Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Supermind Explains Itself

Edit-expanded 2024-09-28
Someone can study Sri Aurobido's writing for several decades and still declare: "I have been following a flexible approach as regards writings of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo by avoiding literalism" & "Sri Aurobindo advocated the spiritual approach as a solution to all problems, but his philosophy or yoga doesn't have and straighfoward method for direct access to spirituality. Nor is anyone's subjective spiritual experience verifiable."
Quotes from: Savitri Era blog, in Tusar Nath Mohaparta's words.

I was very tempted to tell this man he is misrepresenting Aurobindo's work, but stopped myself when I realized he was 'promoting' it work in many blogs. There is no way such a mind would accept 'correction' from anyone. . .Mr. Mohaparta is genuinely not aware that Supramental Yoga is for spiritually mature people - not aware that knowledge of the Supreme Truth cannot be projected into the intellect, because it completely transcends the comprehension of the recepient. This man's pride-mind thinks he is uniquely qualifed to promote Aurobindo's work, and if I were to 'disturb' him the wound to his pride might be too great to bear.

Those who 'know better', know that at the apex of one's Soul evolution into wholeness and transcendence, the She who exists to serve the ever-expanding evolution of understanding of the nature of Divine Reality (in all its aspects), Knows, what we bear witness to is not a theological claim, but a matter of experience resonant with those beings who in their innermost Sanctuary/ Soul became a vessel that can hold/bear the Supreme Descent.

Aurobindo writes: "The Life Divine is not philosophy but fact. It contains what I have realised and seen" + "The supramental Yoga is at once an ascent towards God and a descent of Godhead into the embodied nature. The ascent can only be achieved by a one-centered all-gathering upward aspiration of the Soul and mind and life and body; the descent can only come by a call of the whole being towards the infinite and eternal Divine. If this call and this aspiration are there, or if by any means they can be born and grow constantly, and seize all the nature, then and then only a supramental uplifting and transformation become possible.
The call and the aspiration are only first conditions; there must be along with them and brought by their effective intensity and opening of all the being to the Divine and total surrender. This opening is a throwing wide all the nature on all its levels and in all its parts to receive into itself without limits the greater divine Consciousness which is there already above and behind and englobing this mortal half-conscious existence.
In the receiving there must be no inability to contain, no breaking down of anything in the system, mind or life or nerve or body under the transmuting stress. There must be an endless receptivity, an always increasing capacity to bear and even stronger and more and more insistent action of the divine Force. Otherwise nothing great and permanent can be done; the Yoga will be in a break-down or an inert stoppage or a stultifying or a disastrous arrest in a process which must be absolute and integral if it is not be a failure.

But since no human system has this endless receptivity and unfailing capacity, the supramental Yoga can succeed only if the Divine Force that enters from above to work in nature. This is only possible if there is on our part a progressive surrender of the being into the hands of the Divine; there must be a complete and never failing assent, a courageous willingness to let the Divine Power do with us whatever is needed for the work that has to be done. *skip

Only when the conscious integral surrender to the Divine has been learned by mind and life and body, can the way of the Yoga become easy, straight, swift and safe."
Excerpts from: The Hour Of God, The Path.

THIS I knew and 'allowed', because I knew I was in 'good hands'. The Divine Shakti Force and its 'Deputies' - - same as: Vedic Gods, or Conscious Forces that represent powers of the Supermind, I riffed on in post titled: Path Ordained By God - - rescued my Divine Soul from its lower nature many years before I discovered Aurobindo's work. . .And when I did (discover) I was shocked how 'resonating' or 'verifying' his words were. And am not surprized I had couple of soul level 'mind melts', or encounters with him when the going got though.

Aurobindo words from his epic poem Savitri Book 5, Canto 2):
"Rare is the cup fit for lover's nectar wine. As rare the vessel that can hold God's birth; A soul made ready for through thousands of years Is the living mould of a suppreme Descent".
Mister Mohaparta didn't experience Soul lvel 'supreme Descent' and its transforming power, so he has no choice but reduce genuine Divine Revelations to something that makes sense to his not yet spiritualised consciousness.
Aurobindo did say, 'what you call thinking, I never do. I either see or I don't see'. Tusar's failure to "see" with the eye of Spirit the depth of Aurobindo's work satisfies his lower-stage ambitions.

