished yogi, seer and sage, and whoever out of them emerged with all these four gems glittering in his crown.
She fashined a Mighty Sword In the stillness beyond the internal dialogue
Sword of Justice compels me to report that
which the Divine Logos disclosed
Divine self-disclosure is self-validating. This type of Knowing comes on line *developmentally speaking* when one's eternal self-Soul gets plugged to (the) "I am the Field and the Knower of the Field" - as reported by the Bhavad Gita seer.
One who is not delusional, seeks individuals who write from the bhava Samadhi state/stage - in order to check/verify our contemplative conclusions with. . .
Even though Gopi Krishna's eternal self Soul has not reached its apex-point of evolution, I greately value (and quote) what he had to say with regard to mystical illuminations.
In his book titled The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, he said the following with regard to his level of Realization:
"I do not claim to be illuminated in the sense we ascribe illumination to Buddha, as I still find myself at the human level. (skip) I do not claim to be a mystic or a saint, as I am still very much entrenched in the world and have not completely risen above it".
I have been accused of 'spiritual inflation' and other silly things - not only by the scientific materialist, but by those who think they are 'enlightened'- because the subtlety of meaning contained within the written word is completely invisible to the surface mind.
Sri Aurobindo and other ascended Souls wrote extensively about their mystical experiences without apologies. Nobel prize winners in all fields publish their work without fear of being accused of 'flaunting' their brillaince. . . I feel divine Bliss and its Influence in every fiber of my being 24/7, and see with eyes open & spiritualised consciousness divine Light in the form of golden aura-field, plus a narrow ribbon of blue light next to my skin--which Sri Aurobindo said was (blue) "Krishna light" (discovered by 'fluke' in 1994-and still have that journal note), and am supposed to be ashamed of the fact I am bearing witness to something which the Divine Grace 'plugged' me into? The world's materialists must not be disturbed by the fact that God/Goddess/Spirit reality is as real as the keyboard I'm writing on? I'm supposed hide the fact that Soul Liberation is a real (at the zenith-point of Her journey through Light and Sound). Soul-literate scientists don't look to the spiritually blind for approval-verification of our contemplative conclusions. How in the world the scinetific materialist supposed know what Samadhi is/means< and what theTRUE nature of the Ineffable is/means. They can't see it this is why they tell me things like: "stop pretending you have knowledge of the inner realms" (direct quote). They think that my description of what I-Soul first time witnessed in May 2010, and described in The River of Light, is sheer lunacy"> This is why I am all the more grateful to Gopi Krishna, for saying in Kundalini for the New Age:
All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition.
What I share is not for personal gain. What I share is not the result of drug-induced hallucinations (from ingesting plant brews and other drugs) - which in some circles are hailed to be the real deal, the real 'expansion of consciousness', thing. I see grasping mind's wishful thinking - they don't, and I'm okay with that, as long as they don't claim theirs is the last word.
The last word belongs to those who know better. Gopi Krishna elaborated (and I agree)
The real meaning of "Soma" refers to the internal processes of sublimation leading to higher consciousness or Samadhi. Since soma is a Sanskrit term its interpretation should be based upon the ancient Vedic religious belief, NOT Western assumption of drug use.
There is no proof in the Vedas that actually mention any human drinking a herbal concoction; it was the Gods Indra and Agni who drank streams of this nectar and then conquered the Dragon or Serpent Vrtra (a symbol of Kundalini).
The hymns of the Vedas are symbolic allegories and shouldn't be interpreted literally, as the Vedas say directly that: "One thinks he has drunk Soma when they press the plant but the Soma the Brahmans know - no one eats that.
I shake my head at (my) lamely written posts, but also can't help but marvel at the intensity of the Evolutionary Impulse compelling me to do this.
Those of us who feel in every fiber of our being this impulse, acknowledge we are guided to become witness to the fact that at the deepest core of our being there is a oneness which drives and guides this universe towards ever-greater emergence. . .for the benefit (transformation) of all beings, for the evolution of consciousness itself in service to the Divine. Some call this force Eros, other's God's Love, etc.
I have a moral obligation to report on things that are not now, never will be acceptable to folks who refuse to acknowledge that (authentic) spiritual sciences is a legitimate profession. I didn't chose to be 'spiritual', the (transcendent) One who is awake within my mortal coil, did.
The following excerpt from Gopi Krishna's book titled, The Man of the Future, explains what types of personality traits define genuine prophet/mystic/saint/accomplished yogi/seer/sage.
We are, therefore, face to face with a mighty problem when we try to find an explanation for the mental condition of religious teachers of the highest order. We have to account for the existence of not one but four outstanding attributes of the front rank mystic minds. They are Ecstasy, Moral Elevation, Psychic Powers and Genius. This remarkable combination is confined to this class and this class alone. Otherwise we find these attributes distributed singly and in too few cases.
The combination of even two out of them in one individual is extremely rare. The man of genius may not have moral elevation, ecstatic vision or psychic gifts, a medium may not have moral stature, vision or genius, and one prone to visionary states may not have the moral armor, psychic powers or the true genius of the true mystic.
