Friday, November 19, 2021
The Way of the Supramental Yoga
Edit-expanded 2023-01-19. The way of the Supramental Yoga (Yogic science of interior domains disclosed by direct experiential evidence at the apex of Soul's evolution) is not graspable to the intellect and its 'intuition', or 'reasoning'. Many are under the impression that an eloquent writer, or speaker on metaphysics must be a master. The true Master knows that using spiritual language, however high-profile or alluring, is merely an assertion *not evidence of supramental wisdom* if it is not supported by Depth data's empirical evidence cross-checked with one's spiritual community of the adequate. The Yoga Master knows that: "The goal of Yoga is always hard to reach, but this one is even more difficult then any other, and it is only for those who have the call, the capacity, the willingness to face everything and every risk, even the risk of failure, and the will to progres"- in Sri Aurobindo's words from Letters On Yoga, p.545.
I second that, because my innermost being responded to the 'call' which resulted in (having) decades worth of empirical evidence of what needs to happen before one attains the final Samadhi/the Stage of Coronation into Omnciscient in all its aspects. We also know that: "Pranayam and Asanas, concentration, worship, ceremonies, religious practice are not themselves Yoga, but only a means towards Yoga." & "For what Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience" - Sri Aurobindo.
The fully ascended non-biological Soul/Master/Goddess Light, knows that: "Man cannot by his own effort make himself more than man; the mental being cannot by his own unlaid force change himself into a supramental spirit. A descent of the Divine Nature can alone divinise the human receptacle".
The Living Goddess Light (Soul-Light being within one's interiority) bears witness to the fact that: "For a real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would also be necessary too a total submission and surrender of of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence, a will in it for its separate law of action to be completely annuled by transformation and lose all rights over our being."
Sri Aurobindo's quote from,The Life Divine, p.956
(And) Because this happened to me, I also know that:
"This Yoga demands a full ascension of the whole lower or ordinary consciousness to join the spiritual above it and a full descent of the spiritual (eventually supramental) into the mind, life and body, to transform it. The total ascent is impossible as long as sex drive blocks the way; the descent is dangerous so long sex-drive is powerful in the vital."
The following excerpts are from Letters On Yoga, volume 23
"One must be prepared to renounce at the higher call what are of as the natural affections. Even if they are kept at all, it can only be with a change which transforms them altogether. But whether they are to be renounced or kept and changed must be decided not by personal desires but by the truth above. All must be given up to the Supreme Master of the Yoga. The power that works in this yoga is of through-going character and tolerates in the end nothing great or small that is an obstacle to the Truth and its realisation."
"Regarding your question about complementary soul is a camouflage with which the mind tries to cover the sentimental, sensational and physical wants of the lower vital nature. It is that vital nature in you which puts the question and would like an answer reconciling its desires and demands with the call of the true soul in you. But it must not expect a sanction for any such incongruous reconciliation from here. The way of the Supramental Yoga is clear; it lies not through concession to these things--not, in your case, through satisfaction, under a spiritual cover if possible, of its craving for its comforts and gratifications of a domestic and conjugal comforts and life and the enjoyments of the ordinary emotional I desires and physical passion -- but through the purification and transformation of the forces which those movements pervert and abuse. Not these human and animal demands, but the divine Ananda which is above and beyond them and which the indulgence of those degraded forms would prevent from descending, is the great thing, and the aspiration of the vital being must demand in the sadhak." All quotes in Sri Aurobindo's words.
The genuine Clear Light-Heart Brahmacharya lineage has no room for magical and mythic thinkers, no room for tantric sex, it is not for the fainthearted, and definitely not for the proud one who truly believes that reading about this subject automaticaly 'upgrades' its mind to same spiritual status as the one who writes about it from the 'embodied' perspective.
Sri Aurobindo reminds us: "There are three things in the vital nature which are very great obstacles in Yoga--there are many others besides but they are of minor importance. 1. Lust. 2. Pride and Vanity - that "I am great saddhak", etc.. 3. Ambition for success or greed for money."
-Excerpt from Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo recorded by A. B. Purani p.41.
Vivekananda was Sri Aurobindo's teacher and when asked about Brahmacharya, asserted: "One must completely mould one's life in solitude must be perfect renunciation and must preserve Brahmacharya without a break. (*this happened to me 'naturally' & I knew I was in a hands of a Perfect Power*) That power may come to all. That power comes to him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya for a period of twelve years, with the sole object of realising God." -Excerpt from an interview with Priy Nath Sinaha.
And this: "The Brahmacharin must be sexually pure in thought, word, and deed."
The supremely realised (immortal) Soul (or Siddha who attained genuine bhava Samadhi) bears witness to the fact we ride the Self-Existing Bliss/Ananda wave without ceasing. . .We know that the Supreme Kundalini Goddess 'rescues' the Luminous Inner Dweller from its lower nature (by burning all karmic imprints to crisp), and when the process is complete, She moves freely within Love's Essence/Bliss.
Spiritual ecstasy is not generated by smelling pretty flowers, by watching kittens play, or glorious sunsets. These types of 'good feelings' are generated by 'happy hormones'.
Firmly established -and flowing wituot ceasing from the Crown chakra Shakti Light into world's hologram via subtle planes *not as a concept, or metaphor, but actually* Erotic Potency / Amrit / Soma / Elixir of the Gods, is a type of Eroticism the surface mind cannot comprehend. I wouldn't know this either, if Karma didn't place me exactly where I needed to be. . .And once my supramental intelligence came on line in its fullness, I realized I was born with unbroken continuity of awareness.
I was Soul-guided to check out Sri Aurobindo's work *which I resisted as I was convinced, 'what's the point, I never even aspired to be 'spiritual'* and when I did, I was shocked to discover, "I already know this, because this happened to me!". He confirmed for me that: "the higher supramental consciousness transforms sexual potency into the true force of Ananda."
Depth data's empirical evidence viewed through a prism already familiar to the surface mind, unconsciously blocks anything which does not support its highly invested needs and biases, thinks we are delusional and in urgent need of help.
This is why those of us who know better have a moral duty to CORRECT the surface mind's boast. . .Such as: 'there is nothing to attain because everything is THAT and everyone is already enlightened, because they don't know that the: "Divine is more than this outer manifestation and cannot be known by it alone. In the vital we may fall into the error of accepting what is dark and imperfect on same terms as that which makes for the light and divine perfection. There may be many other consequent erros also." Sri Aurobindo.
I will never tire of promoting/supporting the written work of noble souls, such as *my spiritual peer* Aurobindo, who affirmed for me that: "We do not found ourselves on faith alone, but on a great ground of knowledge which we have been developing and testing all our lives. I think I can say that I have been testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously than any scientist his theory and his method on the physical plane. That's why I'm not alarmed by the aspect of the world around me or disconcerted by the often successful fury of the adverse Forces who increase in their rage as the Light comes nearer and nearer to the filed of earth and Matter."
* Closing word: I had few encouters with Sri A - once we stood shoulder to shoulder (he wore white) and telepathically encouraged me to 'keep going'- this happened at a time I was ready to stop writing because angry people's word-attacks and their nasty/raging glory thought-forms were relentless. ?Are thoughtforms and their nasty energy, real? Sri Aurobindo confirmed for me they are:
"Through the faculty of Prakamaya and Vyapati, one gains knowledge of the present states of mind, feeling, sensations etc., of others, as well as communicate what is alive in us." This type of Intelligence is called 'Divine Siddhis' *which are activated in the superconscious field of the mind, and are expression of Soul's genius in human life*.
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