Sri A's translation of the Rig Veda includes the following statement: "Confronted with the stately hymns of the ancient dawn, we are conscious of a blank incomprehension. And we leave them as prey to the ingenuity of the scholar who gropes for forced meanings amid obscurities and incongruities where the ancients (Rishis) bathed their souls in harmony and light."
Tusar and those in the same 'blank' boat folks, will one day see their error. . . Meantime, someone like me - a big nobody and a female - has an obligation to rescue from the hands of ignorance that which Grace bestowed on Sri Aurobindo.

Aurobindo did experience the transforming power of the Descent. If he did not, he wouldn't know that: "Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine nature." & "By the supermind is meant the full Truth-Consciousness of the Divine Nature in which there can be no place for the principle of division and ignorance; it is always a full light and knowledge superior to substance or mental movement." - Synthesis of Yoga.

But when asked: "Why not write something about Supermind which those people find difficlult to understand?", he replied: "What's the use? How much would anybody understand? Besides the present business is to bring down and establish the Supermind, not to explain it. If it establshed itself, it will explain itself - if it does not, there is no use explaining it. I have said some things about it in the past writings, but without success in enlightening anybody. So why repeat the endeavour?
"When he was asked: "When the Supermind descends into the earth-consciousness will all sadhakas be aware of it - the descent into the earth, I mean, not in themselves?". He replied: "It wouldn't be necessarily be known by everybody. Besides, even if the desent were here one would have to be ready to before one could get the final change." &
"It is true that I want the supramental not for myself but for the earth, and certainly therefore I cannot object if anybody wants the supramental. But there are conditions. He must want the Divine Will first and the soul's surrender and the spiritual realisation (through works, bhakti, knowledge, self-perfection) on the way."

I am uniquely qualified to confirm everything he said. I heard the CALL and responded. . .and have a moral duty to obey the inner call of my vocation by bearing witness to what happens on the Path of Deep Esoteric Truth - in the Supramental Yogic Science field - when 'everything is ready'.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Spirit Talk Inner Gold

Edited: I wrote this post in March 2009 and don't understand why it parked itself on top of the page (July 28-2024) after I gave it a bit of edit- tweak.

It was you who formed my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
that I know very well. (Ps 139:13-14)

"Spirit can be viewed as a ballet dancer who leaps into the air and lands in perfect balance in relation to a partner."

"Spirit is at work in the world and not "an ornament of piety."

"The world does not know or receive the Spirit (Jn 14:17) There are powers of resistance with whom the Spirit is locked in mortal combat."

Quotes from Flame Of Love A Theology Of The Holy Spirit, penned by Clark H. Pinnock.

AMEN to that! What attracted me to this, plucked from library shelf book, was the its symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit in the form of a white dove in flight inside bright flames....Many times witnessed in Vision.

I was never religious but intuitively had a connection to something I knew not what to call. This 'something', while still in an elementary school made my indignant self got hot under the collar when Communists decided that displaying the crucifix in public places was forbiden. I saw our teacher's sadness when she broke the news, and felt compelled to do something.

During the break I found two sticks on the graced with many trees school property, and with grass tie-fashioned a handsome, brand new crucifix for our classrom! After school, when everyone was gone I climbed on the desk and hung it under one of the political dignitaries portraits.

Sometimes I had wondered what the reaction of the person who would find it might have been.

By then my soul-self - very much awake in that boundary dissoloving space - practiced, and mastered, standing on air by stepping off a chair.
My child self loved practice "gymnastics" when alone. . . Many years later (in Canada) I learned that those body contortions were called "advanced yoga". I practiced these poses in my favorite, very private Summer hangout spot in a spacious back garden, a shelf-like strip of land where the land dropps off sharply to a lower level . . .The very spot my awake in dream body-mind found chunks of gold.

