Friday, November 19, 2021
The Way of the Supramental Yoga
Edit-expanded 2023-01-19. The way of the Supramental Yoga (Yogic science of interior domains disclosed by direct experiential evidence at the apex of Soul's evolution) is not graspable to the intellect and its 'intuition', or 'reasoning'. Many are under the impression that an eloquent writer, or speaker on metaphysics must be a master. The true Master knows that using spiritual language, however high-profile or alluring, is merely an assertion *not evidence of supramental wisdom* if it is not supported by Depth data's empirical evidence cross-checked with one's spiritual community of the adequate. The Yoga Master knows that: "The goal of Yoga is always hard to reach, but this one is even more difficult then any other, and it is only for those who have the call, the capacity, the willingness to face everything and every risk, even the risk of failure, and the will to progres"- in Sri Aurobindo's words from Letters On Yoga, p.545.
I second that, because my innermost being responded to the 'call' which resulted in (having) decades worth of empirical evidence of what needs to happen before one attains the final Samadhi/the Stage of Coronation into Omnciscient in all its aspects. We also know that: "Pranayam and Asanas, concentration, worship, ceremonies, religious practice are not themselves Yoga, but only a means towards Yoga." & "For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience" - Sri Aurobindo.
The fully ascended non-biological Soul/Master/Goddess Light, knows that: "Man cannot by his own effort make himself more than man; the mental being cannot by his own unlaid force change himself into a supramental spirit. A descent of the Divine Nature can alone divinise the human receptacle".
The Living Goddess Light (Soul-Light being within one's interiority) bears witness to the fact that: "For a real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would also be necessary too a total submission and surrender of of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence, a will in it for its separate law of action to be completely annuled by transformation and lose all rights over our being."
Sri Aurobindo's quote from,The Life Divine, p.956
(And) Because this happened to me, I also know that:
"This Yoga demands a full ascension of the whole lower or ordinary consciousness to join the spiritual above it and a full descent of the spiritual (eventually supramental) into the mind, life and body, to transform it. The total ascent is impossible as long as sex drive blocks the way; the descent is dangerous so long sex-drive is powerful in the vital."
The following excerpts are from Letters On Yoga, volume 23
"One must be prepared to renounce at the higher call what are of as the natural affections. Even if they are kept at all, it can only be with a change which transforms them altogether. But whether they are to be renounced or kept and changed must be decided not by personal desires but by the truth above. All must be given up to the Supreme Master of the Yoga. The power that works in this yoga is of through-going character and tolerates in the end nothing great or small that is an obstacle to the Truth and its realisation."
"Regarding your question about complementary soul is a camouflage with which the mind tries to cover the sentimental, sensational and physical wants of the lower vital nature. It is that vital nature in you which puts the question and would like an answer reconciling its desires and demands with the call of the true soul in you. But it must not expect a sanction for any such incongruous reconciliation from here. The way of the Supramental Yoga is clear; it lies not through concession to these things--not, in your case, through satisfaction, under a spiritual cover if possible, of its craving for its comforts and gratifications of a domestic and conjugal comforts and life and the enjoyments of the ordinary emotional I desires and physical passion -- but through the purification and transformation of the forces which those movements pervert and abuse. Not these human and animal demands, but the divine Ananda which is above and beyond them and which the indulgence of those degraded forms would prevent from descending, is the great thing, and the aspiration of the vital being must demand in the sadhak." All quotes in Sri Aurobindo's words.
The genuine Clear Light-Heart Brahmacharya lineage has no room for magical and mythic thinkers, no room for tantric sex, it is not for the fainthearted, and definitely not for the proud one who truly believes that reading about this subject automaticaly 'upgrades' its mind to same spiritual status as the one who writes about it from the 'embodied' perspective.
Sri Aurobindo reminds us: "There are three things in the vital nature which are very great obstacles in Yoga--there are many others besides but they are of minor importance. 1. Lust. 2. Pride and Vanity - that "I am great saddhak", etc.. 3. Ambition for success or greed for money."
-Excerpt from Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo recorded by A. B. Purani p.41.
Vivekananda was Sri Aurobindo's teacher and when asked about Brahmacharya, asserted: "One must completely mould one's life in solitude must be perfect renunciation and must preserve Brahmacharya without a break. (*this happened to me 'naturally' & I knew I was in a hands of a Perfect Power*) That power may come to all. That power comes to him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya for a period of twelve years, with the sole object of realising God." -Excerpt from an interview with Priy Nath Sinaha.
And this: "The Brahmacharin must be sexually pure in thought, word, and deed."
The supremely realised (immortal) Soul (or Siddha who attained genuine bhava Samadhi) bears witness to the fact we ride the Self-Existing Bliss/Ananda wave without ceasing. . .We know that the Supreme Kundalini Goddess 'rescues' the Luminous Inner Dweller from its lower nature (by burning all karmic imprints to crisp), and when the process is complete, She moves freely within Love's Essence/Bliss.