In judging the prophet, the mystic and the real saint we have to take the startling fact into consideration that he (she) is in possession of all four rare and lofty attributes, each of which, even when singly present, confer distinction on one possessing it. There is no difference except one of degree between a genuine prophet, mystic, accomplished yogi, seer and sage, and whoever out of them emerged with all these four gems glittering in his crown.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Flatland Assertions Debunked
I will preface this post by saying I would not be writing about 'debunking flatland', if my previous attempts at comment-responding to someone's essay on Frank Visser's website didn't get rejected.(
David Lane, Ph.D. wrote: Tangled Phone Lines Why Dawkins Hung Up on Ken Wilber.
I was not at all surprised that happened because what I share doesn't make any sense to one, who, like his friend D. Lane is convinced that 'science must direct mysticism, not the other way around'.
To be fair, I need to say this: very often what passes for mysticism is nothing but 'peak experience' parading as enlightenment. Nature mysticism is fun! I had great many peak experiences in nature -- which is the experience of a temporary feeling of oneness with the gross realm which does not involve the causal realms--but it never occurred to me to call it what it is not.
The experience of (literal) union of the Soul with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme and all beings in the visible and invisible domains, it is not.
To be fair, I need to say this: very often what passes for mysticism is nothing but 'peak experience' parading as enlightenment. Nature mysticism is fun! I had great many peak experiences in nature -- which is the experience of a temporary feeling of oneness with the gross realm which does not involve the causal realms--but it never occurred to me to call it what it is not.
The experience of (literal) union of the Soul with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme and all beings in the visible and invisible domains, it is not.
David Lane, Ph.D. wrote: Tangled Phone Lines Why Dawkins Hung Up on Ken Wilber.
I am going to quote some excerpts from it. My intention is to debunk his belief that genuine mystics are delusional, debunk his notion that: "the limits of our skull are the limits of our understanding", snippet from The Mystical Dimension
(But) First, I want to include few snippets - in Ken Wilber's words, from: A Brief History Of Everything, p.299-300 - on what we mean by 'flatland'.
(But) First, I want to include few snippets - in Ken Wilber's words, from: A Brief History Of Everything, p.299-300 - on what we mean by 'flatland'.
"the culture gap is not our real problem. The real problem is that we are not allowed to even think about the culture gap. And we are not allowed to think about culture gap because we live in flatland. In flatland, we do not recognize degrees of consciousness and depth and value and worth. Everybody has the same depth, namely, zero.
"flatland denies the existence of the vertical dimension altogether, denies interior transformation and transcendence altogether, denies the nine or so interior stages of consciousness development that is truly part of culture's human capital, but is not even entered on the ledgers of flatland.
And the point is, you cannot integrate the Big Three in flatland. In flatland, they remain dissociated at best, collapsed at worst. And no system that we are aware of has ever gone limping into the future with these types of massive internal dissociation's. If these chaotic tensions do not lead to self-transcendence, they will lead to self-dissolution. Those are the two gruesome choices evolution has always offered at each vertical emergent.
In Lane's words few excerpts from: Tangled Lines Why Dawkins Hung Up on Wilber:
"I don't necessarily think that mystics and skeptics should depart company and go on their respective ways, but I do think that if they seriously communicate with each other something is bound to give. And what each side may have to give up is more than they might be willing to concede! For example, take a mystic in the Sant Mat tradition, such as late Kripal Singh (who Ken Wilber once cited as the "unsurpassed master of subtle realm"), who practiced and ancient yogic technique known as shabd yoga wherein one listens to a divine inner sound which reportedly transports the soul into higher regions of bliss beyond the body and the mind. The theological framework undergirding much of Kripal Singh's practice (which dates back centuries through such practitioners as Tulsi Sahib, Kabir, and Guru Nanak) states emphatically that the inner shabd (or inner sound) is not physical or brain produced but is rather divine melody that transcends all physics and the universe.
But what happens if in studying this phenomenon from a neurological point of view the Sant Mat mystic discovers that such "sacred" music is tinnitus, which may be caused by earwax built up, or nasal allergies, or lower levels serotonin, or any host of physically related ailments. Does this sort information change the numinous encounter or its interpretation?
(* I never suffered from such ailments*)
(* I never suffered from such ailments*)
Are religious movements, predicated on shabd yoga practice, such as Radhasoami, the Divine Light Mission, Eckankar, Quan Yin, MSIA, etc., going to accept such a reductionistic explanation of what erstwhile was regarded as a direct pathway to God-Realization?
I think not. Why? Because the very basis of the practice is centered on the notion that it is a spiritual endeavor and not merely a cranial one.
(*I practiced not at all, never heard of shabd yoga, still it happened to me*)
I think not. Why? Because the very basis of the practice is centered on the notion that it is a spiritual endeavor and not merely a cranial one.
(*I practiced not at all, never heard of shabd yoga, still it happened to me*)
In other words, if a mystic is serious about studying the subject scientifically it means that he or she may have to radically revise their understanding and prior theological dogmas about what is actually happening when they undergo a transformation of consciousness.
