Saturday, July 28, 2018

Dogmatism of Materialism Debunked

Mechanistic explanation of evolutionary biology will one day prove the non-existence of the most powerful energy in the universe some call God / Goddess / Holy Spirit/ Shabd Sound / Supreme Shakti Bliss / Divine Energy,    because "science has solved everything"? - in R. Dawkins words.  Modern science solved the ultimate nature of Reality in all its  facets?
The Vibration of the Cosmic Engine  is present in all forms/names. That's a given, because 'there is no place where God is not'.
Modern Physics is a noble-worthy discipline and some of the brightest minds  included: Werner Heisenberg Erwin Shroedinger, Max Plank, Albert Einstein (others) - who  came to the conclusion that  the universe cannot be satisfactorily explained without the inclusion of something else - the something which was beyond their reach.
Sir James saw all the available evidence/data, and concluded that the only way to explain the nature of ultimate reality is to accept that it exists:  "in the mind  of some eternal spirit".
Heisenberg said:  The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. & Revere those things beyond science which really matter and about which it is so difficult to speak.
I have not heard evidence forthcoming from even one  physicist who has empirical data  -  the actual *measurement*  of the Bliss Energy which the ascended Soul gets plugged to -  which  She recognizes as the 'actual' Nectar of Immortality.  I discovered/recognized this.

Out of countless tears She fashioned a Mighty Sword
Guarding  what I was allowed to See against Ignorance

  *Bliss Energy, same as: Bliss of Brahman - Supreme Shakti Bliss - Essence of the Absolute Supreme -  Supracosmic Sachichidananda *

I had  encounters with the staggering Immensity and Intelligence of what I originally named 'Womb of Creation' (later Supermind and its Bliss-Essence)  during  (Supramental) Yogic state, called 'death-dissolution' (in Tibetan Buddhism).  When it happened the first time (many years ago)  it felt quite unnerving but I kept my cool.  Brief description:   I felt a strong-palpable energetic shift  in my brain before getting plugged to what I can only describe as Intelligence-Awareness-Aliveness, in all its Clear Pitch-Dark Glory.
 I found verification of this Initiation in the book titled: The Tibetan Book of the Dead - translated by Robert A.F. Thurman. The Tibetan Science of Death states:  In the seventh dissolution, the stage of imminence, the two drops meet at the heart and enclose the consciousness; one perceives the sky full of bright dark-light, or pure darkness, and then one loses consciousness.
I didn't lose consciousness, instead I was full of  wonder when I opened my eyes in this dimension.

 I See, Hear and  Feel in every fiber of my being ITS / Source of Life  Influence, this is why I have no choice but show  the materialist I have the evidence . . . . and therefore am beyond the reach of his sway and manipulation -  even when the  materialist demands (quote):
any attempt to suggest that transcendental influences enter biology should be resisted, simply because their nature can never be specific.
If what this individual says it's true,  I should not be able to feel and see transcendental influences in my biology.
I am withholding the name of this person I engaged on Facebook - will add he is not a 'scientist'.
He is Richard Dawkins' supporter. Dawkins thinks anyone who doesn't think like him "is the enemy of truth" - this is why when the FB individual accused me of  "spiritual exhibitionism",  I laughed and reminded him what he said about the accomplishments of others:  books have been written and Nobel prizes won.
  It was  perfectly okay for them to 'boast' about their work in their books, and accept the Prize -  but not okay for me to bear witness to what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul?

My data includes Initiation into Shabd/Sound Current  and its  Essence which I named  poetically 'Crystal Rain' -  because that's what it looks like to me.  This  Intelligence/Energy is the cause of evolution in biological organisms as well as  evolution of consciousness.  If I  didn't have Depth's data and said, the law of the evolutionary impulse exists in the Mind of the Supreme Lord, it would mean the same thing, as a concept.
What I See Feel and Know is not the product of "meditation", either, because I never meditated, nor pursued studies of different world traditions.  This is also why no one can accuse me  of creating delusional, wish-fulfilling projections/visionary mind constructs.
Gopi Krishna in his book The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, writes (and I agree)
...only in genuine mystical experience that Revelation can occur.  + In the mystical ecstasy the very self is transfigured. It becomes the subject and the object both.

 My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and  (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti plugged me into the dimension where the laws of space and time are transmuted.  In this state - beyond the limits of the mortal coil - my Soul opened her eyes and  became the witness and servant of the Lord in creation.
Such a thing is possible because my Soul's virtual memory bank carried over from previous incarnations all that I have earned. . . The causes set in motion in previous lives were driving the present-day incarnation that's why I was born with the capacity to be awake/aware  in the subtle realms  as a child.  For my child-self it felt perfectly normal  in sleep state to practice standing on air by stepping off a chair, or learning how to fly using my logic to reach the goal.
 This is why I know that I chose this incarnation consciously.  Such a thing is possible because of  continuity of unbroken awareness. 
If I were a Buddhist I would be able lay claim to be the re-incarnation of this or that historical figure. But I don't, because I transcended all power offices.  My Work now is on the Energy level.