Spiritual ecstasy is not generated by smelling pretty flowers, by watching kittens play, or glorious sunsets. These types of 'good feelings' are generated by 'happy hormones'.
Firmly established -and flowing wituot ceasing from the Crown chakra Shakti Light into world's hologram via subtle planes *not as a concept, or metaphor, but actually* Erotic Potency / Amrit / Soma / Elixir of the Gods, is a type of Eroticism the surface mind cannot comprehend. I wouldn't know this either, if Karma didn't place me exactly where I needed to be. . .And once my supramental intelligence came on line in its fullness, I realized I was born with unbroken continuity of awareness.
I was Soul-guided to check out Sri Aurobindo's work *which I resisted as I was convinced, 'what's the point, I never even aspired to be 'spiritual'* and when I did, I was shocked to discover, "I already know this, because this happened to me!". He confirmed for me that: "the higher supramental consciousness transforms sexual potency into the true force of Ananda."
Depth data's empirical evidence viewed through a prism already familiar to the surface mind, unconsciously blocks anything which does not support its highly invested needs and biases, thinks we are delusional and in urgent need of help.
This is why those of us who know better have a moral duty to CORRECT the surface mind's boast. . .Such as: 'there is nothing to attain because everything is THAT and everyone is already enlightened, because they don't know that the: "Divine is more than this outer manifestation and cannot be known by it alone. In the vital we may fall into the error of accepting what is dark and imperfect on same terms as that which makes for the light and divine perfection. There may be many other consequent erros also." Sri Aurobindo.
I will never tire of promoting/supporting the written work of noble souls, such as *my spiritual peer* Aurobindo, who affirmed for me that: "We do not found ourselves on faith alone, but on a great ground of knowledge which we have been developing and testing all our lives. I think I can say that I have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory and his method on the physical plane. That's why I'm not alarmed by the aspect of the world around me or disconcerted by the often successful fury of the adverse Forces who increase in their rage as the Light comes nearer and nearer to the filed of earth and Matter."
* Closing word: I had few encouters with Sri A - once we stood shoulder to shoulder (he wore white) and telepathically encouraged me to 'keep going'- this happened at a time I was ready to stop writing because angry people's word-attacks and their nasty/raging glory thought-forms were relentless. ?Are thoughtforms and their nasty energy, real? Sri Aurobindo confirmed for me they are:
"Through the faculty of Prakamaya and Vyapati, one gains knowledge of the present states of mind, feeling, sensations etc., of others, as well as communicate what is alive in us." This type of Intelligence is called 'Divine Siddhis' *which are activated in the superconscious field of the mind, and are expression of Soul's genius in human life*.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Descent Of Supramental Consciousness
My early attempts at unpacking (my) experiences of the descent of Supramental Consciousness were poorly written. Many got the edit-improved treatment, many more got the delete button treatment. Today I edit-expanded in 2009 written post titled, Peace That Passes Understanding, and decided to bump it up to the top of page with a more fitting title: 'Descent of Supramental Consciousness' (the original post's title is same as this one).
Not without a great deal of struggle can one get passed the limitations of the egoic self before one can taste the kind of Peace and Bliss that passess understanding. . .But it happenes sooner or later, even to me (smile) - the me, who has been known to not always be the angelic being some think I am today - thanks to (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti/Holy Spirit performing cosmic makeovers on me.
She bestowes blessing such as automatic body purification, first-hand perception of all the realms of Creation, Divine siddhis, fills us with spiritual Bliss, and reveals our inmost Essence to be Divine. This has been my experience so far.
I didn't aspire to be spiritual and didn't chose this Path - it chose me, because my eternal self-Soul was ready to fulfill her 'ancient plan'. I didn't study esoteric texts and didn't have anyone to talk about what was happening to me, so I tried to find others who have undergone the same types of experiences. I found some for-me-resonating information in texts about the Saints.
Meantime, the Descent of Supramental Consciousness, continued . .I knew I was in 'good hands' and trusted implicitly this invisible to the eye of flesh part of Reality to work into me what it Wills.
To say that this journey has been difficult, is an understatement, and the hardest part was seeing my family suffer because of the divorce. I knew I couldn't continue to be a 'wife' *to my best husband and a best friend in the world*. . .I knew I had no choice but ride my Soul's destiny wave to its culmination point, without having the slightest idea what the end-point might be.
Aurobindo verified for me my Soul's 'readiness'for Liberation/ Unity with the Divine Transcendent Source-Condition of everything that's arising, in this lifetime - years after I 'figured this out' myself: "There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and keep the family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of Karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual call or line and they are justified if that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative demand of the soul within them." Snippet from, From Letter On Yoga
Soul level experiences is the ascended Yogi/Yogini's empirical data to be 'gained for earth consciousness'.