Just a short journal entry from "Jul.92' I was assigned an archaeological dig. Was extremely important, "famous" in fact, right in my own back yard."

And instantly I sensed the significance of its meaning 'Go deep , and you shall find a Treasure not of this world'.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Not According to Egoic Wants but Those of the Soul

Edited: this post was written in March 2009, and have no idea why it parked itself at top page since I didn't even 'tweak' it.

Feels a bit strange to be doing this because I didn't know I could have a free of charge blog until yesterday - thanks to Rev David Graham, ('Zoltan' who saw my comments in One Cosmos blogspot) who urged me via thunderous (3) emails I had to write about the things that introduced themselves to the awareness of my Soul. I responded with all manner of excuses why I couldn't do it, while being intrigued by the possibility of having my space and to my heart's content riff about my mystical experiences.

He didn't care that I whined about my non-existent computer skills: "God helps those who help themselves" - were his marching orders. So I relented and timidly began scribbling with lots of spelling errors and terrible grammar. But I didn't care because I didn't think anyone would read it. I was just happy cyber bullies were not attacking me. I didn't know what all those icon thingies stood for - one of which was spell checker. I didn't want to click on anything to avoid braking something. I didn't know I could edit posts, or that I could see the number of visitors. . .and when months later, I did click my way to where I could see the number of visitors, I was shocked at the number because I didn't tell anyone I had a blog.

At best - I thought - if I do this, my sons and daughters will know what their mama was up to all those years. One thing I know with uncompromising certainty, is that acting in concert with Universal Harmony opens the doors of Liberating Possibilities, and its Will-Essence imparting one's soul with Divine Vitality.

In this blog I will attempt to convey the hows' and the whys' of my spiritual awakening journey (unsolicited) Kundalini awakening, style. Seems odd, because not so very long ago (17 years ago) I wanted to live in a forest, "away from the insanity of the world, make my own soap and write children's books." It didn't pen out, though we tried and tried.
Living a simple life without any whatsoever aspirations after worldly goods, deeply yearning to see "a sane world one day."

I did keep a bit of a journal from which I'll be quoting some 'otherworldly' events, from the perspective of a Walker of Both Worlds - something that even in my wildest imagination wouldn't occur to me the thought one day I will be sharing on the Internet.
Today I feel like sharing my "Angel winking moment" - something that happened last year while watching television documentary on Angels, and while at it, include my Mama's mystical experience - because the 'flavour' of both is identical.

My 'angel winking' story includes email quotes I wrote the day I watched Decoding Christianity (April 2, 2008). Snippet: "Was it meant for my eyes only that the town's square (in Italy) angel statue left eye winked at around the 10:46/7/8 ish PM o'clock mark? Or, it was a computer simulated winking-jest moment? (it was a full/complete eyelid closed 'wink'). It wouldn't be the first time the Divine supernaturally communicated its people-nearness."
Two or three days later I received the following response: "We are looking into it."

Something silmilar 'happened' to my Mother while watching television program on Christian iconography. At some point Mother Mary's face in its (now) close-up form, lit up with radiant smile, causing Mama to release the flow of bhakti tears. . . "I was still crying when Krystyna (friend) came over, and alarmed, asked: "What happened?! What's wrong!?" . So she told her, "And then we both cried!"

May 1st, a short reply from Decoding Christianity folks: "We're sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. We checked with the producers regarding your inquiry. They conveyed that they did not have the statue wink in the documentary."

Mother did pray to Mother Mary every night. On my last visit overseas I witnessed a tender Mama / Holly Mary moment. . .Her friend had just returned from a visit to some holy sight and gave Mama white ceramic bottle shaped in the Mother Mary, image/statue filled with Holy Water. After the friend left, radiant with joy Mama kissed Mother Mary's image and whispered, "My most beautiful one."