Shabd  Yoga is not well understood - my post titled, Logos Cosmic Manna Shabd Crystal Rain, unpacks  'Shabd Sound' and 'Crystal Rain'
This post could use edit-attention - maybe soon, maybe not.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Regions of Consciousness Beyond Nonduality

Levels of Reality that exist independent of human reasoning mind includes the domain of  existence where the most secret things pass between Soul and God/Divine.  Those things are  visible/knowable  to the Soul  after  she achieves not only Union with, but also Identification with the Supreme Being and its Bliss-Essence. . .At this stage one knows one merges with godly Light and with God/Supreme Divine Bliss.
The term  Divine Revelation denotes exactly that, because this Knowledge is given to one who reached this Cosmic address. I adopted the term Divine Revelations  because 'the most secret things'  introduced themselves to the awareness of my ascended Soul, whose Influence I feel and see  in every fiber of my being.
 I never saw Aurobindo use the term 'Divine Revelation' to identify that, which is beyond the reach of intellect and its  never-ending 'reasoning' --  but I did see him unpack the  meaning couched within the word  Intuition,  and am glad to say we are both on the same page!   Different words,  same meaning couched within the written word.
Quote:   (Intuition)  is a region of higher consciousness, which would seem to pertain more to a very high stage of realization, far beyond ordinary nonduality, rather than intuition in the ordinary sense of the term. To avoid this confusion, I sometimes refer to it Revelatory Absolute. +
There are mental, vital, subtle physical intuitions as well as intuitions from the higher and the illumined Mind.  +
What comes from the Overmind intuition has a light, a certitude, an effective force of Truth in it that the mental intuition at its best even has not. 

Folks who have a very strong negative reaction to what I-Soul bear witness to, (Divine Revelations), are one hundred percent convinced what I share is the product of  'irrational mind' - therefore, it ought  to be rejected and aggressively  'take out' anyone who bears witness to higher/deeper view of Reality.
This is not surprising.  Cognitive dissonance creates an extremely uncomfortable  feeling, and  because it is incompatible with the core belief of a denier, anything that smells like  'evolutionary mysticism' is perceived as pure nonsense.
Some argue, it is possible to reach the 'deniers'  by focusing on that which  unites us (our shared values as opposed to arguing differing view-points), in order to have a more productive full-spectrum discussion.  That, engagement on the 'what unites us' is the way to go - and  this approach could prove to be productive in the cultural/political arena - so by all means do that.
In the Soul physics domain,  'full spectrum discussion' is out of the question for the reasons I already outlined.
I am pleased I have Aurobindo's for-me-verifying words which confirms that,  not the intellect, but instead:  It is the supramental Power that transforms mind, life and body.
Spiritualised consciousness bears witness to this! The life mind can't reach the Bliss of Brahman in the ultimate sense (there are many levels of bliss). On this Path -  through transcendent Light and Sound -  the Soul undergoes many types of Initiations before She gets plugged to the supreme supracosmic Satchitananda/Bliss of Brahmman (which is beyond all).  In his poem Bliss of  Identity, Aurobindo describes exactly what this  means and feels like.

                 All nature is taught in radiant ways to move
                 All beings are in myself embraced
                 O fiery boundless Heart of joy and love
                 How art thou beating in a mortal breast!
                 It is Thy rapture flaming through my nerves
                 And all my cells and atoms thrill with Thee;
                My body Thy vessel is and only serves
                As a living wine-cup of Thy ecstasy.
                I am the centre of Thy golden light
                And I its vast and vague circumference
                There are my soul great, luminous and white
                All Thine my mind and will and glowing sense.
                Thy spirit's infinite breath I feel in me;
                My life is a throb of Thy eternity.

*  I am avoiding talking about the part of my Work (on the Energy level) that can only make sense to someone who is ready to be Initiated.  The 'ripe one' will  know what I mean by this *

Some spiritual folks think one needs to have a flesh body sex partner in order to reach 'ultimate enlightenment' -  this is why they can't be expected to believe that what Aurobindo and I discovered is very Real to us. . .That,  a literal (conscious) 'Ultimate Consummation'  between Soul and God - within one's innermost being -  is Real (same as Shiva & Shakti's Erotic Embrace).
The 'non-believing' part is not a 'problem' at all! - because even though beings who are not yet conscious of such Deep Connection to the Creator's Love, can't  ever fall out  of this Cosmic address because God /LOVE  supports impartially everything.

In closing I want to give voice to Gopi Krishana, who wrote in The Real Nature of Mystical Experience that 'ascended mystics' (are)

are recipients of Grace, which lifted them up to a lofty spiritual height to which all human beings have to climb, they become objects of adoration only to one segment of humanity and of indifference, antipathy and even hate to the others. 

Supermind Explains Itself

The queen of edit-expansions did it again 2024-11-03! Exploration of deep structures of the Transcendent Reality (in all its aspects and be...