I kept a record of some of the 'epic' experiences, but the idea one day I will be scribbling about it in this blog and other websites, never occured to me during those early years - mostly because I didn't have the Internet before 2001/Fall.
Sri Aurobindo, whose work I discovered the year I began writing here (2009), confirmed for me those Initiation experiences were the descent of Divine Light, Peace, Force, and Bliss. In his words: "These are the things that transform nature", in order, "to carry on the work through the instrument" + "One feels the Force only when one is conscious of it."
Quotes from, Letters on Yoga on Descent
Spirit Speaks chronicles how my Soul's journey through Light and Sound progressed - the good, the terrible and everything in between - which may or not be a source of inspiration to others.
Most spiritual aspirants are not aware there are many types of bliss experiences - ten, according to the Upanishad - before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
My couple of nights ago descripption of getting a 'head massage' by spiraling bands of laser-like energy, released my subtle/causal body from the flesh body. Today's experience included the laser-like action - which lasted only thirty seconds or so - but made a great impact on me, because of the sheer intensity of the Bliss factor.
Brief description: I was in a Deep Yogic state (awake during sleep) when I became aware of what felt like counter-rotating bands of energy moving up and down my head and body. Startled, I instincitvely braced myself to feel some kind of discomfort, since I remember well those, sometimes not so pleasant sensations of karma burning Kundalini rushes. I was absolutely alert and absolutely Bliss filled. . .The instant the 'massage' stopped, I heard a loud snap sound of what I could imagine two electric wires might make when crossed. Uttering 'Thank You', for such beautiful Initiation comes naturally.
This experience triggered a memory of reading someon's description of the Merkabah body, and decided to find information of this very esoteric sounding term in
I found this quote interesting: "The Star Tetrahedron, better known as the Merkaba, is comprised of two opposing tetrahedrons that are spinning in opposite directions. In ancient Egypt the word Merkaba referred to a a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world intoo another. In Hebrew it means chariot of God. In the bible it is the way Elijah ascended into Heaven. The word Merkaba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, and is considered to be a light vehicle for space/time dimensional body; to assist in the attainment of higher levels of conscious awareness; and to travel or transision between dimensions and realities.
Elswhere I saw thiis statement, but failed to scribble the source: "The Merkabah can most eaisily be described as a sphere of golden light."
The mention of the 'gold sphere' caught my attention, because in 1990, my head "was like the sun" for several minutes - as witnessed by my frightened husband - who by then, from the far end of the room and the far end of the sofa, kept glancing in my direction and with shooing-away hand gestures, pleaded: "don't do that, I can't see you."
I know, that if I didn't have these experiences I would not have been able to transmit this Light-Power to others.
One incident comes to mind: the time my student (with eyes closed in meditative state induced by Shakti flowing through my hands) perceived and described, hovering above her mid-body a large sphere of Light. . ."What's it doing here?" (asked few times). I tried to explain the significance of the Vision, but as the minutes ticked by, she bacame agitated and said "I don't like this". It became very apparent she was not ready to accept and benefit from this Grace-given Initiation.
Most spiritual aspirants are not aware that complete transformation is possible when the Supreme Shakti Force 'rescues' the (true) Soul from its lower nature. . .Are not aware that:
"The Divine is in his essence Infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If this is so, it s not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be raeched by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multi-form dynamic experience is essential for the complte transformation. -Sri Aurobindo
Not without a great deal of struggle can one get passed the limitations of the egoic self before one can taste the kind of Peace and Bliss that passess understanding. . .But it happenes sooner or later, even to me (smile) - the me, who has been known to not always be the angelic being some think I am today - thanks to (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti/Holy Spirit performing cosmic makeovers on me.
She bestowes blessing such as automatic body purification, first-hand perception of all the realms of Creation, Divine siddhis, fills us with spiritual Bliss, and reveals our inmost Essence to be Divine. This has been my experience so far.
I didn't aspire to be spiritual and didn't chose this Path - it chose me, because my eternal self-Soul was ready to fulfill her 'ancient plan'. I didn't study esoteric texts and didn't have anyone to talk about what was happening to me, so I tried to find others who have undergone the same types of experiences. I found some for-me-resonating information in texts about the Saints.
Meantime, the Descent of Supramental Consciousness, continued . .I knew I was in 'good hands' and trusted implicitly this invisible to the eye of flesh part of Reality to work into me what it Wills.
To say that this journey has been difficult, is an understatement, and the hardest part was seeing my family suffer because of the divorce. I knew I couldn't continue to be a 'wife' *to my best husband and a best friend in the world*. . .I knew I had no choice but ride my Soul's destiny wave to its culmination point, without having the slightest idea what the end-point might be.
