Monday, July 6, 2020

Why Sri Aurobindo Is Cool

American writer, author of over 32 books published and translated into 34 languages, dealing with topics of sociology, philosophy, mysticism, politics, ecology, psychology and spiritual evolution, Ken Wilber, recognised Sri Aurobindo's genius and literary contribution. Including short quote of praise of this brilliant mind (among others) from article titled:
The Evolution of Enlightenment - published in 2002, in What Is Enlightenment journal - and link to, Why is Aurobindo Cool, penned by Craig Hamilton.

"In a sense, the nondual realization, which at least became a historical realization for a fair number of people right around the turn of the century, including Sri Aurobindo, is still unfolding. I mean its, the world of form keeps unfolding, keeps evolving--spirit's own self-expression keeps unfolding--and it happens, as far as I can tell, to build on what it did yesterday, which is why evolution is indeed an unfolding event in the world of form. So as this incarnational nonduality, this ultimately ecstatic tantric nonduality itself, began to unfold, and its forms of manifestation began to unfold, you find that by the time you get to people like Sri Aurobindo, there's such a full-bodied understanding of this process. 
Even though some of the earlier sages were ultimately enlightened for their time, there's a richness, an  unfolding, a resonance of spirit's own incarnational understanding in some of the recent sages that just give you goose bumps.&
Under those circumstances, the type of descent that Sri Aurobindo was talking about, the descent of the supermind, is something that he certainly thought would be increacing in frequency as evolution continued. And I think that's the case".

I was not surprised when I read that Aldoux Huxley, Nobel laurate Pearl S. Buck, and others independently nominated Sri Aurobindo for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

I borrowed this blog's title from Craig Hamilton's article tilted: Why Sri Aurobindo is Cool:
I can't post direct links, but am more than happy to include one cool snippet from it - and if interested, check out the article at

"Almost all religious and mystical traditions, East and West, ultimately see the goal of spiritual practice as some kind of vertical lift off, out of this world into either a transcendent beyond, a heaven, or a final cessation in nirvana. Sri Aurobindo had the audacity to say that this view was a mistake. A big mistake. He even had the chutzpa to say it was a mistake made by Shankara and the Buddha."

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