Edit expanded 13/05
In its edit-improved form, Solar Heart Initiation penned in March 2009, is getting the bumped-up treatment.
The title of this essay sounds symbolic, but when properly understood, it signifies the descent of Divine Truth. Sri Aurobindo described what the 'spiritual Sun' represents:
The sun is the symbol of Divine Truth, it stands universally for the supramental light, the divine Gnosis. + It is the symbol of power of the inner or higher Truth.
I had many types of Initiatory encounters with the Supramental Light, this is why I can only unpack a portion of how that happened to me in one sitting.
The ability to experience Ultimate Reality lies at the very heart of mystical experience - it is how we discover (as first-hand experience) the importance of Soul level Initiations. In this blog I describe what the journey through Light and Sound was like for me, with the Intention it may be of service to someone who is serious about Soul level evolution into wholeness and transcendence.
Gopi Krishna asserted:
The illumined person must be able to write what he has experienced and make that writing available to the world. + No one can describe the superconscious state unless he has experience of it. This is the most decisive sign to judge whether a man is enlightened or not. He must be able to give description of the superconscious state in words which are inspiring and which have an originality to their own.
Aurobindo said the same thing:
It is the descent of new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the Sadhana. Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realization for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is bringing of Power of Consciousness not yet organized and made directly active.
This is not about flaunting one's 'magnificence', such notion is utterly foreign to me, is foreign to every genuine mystic, because it comes from egoic conception. It has nothing to do with 'boasting' , but rather about sharing spiritual wisdom with the Intention it would help mankind on its path to divine consciousness. . .It is about presenting empirical evidence which introduces itself to the awareness of one's eternal self-Soul.
One of the more intense experiences took place on an auspicious day in the Christian calendar, so naming this particular Initiatory Event was about affirming what actually happened.
I was genuinely surprised when I heard on the news that January 6 was Epiphany Day. I never knew there was such a day in the Christian tradition - and wouldn't care in the least, if at dawn (January 6th) I didn't receive the most blessed Solar Heart Initiation. I recognized the significance of this Initiation and decided to see how 'epiphany' is described.
From reference.com /browser /Epiphany - "Christian festival celebrated Jan 6 one of the oldest Christian holy days". + From another source? "In the Eastern Church the waters are blessed on this day. The word epiphany means a manifestation, usually of divine power."
Description of what happened when my Soul beheld the Light of her Source and my reaction. . .
With the eye of contemplation (Spirit) I/Soul beheld the most breathtaking panorama . . .when I looked up, Sun's eye-dazzling brilliance filled my vision... I gasped and uttered "oh my God!", because I became aware of its Significance. The instant I acknowledged this, the Sun's Essence began its towards-me descent. When it reached my chest it morphed into large crystal-clear sphere and entered my being with a loud snap/burst-like sound. . .Now awake in this dimension my bliss-self kept chanting "Oh my God! Oh my God!"... tears of Gratitude sealed the deal.
*Edit-adding quote I chanced upon after edit-improving (Apr. 2019) this post:
Our souls should be like a transparent crystal through which God can be perceived.
- Saint Hildergard
* Edit-adding link to in 2013 penned Cosmic Synchronicity Confirmation
One of earliest appearance of the 'Supramental Sun', was witnessed in 1990 by my frightened husband - who told me that for several minutes my head was "Like the Sun and I couldn't see you" (indoors), during one of my passionate 'discussions' about the nature of 'Real Truth and Beauty.' During the minutes my head was 'like the sun', he kept shooting quick glances in my direction and with shooing away hand gestures, pleaded: "Don't do that, I can't see you".
I had no idea at the time what that was about and thought one day I will find the answer in some 'esoteric' book.
I had a variety of other types of encounters with the Uncreated Sun/Light and sensed it had something to do with the mystical realm, but because I had no one to compare my experiences with, I claimed nothing. By the time I discovered "by fluke" I had golden Light aura-field around my head and body, and a finger-wide blue ribbon of light next to my skin (in 94 and still have that journal scribble), I was pretty ceratain it had something to do with 'holiness' and named my aura-field 'Heavenly Robe'.