Aurobindo verified for me my Soul's 'readiness'for Liberation/ Unity with the Divine Transcendent Source-Condition of everything that's arising, in this lifetime - years after I 'figured this out' myself: "There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and keep the family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of Karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual call or line and they are justified if that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative demand of the soul within them." Snippet from, From Letter On Yoga
Soul level experiences is the ascended Yogi/Yogini's empirical data to be 'gained for earth consciousness'.
I kept a record of some of the 'epic' experiences, but the idea one day I will be scribbling about it in this blog and other websites, never occured to me during those early years - mostly because I didn't have the Internet before 2001/Fall.
Sri Aurobindo, whose work I discovered the year I began writing here (2009), confirmed for me those Initiation experiences were the descent of Divine Light, Peace, Force, and Bliss. In his words: "These are the things that transform nature", in order, "to carry on the work through the instrument" + "One feels the Force only when one is conscious of it."
Quotes from, Letters on Yoga on Descent
Spirit Speaks chronicles how my Soul's journey through Light and Sound progressed - the good, the terrible and everything in between - which may or not be a source of inspiration to others.
Most spiritual aspirants are not aware there are many types of bliss experiences - ten, according to the Upanishad - before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
My couple of nights ago descripption of getting a 'head massage' by spiraling bands of laser-like energy, released my subtle/causal body from the flesh body. Today's experience included the laser-like action - which lasted only thirty seconds or so - but made a great impact on me, because of the sheer intensity of the Bliss factor.
Brief description: I was in a Deep Yogic state (awake during sleep) when I became aware of what felt like counter-rotating bands of energy moving up and down my head and body. Startled, I instincitvely braced myself to feel some kind of discomfort, since I remember well those, sometimes not so pleasant sensations of karma burning Kundalini rushes. I was absolutely alert and absolutely Bliss filled. . .The instant the 'massage' stopped, I heard a loud snap sound of what I could imagine two electric wires might make when crossed. Uttering 'Thank You', for such beautiful Initiation comes naturally.
This experience triggered a memory of reading someon's description of the Merkabah body, and decided to find information of this very esoteric sounding term in
I found this quote interesting: "The Star Tetrahedron, better known as the Merkaba, is comprised of two opposing tetrahedrons that are spinning in opposite directions. In ancient Egypt the word Merkaba referred to a a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world intoo another. In Hebrew it means chariot of God. In the bible it is the way Elijah ascended into Heaven. The word Merkaba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, and is considered to be a light vehicle for space/time dimensional body; to assist in the attainment of higher levels of conscious awareness; and to travel or transision between dimensions and realities.
Elswhere I saw thiis statement, but failed to scribble the source: "The Merkabah can most eaisily be described as a sphere of golden light."
The mention of the 'gold sphere' caught my attention, because in 1990, my head "was like the sun" for several minutes - as witnessed by my frightened husband - who by then, from the far end of the room and the far end of the sofa, kept glancing in my direction and with shooing-away hand gestures, pleaded: "don't do that, I can't see you."
I know, that if I didn't have these experiences I would not have been able to transmit this Light-Power to others.
One incident comes to mind: the time my student (with eyes closed in meditative state induced by Shakti flowing through my hands) perceived and described, hovering above her mid-body a large sphere of Light. . ."What's it doing here?" (asked few times). I tried to explain the significance of the Vision, but as the minutes ticked by, she bacame agitated and said "I don't like this". It became very apparent she was not ready to accept and benefit from this Grace-given Initiation.
Most spiritual aspirants are not aware that complete transformation is possible when the Supreme Shakti Force 'rescues' the (true) Soul from its lower nature. . .Are not aware that:
"The Divine is in his essence Infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. If this is so, it s not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be raeched by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multi-form dynamic experience is essential for the complte transformation. -Sri Aurobindo
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Nectar of Supreme Knowledge
The path of embodying the Nectar of Supreme Knowledge is a thogh one and available to beings ready to submit their lower nature to the Divinity within at the apex-point of one's Soul's evolution.
The ark of my terrestial history includes decades worth of mystical experiences. . .and I know that even my intitially feeble attempts at unpacking not only their significance, but the inner processess of spiritual and supramental Self-reavealment, were not influenced by personal feelings, brain-altering substances or intuitive opinions. Soul-literate scientist (Supramental Yogic Science field) focuses on fact-based (objective) empirical data,fact-checked by those who are qualified. . .
Because the knowledge of the Soul level evolution is the least known, I feel compelled to bring to the world stage this Grace-given Gift. Bring the Gift of Illumination that guides its working and the Power/Conscious Will that determines its results (Divine Revelations) all the way to Supermind and Beyond. 'Beyond'? - in Sri Aurobindo's cosmology named, "the supreme Sachichidananda which is above all" and realised in the supramental plane which can only be comprehended by Supermind.
