Mechanistic explanation of evolutionary biology will one day prove the non-existence of the most powerful energy in the universe some call God / Goddess / Holy Spirit/ Shabd Sound / Supreme Shakti Bliss / Divine Energy, because "science has solved everything"? - in R. Dawkins words. Modern science solved the ultimate nature of Reality in all its facets?
The Vibration of the Cosmic Engine is present in all forms/names. That's a given, because 'there is no place where God is not'.
Modern Physics is a noble-worthy discipline and some of the brightest minds included: Werner Heisenberg Erwin Shroedinger, Max Plank, Albert Einstein (others) - who came to the conclusion that the universe cannot be satisfactorily explained without the inclusion of something else - the something which was beyond their reach.
Sir James saw all the available evidence/data, and concluded that the only way to explain the nature of ultimate reality is to accept that it exists: "in the mind of some eternal spirit".
Heisenberg said: The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you. & Revere those things beyond science which really matter and about which it is so difficult to speak.
I have not heard evidence forthcoming from even one physicist who has empirical data - the actual *measurement* of the Bliss Energy which the ascended Soul gets plugged to - which She recognizes as the 'actual' Nectar of Immortality. I discovered/recognized this.
Out of countless tears She fashioned a Mighty Sword
Guarding what I was allowed to See against Ignorance
*Bliss Energy, same as: Bliss of Brahman - Supreme Shakti Bliss - Essence of the Absolute Supreme - Supracosmic Sachichidananda *
I had encounters with the staggering Immensity and Intelligence of what I originally named 'Womb of Creation' (later Supermind and its Bliss-Essence) during (Supramental) Yogic state, called 'death-dissolution' (in Tibetan Buddhism). When it happened the first time (many years ago) it felt quite unnerving but I kept my cool. Brief description: I felt a strong-palpable energetic shift in my brain before getting plugged to what I can only describe as Intelligence-Awareness-Aliveness, in all its Clear Pitch-Dark Glory.
I found verification of this Initiation in the book titled: The Tibetan Book of the Dead - translated by Robert A.F. Thurman. The Tibetan Science of Death states: In the seventh dissolution, the stage of imminence, the two drops meet at the heart and enclose the consciousness; one perceives the sky full of bright dark-light, or pure darkness, and then one loses consciousness.
I didn't lose consciousness, instead I was full of wonder when I opened my eyes in this dimension.
I See, Hear and Feel in every fiber of my being ITS / Source of Life Influence, this is why I have no choice but show the materialist I have the evidence . . . . and therefore am beyond the reach of his sway and manipulation - even when the materialist demands (quote):
any attempt to suggest that transcendental influences enter biology should be resisted, simply because their nature can never be specific.
If what this individual says it's true, I should not be able to feel and see transcendental influences in my biology.
I am withholding the name of this person I engaged on Facebook - will add he is not a 'scientist'.
He is Richard Dawkins' supporter. Dawkins thinks anyone who doesn't think like him "is the enemy of truth" - this is why when the FB individual accused me of "spiritual exhibitionism", I laughed and reminded him what he said about the accomplishments of others: books have been written and Nobel prizes won.
It was perfectly okay for them to 'boast' about their work in their books, and accept the Prize - but not okay for me to bear witness to what introduced itself to the awareness of my ascended Soul?
My data includes Initiation into Shabd/Sound Current and its Essence which I named poetically 'Crystal Rain' - because that's what it looks like to me. This Intelligence/Energy is the cause of evolution in biological organisms as well as evolution of consciousness. If I didn't have Depth's data and said, the law of the evolutionary impulse exists in the Mind of the Supreme Lord, it would mean the same thing, as a concept.
What I See Feel and Know is not the product of "meditation", either, because I never meditated, nor pursued studies of different world traditions. This is also why no one can accuse me of creating delusional, wish-fulfilling projections/visionary mind constructs.
Gopi Krishna in his book The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, writes (and I agree)
...only in genuine mystical experience that Revelation can occur. + In the mystical ecstasy the very self is transfigured. It becomes the subject and the object both.
My Karma placed me exactly where I needed to be and (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti plugged me into the dimension where the laws of space and time are transmuted. In this state - beyond the limits of the mortal coil - my Soul opened her eyes and became the witness and servant of the Lord in creation.
Such a thing is possible because my Soul's virtual memory bank carried over from previous incarnations all that I have earned. . . The causes set in motion in previous lives were driving the present-day incarnation that's why I was born with the capacity to be awake/aware in the subtle realms as a child. For my child-self it felt perfectly normal in sleep state to practice standing on air by stepping off a chair, or learning how to fly using my logic to reach the goal.
This is why I know that I chose this incarnation consciously. Such a thing is possible because of continuity of unbroken awareness.
If I were a Buddhist I would be able lay claim to be the re-incarnation of this or that historical figure. But I don't, because I transcended all power offices. My Work now is on the Energy level.
Shabd Yoga is not well understood - my post titled, Logos Cosmic Manna Shabd Crystal Rain, unpacks 'Shabd Sound' and 'Crystal Rain'
This post could use edit-attention - maybe soon, maybe not.
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