Confirmation from other (genuine) mystics began to trickle in: I discovered Hildegard of Bingen, Netherlands Beatrijs van Tienen and Hadevijch of Brabant. After that, Aurobindo's work confirmed for me what no other author could. The following - in his words - a perfect verifying example of my Solar Heart Initiation:
The meeting of God and man must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into human and a self-emergence of man in Divinity. But that emergence is not in the nature of annihilation. Extinction is not fulfillment of all this search and passion, suffering and rapture. The game would never have begun.
This is why I have the courage to state I bear witness to true spiritual knowledge of Divine Reality. I have the courage to say I became more than human. I am not the first, nor last to claim this. I read that God-Radiance Union is received by a "completely purified saint who has attained divine union."
Embodied Enlightenment is the birthright of every Soul...but not before one goes through the baptismal of 'Purifying Fires'.
Those of us who already ride this Cosmic Solar Heart frequency, bear witness to this Truth. This is also why we wish to remind anyone who wants to hear this: 'your eternal self-Soul is timeless and sooner or later, She will fulfill her ancient plan with your co-operation'.
I'm getting weary but will give another example of what 'penetration and entry of the divine into human and a self-emergence of man in Divinity', was like for me, circa 94' during hands on practice session on my Teacher. What I felt words can describe, but can never convey what it really feels like to experience: The descent of peace (Sat) the descent of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.
- in Sri Aurobindo's words.
Will start by saying I was (literally) Soul directed to become Energy Healer and became intensely devoted to this Practice. That day - circa 94 - I approached the massage table in deeply meditative state to practice on our Teacher, Dr. Kiara Galbreath. Three other students were seated and having jolly good time talking about teens and their habits during Florida vacation. I was standing with hands resting lightly on teacher's knees...within seconds my hands began 'jumping' with electricity (shock-like) because a LOT of Energy was flowing through me. Minutes later my Crown chakra became the channel through which (what subjectively felt like) a wide column of Energy began flowing into me in rhythmic waves. This was one of those 'first time like this', experiences, and I was determined to stay in this grove as long as possible by taking slow deep breaths to accommodate the influx of Divine Energy. Simultaneously, I was irritated by the noise/sounds in the room, because even though it subjectively felt I was many miles away, the noise hurt my head -- so I asked for silence. Not even the woman seated at teacher's feet heard me. I asked again and again, until B. said I was asking for silence. At last all was quiet and I became self-conscious about my deep breathing...and silently asked this Force to stop. Within seconds the Energy's rhythmic wave-action influx slowed down, then ceased altogether. Next moment, in a blissful daze I walked over to the other side of the table, placed my hand on K. Heart chakra and uttered: "The angels really love you". "They love you too!", she exclaimed. (We knew that 'angel energy' stand for the Divine).
Closing Thought: The Divine Light and its Treasury , or the Glory of the Absolute Supreme, is at hand and is within. . .Nothing is 'given' until the ignorance inside us fades. Saint John of the Cross reminds us:
Before this Divine fire of love is introduced into the substance of the soul, and is united with it, by means of a purity and purgation that is perfect and complete, this flame is wounding the soul, and destroying and consuming in it the imperfections of its evil habits; and this is the operation of the Holy Spirit, wherein he prepares it for Divine union and the transformation of its substance in God through love. + In thus allowing God to work in it, the soul...is at once illumined and transformed in God, and God communicates to it His supramental Being, in such a wise that it appears to be God Himself, and has all that God Himself has. And this union comes to pass when God grants the soul this supramental favour, that all the things of God and the soul seems to be God rather than a soul, and is indeed God by participation; although it is true that its natural being, though thus transformed, is as distinct from the Being of God as it was before.
Edit-adding: I revisited this topic in post titled Epiphany Day - Jan 6, 2010
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