Gopi Krishna reminds us: "All who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
The hardest thing for me was to articulate what I was destined to see/know in a such a way that honors the Integrity of what introduced itself to the awareness of my non-biological Soul/Light Being. I already knew I was receiving Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature, and was determined to describe those transpersonal/supramental events to the best of my ability, even though I knew my writing style was lame. Happy to say it/my writng improved quite substancially over time.
Revelatory/supramental knowledge - which is clearly a transpersonal event - is not well received by minds which view Depth's data empirical evidence through the lens of mind incapable of comprehending the subtlety of meaning couched within the written word.
Those of us who have been called to bridge the gap between Humanity and Divinity, are not doing this for self-glorification. Such motive is foreign to me/us, such notion comes from egoic conception. We already know we are humanity's servants. We also know that we are 'flaunting innocently' what we were destined to know, and obey the inner call of our/my vocation.
Innocent Humility protects us from becoming defeated in the face of much opposition, because we know that 'supramental knowing' is Grace-given to a being who passes the 'Innocent Mind', test. Innocent Humility in its most radical sense can never be squashed by desire-mind and its insulting tactics, because we are performing the Will of the one Supreme Spirit (by whatever name).
Reasearch supported Depth data in Yogic science is not everyone's cup of tea, and this is as it should be. Those who aspire to become transparent to the Depths of the Divine are advised to:
"Open your soul to the Eternal - but it must be the eternal that draws your strength and beauty,
not desire for growth. For in one case you develop in the luxuriance of purity,
in the other you harden by the forcible passion for personal status." - author unknown.
When I read that passage, (long time ago) I thought this is it! That's the secret. I never aspired to be spiritual, didn't read esoteric texts, still the Supreme Shakti/Kundalini Goddess grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and performed a complete Kosmic makeover. I was 'allowed' to see/know the Nectar of Supreme Knowledge because I was 'ready' to see/feel/know it.
"Evil is the fruit of a spiritual ignorance it will disappear only by the growth of a spiritual consciousness and the light of spiritual knowledge. The division of being from the being of others can only be healed by removing the divorce of our nature from the inner Soul-reality, by abolishing the veil between our becoming and our self-being, by bridging the remoteness of our individuality in Nature from the Divine Being who is the omnipresent Reality in Nature and above Nature. . .
But the last division to be removed is the scission between this Nature and the Supernature which is Self-Power of the Divine Existence. Even before the dynamic Knowledge-Ignorance is removed, while it still remains as an inadequate instrumentation of the spirit, the supreme Shakti or Supernature can work through us and we can be aware of her workings; but it is then by a modification of her light and power so that it can be received and assimilated by the interior nature of the mind; life and body.
But this is not enough; there is indeed an entire remoulding of what we are into a way and power of the divine Supernature. The integration of our being cannot be complete unless there is a transformation of the dynamic action; there must be an uplifting and change of the whole mode of Nature itself and not only some illumination and transmutation of the inner ways of the being.
An eternal Truth-Consciousness (*Supermind) must possess us and sublimate all our natural modes into its own modes of being. knowledge and action; a spontaneous truth-awareness, truth-will, truth-feeling, truth-movement, truth-action can then become the integral law of nature."
-Sri Aurobindo, excerpt from The Life Divine/ Book 2, Part 2: The Knowledge of the Spiritual Evolution
Precisely! This is why years ago *long before I saw this passage* I wrote, 'strictly speaking my body doesn't belong to me anymore.'
Because the knowledge of the Soul level evolution is the least known, I feel compelled to bring to the world stage this Grace-given Gift. Bring the Gift of Illumination that guides its working and the Power/Conscious Will that determines its results (Divine Revelations) all the way to Supermind and Beyond. 'Beyond'? - in Sri Aurobindo's cosmology named, "the supreme Sachichidananda which is above all" and realised in the supramental plane which can only be comprehended by Supermind.
Gopi Krishna reminds us: "All who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
The hardest thing for me was to articulate what I was destined to see/know in a such a way that honors the Integrity of what introduced itself to the awareness of my non-biological Soul/Light Being. I already knew I was receiving Communication of the Divine Logos from the source of its Nature, and was determined to describe those transpersonal/supramental events to the best of my ability, even though I knew my writing style was lame. Happy to say it/my writng improved quite substancially over time.
Revelatory/supramental knowledge - which is clearly a transpersonal event - is not well received by minds which view Depth's data empirical evidence through the lens of mind incapable of comprehending the subtlety of meaning couched within the written word.
Those of us who have been called to bridge the gap between Humanity and Divinity, are not doing this for self-glorification. Such motive is foreign to me/us, such notion comes from egoic conception. We already know we are humanity's servants. We also know that we are 'flaunting innocently' what we were destined to know, and obey the inner call of our/my vocation.
Innocent Humility protects us from becoming defeated in the face of much opposition, because we know that 'supramental knowing' is Grace-given to a being who passes the 'Innocent Mind', test. Innocent Humility in its most radical sense can never be squashed by desire-mind and its insulting tactics, because we are performing the Will of the one Supreme Spirit (by whatever name).