Saturday, May 25, 2024


Mystical poetry shrinks to word-size expressions/the subtlety of meaning of something that introduces itself to the awareness of one's eternal self-Soul (Divine Revelations).
I appreciate Sri Aurobindo's take on this topic: "To the mystic there is no such thing as abstraction. Everything which to the intellectual mind is abstract has a concreteness, substantiality which is more real than the sensible form of an object or of a physical event. The mystical poet can only describe what he has felt, seen in himself or others or in the world just as he has felt or seen it or experienced through exact vision, close contact or identity and leave it to the general reader to understand or misunderstand according to his capacity."

I wrote several mystical verses many years before I received directive from within to check Aurobindo's work - in 2009, the year I began scribbling here - and despite my earlier conviction his writing wouldn't make any sense to me, I was quite surprised when I discovered: 'I already know this, because THIS happened to me!'
I am definitely not comparing my writing to his, because, well, he is Aurobindo. . .and then there is the lil' me who didn't study world's mystical traditions and had zero 'spiritual' ambitions. Still it 'happend', because my eternal self-Soul was ready in this incarnation to fulfill her 'ancient plan'. . .via the Grace-bestowed Path, when
"A hand from some Greatness opened her heart's locked doors
And showed the work for which her strength was born." - Sri A quote from Savitri

I wrote BENEDICTION May 1st, and it is my pleasure to share this poem in Spirit Speaks.
I published it in Facebook / Logos Speaks group open to public, May 1st.
Benediction is a literal description of That which unveils its Mystery / Ultimate Truth of Divine Nature in all its aspects without uttering single - this is why we call it 'Divine Revelation'.


Within the Heartbeat of Creation a symphony of Celestial rhythms
Paints fractal blooms weaving
Tapestries of unbridled passions' creativity
Upon the Loom which existence is woven.
It's footsteps echo across galaxies, leaving stardust in its wake. . .
It paints nebulae with hues of desire,
Igniting novae in the distant realms.
In its fervor it births galaxies,
It's alchemical infusion of chaos and creation cradles memories
Like ancient manuscripts inscribing Epochs in the annals of eternity.

Codes sublime announce the graceful unveiling of the Godhead in the soul of Humanity
Joining its depth to His height. . .
Guided by the Ultimate Motive in service to Truth these Celestail Charriots,
A beacon of Spirit's hope calling to itself
The Bearers of its Light to discover in their innermost Within, the Kingdom of Heaven.
Oh! seeker of Truth, stand before the Benediction with reverance
Let your gaze pierce the veil of illusion,
Find yoursel within its embrace and
Glimpse the Ineffable, the Hearbeat of Creation. . .
Which shows that the mental image of the phenomenal world as
Two aspects of the One Sonnet-Reality
Sweeping you off your feet. . .
And face-to-face meeting the All-Embracing vast Being, your True Self.

*Codes Sublime & Celestial Chariots signify 'Divine Revelations'.

Divine self-disclosure is the revelation of the Divine Beloved in all its aspects and beyond aspects. Sri Aurobindo reminds us that spiritually mature beings have a moral duty to:
"bring down heaven on earth for ourselves and mankind." +
"Philosophies and religions dispute about priority of different aspects of God and different Yogis, Rishis and Saints have preffered this or that philosophy or religion. Our business is not to follow after any aspect to the exclusion of the rest, but to embrace God in all His aspects and beyond aspects." +
"Pranayam and Asanas, concentration worship, ceremonies, religious practice are not themselves Yoga, but only a means towards Yoga. For what the Yoga searches after is not truth of thought alone or the truth of mind alone, but the dynamic truth of a living and revealing spiritual experience." +
"It is only in the supermind that Awareness, Will, Force are always one movement and automatically effective."

