Sunday, November 3, 2019

Soul Level Initiation's DNA

My Depth data includes descriptions of many types of Soul level Initiations...And what I describe feels so ordinary to me,  that often times I fail to clarify this or that point.  Thankfully, it occurred to me to say that Soul level Initiations, are not  in the same class-category as 'spiritual'  experiences leading up to that level. Subtle level experiences can be nothing more than minds dive into subconscious wish-fulfilling constructs, or drug induced hallucinations . .
This is why I don't expect someone who has not reached the Saint stage-level, then went beyond,  to truly comprehend  what it is I am  describing. I can't compel anyone to comprehend the meaning contained in the words and occasionally  remind folks, that,   'what I share was never meant to be seen by someone who is not ready to submit to the Supreme Divine'.

If someone asked me:
'What is Soul Initiation's DNA?'
I would say: Based on first-person experiences, I know with absolute certainty that  it's
distinctive quality is self-revealing  (Divine Revelation)-- because its source is none other than the Divine Beloved  whose Genetic Code is passed down to one's non-biological Light Being / Soul.
On Rapture Musings gives  three types of  examples of what kind of  Initiations (out of countless others)  are needed before one  gets  fully seeded  with the Divine Beloved's Essence . . .

One who stands in Soul-power bears witness to the fact that at this juncture one becomes an opening through which Divine Light flows into worlds hologram without ceasing  (via subtle planes for the benefit of all beings).
I  look to my spiritual peers for verification  and am glad to say I have been granted the authority to proclaim what the  Bhagavad Gita Seer asserted:
I am the Field and the knower of the field.
Post titled: The River of Light Revisited,  explains what happens when one becomes an opening through which Divine Light flows....

What I describe,  has its roots deeply seeded in the  supramental plane of existence in the subliminal depths (within),  where 'the higher spiritual planes create their own formulations'.
Aurobindo's work verified for  me what I already knew to be TRUE, but was still in the process of putting it into words. . .and the  reason, I named him my spiritual peer.
Today, with heart-felt gratitude,  I am including (for-me-verifying) passages from Sri Aurobindo's piece titled:  Seven Drafts On Supramental Yoga.

The aim of ordinary Yoga is to liberate the soul from Nature or, perhaps sometimes, to liberate the soul in Nature. Our aim is to liberate both the soul and nature into the Divine. Our aim is to pass from the Ignorance into the Divine Light, from death into Immortality, from Desire into self-existent Bliss, from limited human-animal consciousness into all-consciousness and God-consciousness, from the ignorant seeking of mind into self-existent knowledge of Supermind, from obscure half-animal into luminous God-force..." 
The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word is also surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for letting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates; for it is only when the self-giving is complete there comes the finality of the Yoga; the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of being, the transformation of the nature."
To become one in our absolute being with the ineffable Divine and in the manifestation a free movement of his being, power, consciousness and self-realising joy, to grow into divine Truth-consciousness beyond mind, into a Light beyond all human or earthly lights, into a Power to which the greatest strengths of men are a weakness, into the wisdom of an infalibble gnosis and the mastery of an unerring and unfailing divinity of Will, into a Bliss beside which all human pleasure is as the broken reflection of a candle-flame to the all-pervading splendour of an imperishable sun, but all this not for your own sake (but) for the pleasure of the Divine Beloved, this is the goal and the crown of the supramental path of Yoga.

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Kosmic Tonglen Duty 2.0

Edited: the queen of edit-expantions does it again Apr.30, by including Aurobindo's words with regard to the 'guidance from above...