Reasearch supported Depth data in Yogic science is not everyone's cup of tea, and this is as it should be. Those who aspire to become transparent to the Depths of the Divine are advised to:
"Open your soul to the Eternal - but it must be the eternal that draws your strength and beauty,
not desire for growth. For in one case you develop in the luxuriance of purity,
in the other you harden by the forcible passion for personal status." - author unknown.
When I read that passage, (long time ago) I thought this is it! That's the secret. I never aspired to be spiritual, didn't read esoteric texts, still the Supreme Shakti/Kundalini Goddess grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and performed a complete Kosmic makeover. I was 'allowed' to see/know the Nectar of Supreme Knowledge because I was 'ready' to see/feel/know it.
"Evil is the fruit of a spiritual ignorance it will disappear only by the growth of a spiritual consciousness and the light of spiritual knowledge. The division of being from the being of others can only be healed by removing the divorce of our nature from the inner Soul-reality, by abolishing the veil between our becoming and our self-being, by bridging the remoteness of our individuality in Nature from the Divine Being who is the omnipresent Reality in Nature and above Nature. . .
But the last division to be removed is the scission between this Nature and the Supernature which is Self-Power of the Divine Existence. Even before the dynamic Knowledge-Ignorance is removed, while it still remains as an inadequate instrumentation of the spirit, the supreme Shakti or Supernature can work through us and we can be aware of her workings; but it is then by a modification of her light and power so that it can be received and assimilated by the interior nature of the mind; life and body.
But this is not enough; there is indeed an entire remoulding of what we are into a way and power of the divine Supernature. The integration of our being cannot be complete unless there is a transformation of the dynamic action; there must be an uplifting and change of the whole mode of Nature itself and not only some illumination and transmutation of the inner ways of the being.
An eternal Truth-Consciousness (*Supermind) must possess us and sublimate all our natural modes into its own modes of being. knowledge and action; a spontaneous truth-awareness, truth-will, truth-feeling, truth-movement, truth-action can then become the integral law of nature."
-Sri Aurobindo, excerpt from The Life Divine/ Book 2, Part 2: The Knowledge of the Spiritual Evolution
Precisely! This is why years ago *long before I saw this passage* I wrote, 'strictly speaking my body doesn't belong to me anymore.'
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Illuminations From Beyond The Intellect
Spirit science and its empirical data/evidence (disclosed to the eye of Spirit), is as complex,
and at the same time, as subtle as the most advanced study of particle physics (disclosed to the
eye of mind and its intellect).
The difference between these two disciplines lie in the fact that Spirit science requires one to
reach the deepest developmental level (which takes the evolving soul-personality eons of epochs to master),before the: "relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated
in this experience of fulfillment." Quote from: The Tibetan Book of the Dead (my copy penned by Robert A.F. Thurman)
In other words, it takes countless of lifetimes to become a proper instrument through which the Revelatory Absolute flows into the world of Form.
I wrote Illuminations From Beyond The Intellect (originally titled somt else) in 2010. It got the edit-expanded treatment in 2017,after I chanced upon for-me-verifying Sri Aurobindo's words. Because of the relevance of this developmental line/intelligence, I decided to give Illuminations From Beyond The Intellect the bump-up treatment.
This is what I wrote in 2010
Couple of nights ago, again, my brain was flooded with flute-like Sound. This Sound's flute-like melody kept humming along
seemingly without ceasing . . .because each time (many times) I woke up in this dimension I heard its very pleasant, several-notes-long melody. During the waking hours I am aware of it faintly
I have no doubt that this Kosmic Chant current is the carrier of those periodically heard 'signals' I've been perceiving with either the left brain hemisphere, or the right.
I described before the difference beetween the 'qualities' of Information each side carries, but will include quick recap: The 'signals' (info) perceived with left side/ear, are charged with oft times extremely negative emotions/intentions (thoughtforms) when someone in cyberland (Integral Life forum) gets triggered by my writing, I see/feel those thoughtforms in all their aggressive glory. . .I could say more about this, but am chosing not to.
On the other hand, those with right ear perceived (flute-like) 'signals', are the carriers of very sweet-loving energy intention/information.
* Edit Note: 29/08/2017
In 2013 I chanced upon information about this particular type of Divine Siddhi (activated in the Superconscious field of the mind),
called 'Prakamaya' and 'Vyapati' - in auromere.wordpress. com/2010/12/sri-aurobindo-on-synchronicity, and received permission from Mr. Sandeep
to quote:
"The capricious spark of intuition which briefly flashed during occurences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into highly
refind powers (Siddhis) called 'Prakamaya' and 'Vyapati'. It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of "present states of mind,
feeling, sensation etc. of others, and "it is with Vyapati, that we communicate anything we have in our systems, thought, feeling power,
etc. to another. Sri Aurobindo explained, "every thought, feeling, sensation or other movement of consciousness in us create a wave or
current which carries it out into the world-consciousness around and there it enters into any person who is able to and allowed to receive
it. Half at least of our habitual thoughts and feelings are such unconscious borrowings." Record of Yoga, p.20.