Monday, April 29, 2024

Kosmic Tonglen Duty 2.0

This blog unpacks the many types of hows' and whys' of the post-enlightenment stages, in order to fulfill "...the imperative demand of the soul." This Path without a map awaits someone who embodies the traits/characteristics of: "The saint, the sage, the seer, the inspired man of action, the creator - these are the summits of being. Beyond him is the supramental being, the spiritual superman." +
"Man cannot by his own effort make himself more than man; The mental being cannot by his own unaided force change himself into a supramental spirit. A descent of the Divine Nature can alone divinise the human receptacle." +
Therefore our surrender must not be blind and inert passitivity to all influences or any influence, but sincere, conscious, vigilant, pointed to the One and the Highest alone."
- Sri Aurobindo SWSA chapter 12.

My originally scribbled in 2011/07 blog titled Cosmic Tonglen Duty, in its now edit-expanded incarnation and new title, reads like a new riff so I decided to post it again.

The Divine Spirit/Universal Teacher within my fully awakened eternal Soul has been my most trusted guiding Principle because I was ready to submit my will to its Will. Aurobindo discovered same Truth: "God's Will is Consciousness applying itself to a work and results + That which is immortal in mortal being is a God established inwardly as an energy working out in our divine powers."
How did I discover that 'God's energy' is real/true? In 1994, by fluke - with open eyes and spiritualized consciousness - I discovered I had a vast aura-field knitted by gold light, and a narrow band of blue light next to my skin. . .Many years later I was happy to see Gopi Krishna's description of its meaning/significance:
"The "immortal" body made of the fire of Yoga, refers to the mantle aroud the Knowing Self, which in case of accomplished Yogi, encircles his inner being day and night. This is the divideha of the divine body, inside the gross body of flesh, in which one finds oneself unsheathed when Kundalini irradiates and opens the new channel of perception in the brain."

Aurobindo bears witness to same, this is why he wrote: "There are many who pursue inwardly the spiritual life and family duties, not as social duties but as a field for the practice of karmayoga, others abandon everything to follow the spiritual call or line and they are justified if, that is necessary for the yoga they practice or if that is the imperative of the soul within them." - Excerpt from: Letters On Yoga."

In letter to his brother, Aurobindo describes what this type of lifestyle demands of us:
"My coming to meet you on the fourth of January was settled, but I could not come; this did not happened of my own accord. I had to go where the Lord led me. This time I did not go for my own work, I had gone for His work. . .hence-forward I am no longer my own master; I will have to go like a puppet wherever the Divine takes me and makes me do. . .all that I do does not depend on my own will, but its done according to the command of the Divine."

I know precisely what the 'imperative demand of the soul' feels like. . . and the reason I say,
'I was literally soul-directed to meet my Master Dr. Kiara Galbreath and become Vibrational Healer' at a time I had no idea what that even meant.

Aurobindo's body of work is immense and I doubt I will ever read everything he has written, but what I have read so far, is verifying for me. Recently (2011) I chanced upon his description of the 'Divine', and agree that:
"The Divine is everywhere on all planes of consciousness seen by us in different ways and aspects of His being. But there is a Supreme which is above all these planes and ways and aspects and from which they come. + These two sets of three names each mean the same thing. Visva or Virat, the Spirit of the external universe, Hirnayaogaraba or Taijusa (The Luminous) the Spirit in the inner planes, Prajna, or Ishwara, the Superconscient Spirit, Master of all things and the highest Self on which all depends. The Mental cannot be Ishwara. Virat is the outer manifestation and if we take all that as Brahman without knowing what is behind the manifestationn we shall fall into the intellectual error of Pantheism, not realising that the Divine is more than this outer manifestation we shall fall into the error of accepting what is dark and imperfect on same terms as that which makes for the light and divine perfection. There maybe other consequences also."
Source intyoga.online.fr/ppb2.htm.