The scientific study of mysticism may replace some deeply cherished ideas. Some which maybe so cherished that their very elimination will be too heavy a price for some.
(* You will never acknowledge your ignorance because it would be too heavy a price to pay for your ego*)
I think there is a reason Ken Wilber and Richard Dawkins don't talk. Or, if they do, why Richard Dawkins would have to hang up on Wilber.
(* Dawkins thinks that mystical revelation is "the enemy of truth" - so yeah he would have to hang up on Wilber*)
Ken Wilber *author of many books on human development and consciousness* still wants to believe in mystic "goo". He wants a cosmic feeling good story, even if his flowery description of the same doesn't have even an ounce of scientific credibility. (...)
Wilber wants us to believe in fairy tales, even if dressed up in pseudo-scientific jargon (....)
Dawkins on the other hand wants us to finally grow up and admit what we have secretly thought for a long time. We were wrong about the gods and we were wrong about ourselves. Yes, mysticism can indeed be studied, but I think we might be a little shocked to see how different it looks when we take off its mystic garb."
quoted from:
Final thought for those who think that Soul-level revelations and our contemplative conclusions is the product of delusional mind:
Because your eternal self Soul's awakened awareness is not yet on line - developmentally speaking *which is not same as 'spiritual intelligence' = the result of text-reading/discussion* - you are not qualified to pass judgments on those of us who know better. . .One's awakened inner Divinity / the eternal Avatar knows better. . . this is why I say:
Divine Revelation is the communication of the Divine from the source of its Nature within the awakened Inner Being/Ascended Soul.
I didn't study and practiced anything. I didn't know about 'Shabd Yoga', still I bear witness to what Kabir said, because it happened to me. I therefore can call myself Shabd Master.
This Yoga names many types of inner Sounds - such as thunder, waterfall, kettle drums, bee, Flute and more - and I second that because I experienced same, including 'Krishna's Flute' Sound.
In I share experiences which can't be explained away by saying, 'such a thing can be explained by brain chemistry.'
I had unsolicited Kundalini awakening and She opened my ears and eyes to spiritual dimensions.
Because your eternal self Soul's awakened awareness is not yet on line - developmentally speaking *which is not same as 'spiritual intelligence' = the result of text-reading/discussion* - you are not qualified to pass judgments on those of us who know better. . .One's awakened inner Divinity / the eternal Avatar knows better. . . this is why I say:
Divine Revelation is the communication of the Divine from the source of its Nature within the awakened Inner Being/Ascended Soul.
I didn't study and practiced anything. I didn't know about 'Shabd Yoga', still I bear witness to what Kabir said, because it happened to me. I therefore can call myself Shabd Master.
This Yoga names many types of inner Sounds - such as thunder, waterfall, kettle drums, bee, Flute and more - and I second that because I experienced same, including 'Krishna's Flute' Sound.
In I share experiences which can't be explained away by saying, 'such a thing can be explained by brain chemistry.'
I had unsolicited Kundalini awakening and She opened my ears and eyes to spiritual dimensions.
And I have proof . I have a record of talking about mysterious, several notes long 'cosmic chant' in several posts, that lasted about 2 years. I still hear the ever-present extremely subtle/causal vibrations of the undifferentiated Light within and outside my being. This experience served as a necessary step leading towards ever-higher Celestial Absorption (poetically speaking). I might have not mentioned this directly, but careful reading of what I share points to the fact that on this path, Kundalini involves the brain, central nervous system, subtle chakra system and the reproductive system.
If curious, have a look at couple of posts written in 2010 - titled: Evolution Beyond Supramental Stage? & Logos-Cosmic-Manna-Shabd-Crystal Rain
If curious, have a look at couple of posts written in 2010 - titled: Evolution Beyond Supramental Stage? & Logos-Cosmic-Manna-Shabd-Crystal Rain
* Edit note: I contacted David C. Lane & he wrote back...this is why I wrote sister post couple of days ago titled, Interpretation & Divine Revelation Not Same Thing - link. . .
I will end this post by including Eddington's words:
Quantum physics deals with the abstract, symbolic analysis of the physical world-space, time, matter, and energy--even down to the subtlest level, the quantum vacuum. Mysticism deals with the direct apprehension of the transcendent Source of all things. +
We should suspect an intent to reduce God to a system of differential equations. That fiasco at any rate must be avoided. However much the ramification of physics may be extended by further science, they cannot from their very nature (impinge upon) the background in which they have their being.
* Edit note: I contacted David C. Lane & he wrote back...this is why I wrote sister post couple of days ago titled, Interpretation & Divine Revelation Not Same Thing - link. . .
I will end this post by including Eddington's words:
Quantum physics deals with the abstract, symbolic analysis of the physical world-space, time, matter, and energy--even down to the subtlest level, the quantum vacuum. Mysticism deals with the direct apprehension of the transcendent Source of all things. +
We should suspect an intent to reduce God to a system of differential equations. That fiasco at any rate must be avoided. However much the ramification of physics may be extended by further science, they cannot from their very nature (impinge upon) the background in which they have their being.
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