Today (same day) I chanced upon gloriously verifying information on (Divine) Sound and Light. The following quotes are from:
the motherdivine. com/naam-or-word-the-sound-principle shtml
"In Yoga Sandhaya, an elaborate account is given by the practice of "hearing shabd" + "In the Rig Veda and the Atlun Veda there are hymns
in praise of Shabd." + "A Yogin ouught to sit in Sidha Asan, and adopting Vaishnavi Mudra, should hear within him the "Sound" coming from
the right side." + "The flute of Krishna (*heard it many times) is symbolic of the same Sound alegorically explained. This Sound is the
source of all revelation to the Master-souls, wheteher Hindus. Muslims, Christians, and contless others, were conversant with the practice
of the Word, though they did not not necessarily expound it as regular science. Most of them tell of Anhad Shabd only, leading up to
Und and Brahmand or the subtle and cosmic regions. But perfect saints, irrespective of whether they belonged to one religion or the other
have gone beyond this and hhave spoken of Sar Shabd and Sat Shabd as well, and of regions beyond Branhmand (Par-Brahmand, i.e, Sach Khand,
Alkah and Agm Deshas). + "You can see His Light when your inner eye is opened. And you can hear His voice when his inner ear is opened."
The following quote is from wikipedia. org/wiki/Surat_Shabd_Yoga -- in Kripal Singh words:
"Those who have mastered this path have finally merged with the Supreme Lord in His Absolute, Nameless and Formless State. The Creator,
the Absolute, projects itself into form that assumes too primary attributes: Light and Sound. (Word for Naam) and Light are primal
manifestations of God when He projects Himself into Creation. In His nameless state He is neither light nor darkness, neither sound nor
silence, but when He assumes shape and form, Light and Sound emerge as His primary attributes."
Based on my experience, Kripal Singh's assertion is true, but partial. . .One whose eternal/non-biological fulfills her 'ancient plan',
(at the zenith-point of her evolution) unites with the ESSENCE (Blissananda) of the Supreme Beloved, bears witness to new revelation.
It can be captured by this simple phrase: 'What I am is Love and what I have is Bliss in union with everything that's arising'.
With deep gratitude to Mr. Sandeep from auromere, for another (for me verifying) information.
"1. Para-Vak is the highest form of sound. It issues from the Supernal Ether that build the various worlds preexist in an undifferentiated state.
2. Pashyanti in sanskrit means "seeing speech". Pashyanti is the sound vibration heard in the causal worlds. A sage whose consciousness is
concentrated in the causal body is able to "glimpse" a Truth in a vision or revelation. Knowledge is aquired in the inner mind by sight without
the use of of reasoning faculty or sensory data.
3. Madhamaya (Middle) is the sound as perceived in the subtle or Pranic world. A good example of this would be thought-forms held in our minds.
4. Vaikhari is the lowest form of sound and it signifies outword expression. This is the spoken word emerging from the throat."
* Will add, the above mentioned 'cosmic chant' lasted for about two years - maybe longer. I'm pretty sure I mentioned the day it started, Whatver
it was that needed fine-tuning has reached its apex-point and integrated itself into my body-mind-Soul system. I hear still the constant,
crystal-like (extremely subtle) spinning sound vibration within my interiority as well as without (aura filed). . . as well as the 'signals',
when someone gets triggered either positively or negatively by my writng.
and at the same time, as subtle as the most advanced study of particle physics (disclosed to the
eye of mind and its intellect).
The difference between these two disciplines lie in the fact that Spirit science requires one to
reach the deepest developmental level (which takes the evolving soul-personality eons of epochs to master),before the: "relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated
in this experience of fulfillment." Quote from: The Tibetan Book of the Dead (my copy penned by Robert A.F. Thurman)
In other words, it takes countless of lifetimes to become a proper instrument through which the Revelatory Absolute flows into the world of Form.
I wrote Illuminations From Beyond The Intellect (originally titled somt else) in 2010. It got the edit-expanded treatment in 2017,after I chanced upon for-me-verifying Sri Aurobindo's words. Because of the relevance of this developmental line/intelligence, I decided to give Illuminations From Beyond The Intellect the bump-up treatment.
This is what I wrote in 2010
Couple of nights ago, again, my brain was flooded with flute-like Sound. This Sound's flute-like melody kept humming along
seemingly without ceasing . . .because each time (many times) I woke up in this dimension I heard its very pleasant, several-notes-long melody. During the waking hours I am aware of it faintly
I have no doubt that this Kosmic Chant current is the carrier of those periodically heard 'signals' I've been perceiving with either the left brain hemisphere, or the right.
I described before the difference beetween the 'qualities' of Information each side carries, but will include quick recap: The 'signals' (info) perceived with left side/ear, are charged with oft times extremely negative emotions/intentions (thoughtforms) when someone in cyberland (Integral Life forum) gets triggered by my writing, I see/feel those thoughtforms in all their aggressive glory. . .I could say more about this, but am chosing not to.
On the other hand, those with right ear perceived (flute-like) 'signals', are the carriers of very sweet-loving energy intention/information.
* Edit Note: 29/08/2017
In 2013 I chanced upon information about this particular type of Divine Siddhi (activated in the Superconscious field of the mind),
called 'Prakamaya' and 'Vyapati' - in auromere.wordpress. com/2010/12/sri-aurobindo-on-synchronicity, and received permission from Mr. Sandeep
to quote:
"The capricious spark of intuition which briefly flashed during occurences of synchronicity ripens in self-realized sages into highly
refind powers (Siddhis) called 'Prakamaya' and 'Vyapati'. It is through Prakamaya that one gains knowledge of "present states of mind,
feeling, sensation etc. of others, and "it is with Vyapati, that we communicate anything we have in our systems, thought, feeling power,
etc. to another. Sri Aurobindo explained, "every thought, feeling, sensation or other movement of consciousness in us create a wave or
current which carries it out into the world-consciousness around and there it enters into any person who is able to and allowed to receive
it. Half at least of our habitual thoughts and feelings are such unconscious borrowings." Record of Yoga, p.20.
Today (same day) I chanced upon gloriously verifying information on (Divine) Sound and Light. The following quotes are from:
the motherdivine. com/naam-or-word-the-sound-principle shtml
"In Yoga Sandhaya, an elaborate account is given by the practice of "hearing shabd" + "In the Rig Veda and the Atlun Veda there are hymns
in praise of Shabd." + "A Yogin ouught to sit in Sidha Asan, and adopting Vaishnavi Mudra, should hear within him the "Sound" coming from
the right side." + "The flute of Krishna (*heard it many times) is symbolic of the same Sound alegorically explained. This Sound is the
source of all revelation to the Master-souls, wheteher Hindus. Muslims, Christians, and contless others, were conversant with the practice
of the Word, though they did not not necessarily expound it as regular science. Most of them tell of Anhad Shabd only, leading up to
Und and Brahmand or the subtle and cosmic regions. But perfect saints, irrespective of whether they belonged to one religion or the other
have gone beyond this and hhave spoken of Sar Shabd and Sat Shabd as well, and of regions beyond Branhmand (Par-Brahmand, i.e, Sach Khand,
Alkah and Agm Deshas). + "You can see His Light when your inner eye is opened. And you can hear His voice when his inner ear is opened."
The following quote is from wikipedia. org/wiki/Surat_Shabd_Yoga -- in Kripal Singh words:
"Those who have mastered this path have finally merged with the Supreme Lord in His Absolute, Nameless and Formless State. The Creator,
the Absolute, projects itself into form that assumes too primary attributes: Light and Sound. (Word for Naam) and Light are primal
manifestations of God when He projects Himself into Creation. In His nameless state He is neither light nor darkness, neither sound nor
silence, but when He assumes shape and form, Light and Sound emerge as His primary attributes."
Based on my experience, Kripal Singh's assertion is true, but partial. . .One whose eternal/non-biological fulfills her 'ancient plan',
(at the zenith-point of her evolution) unites with the ESSENCE (Blissananda) of the Supreme Beloved, bears witness to new revelation.
It can be captured by this simple phrase: 'What I am is Love and what I have is Bliss in union with everything that's arising'.
With deep gratitude to Mr. Sandeep from auromere, for another (for me verifying) information.
"1. Para-Vak is the highest form of sound. It issues from the Supernal Ether that build the various worlds preexist in an undifferentiated state.
2. Pashyanti in sanskrit means "seeing speech". Pashyanti is the sound vibration heard in the causal worlds. A sage whose consciousness is
concentrated in the causal body is able to "glimpse" a Truth in a vision or revelation. Knowledge is aquired in the inner mind by sight without
the use of of reasoning faculty or sensory data.
3. Madhamaya (Middle) is the sound as perceived in the subtle or Pranic world. A good example of this would be thought-forms held in our minds.
4. Vaikhari is the lowest form of sound and it signifies outword expression. This is the spoken word emerging from the throat."
* Will add, the above mentioned 'cosmic chant' lasted for about two years - maybe longer. I'm pretty sure I mentioned the day it started, Whatver
it was that needed fine-tuning has reached its apex-point and integrated itself into my body-mind-Soul system. I hear still the constant,
crystal-like (extremely subtle) spinning sound vibration within my interiority as well as without (aura filed). . . as well as the 'signals',
when someone gets triggered either positively or negatively by my writng.
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