One whose inner Essence becomes Love without boundaries, knows that our 'great change' is Grace-bestowed by the Law of Ordained Inevitability at the apex-point of one's Soul evolution, and 'used' for the benefit of all beings in all domains of existence.
The River of Light blog, posted May 2010, describes visible to the eye of Spirit and felt in every fiber of my being, Divine Shakti Light's flow (Holy Spirit) out of my Crown chakra into world's hologram via subtle planes.
I don't know if Aurobindo knew/experienced Shakti's flow, but am glad to say when I chanced upon his brilliant word-elaboration on Divine Worker, I was a happy camper. Including excerpt from Volume B Essays on Gita,
"So too this God-lower will be the divine worker; not for the sake of works or for self-regarding pleasure in action, but because in this way God expands the power of his being and in his powers and their signs we find him, because the divine Will in works is the outflowing of the Godhead in delight of his power, of divine Being in the delight of Divine Force. He will feel perfect joy in works and acts of the Beloved, because in them too he finds the Beloved. + A work like ours has not only to bring down and represent and embody the Divine, but to represent too the ascending element in humanity and to bear the burden of humanity to the full and experience, and not in a mere play or Lila, but in grim earnest, all obstruction, difficulty, opposition, baffled and hampered and only slowly victorious labour which are possible on the path."

'Divine Labour', or 'Kosmic Tonglen Duty', doesn't supposed to make sense to the intellect and its logic. . .Only one whose eternal-self-Soul attains Erotic Union with the Essence of the Suppreme Beloved, can know what the term 'Ultimate Consummation' signifies, and knows what 'Self-generating Bliss', feels like.

In this blog I am attempting to the best of my non-academic ability to unpack many types of Soul-level contacts with the Kosmic Mind/God, and Descends of its 'more ruthless than love and happier than heaven' (Sri A quote) Supramental Forces into my bodily being - including descriptions of vibratory sensations in the Crown chakra when someone's towards-me-directed rage and thoughtforms I see and feel in all its ugly glory - and much more! All that and more 'happens', but it would be foolish of me to disclose everything because some things are for my ears and eyes only. . .But can add that, the Shabd Yoga master in me, knows that in that boundary dissolving dommain, the rage and fear in the collective feels very 'spikey', and had it not been for the visible to me blazing white Light/Divine radiance - 'manifestation of pure divine force descending from one of the Truth-planes', Sri A. - and its power-ability to 'burn to ash' all manner of spikeness (felt in my stretched to infinity universal body) I would be dead years ago.

Will end this essay by including Aurobindo's answer and my stanza on 'physics of ascention scribbled Oct/2013.
When Aurobindo was asked: "Can everybody contact the higher forces?"
"No, not indeed; but they can submit themselves to a doscipline and this brings success. + All kinds of indications will come from above and whatever you do must be referred to the Above. It will not do to depend on the mind alone. When initiative, guidance etc. will come down from above, then the thing begins; the next step will be to change the Adhara. Thus to act under the guidance coming from above, this is one side of the sadhana, the dynamic side. The other one is the discrimination between the Purusha and the Prakriti. The Purusha will calmly observe, give sanction, choose but will realise that all this does not belong to him - all these are outside him (Universal Spirit/Brahman). This is the static side of the sadhana. +

The Truth-power must be brought down from from above into that (inner) state of peace, and this higher power - Parashakti - will directly guide the vehicle - adhara - and transform it. After having all kinds of empty and idle thoughts, the mind should receive intuitions from above. The reason why we recommend the suspension of external activities is that otherwise the mind cannot abandon its habitual activities. This is why isolation is necessary. + The higher Truth is all the time working in us but through the lower power - Aparashakti. It is when we become conscious of the play of this higher Power will descend into and directs us, then only the yogic life will begin. + Our yoga demands surrender; the entire being has to be put in the hands of the higher force and allow itself to be transformed. For this an opening is needed."
- Source: overmanfoundation.wordpress.com/2013/02/19/anilbaran-roys-interview-with-sri-aurobindo.

In 2013 I scribbled:
Physics of ascension bends gravity,
Tastes the still-point of consecrated will-participation and
Diamond Goddess Ray. . .
Fearless, unbridled passion, creativity and time-space
Lie crouching at the feet of Benediction.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Path Ordained By God

Edit-expanded 2024-07-10 includes link to video which includes recording of the gold frequency + expanded # 3)
My originally written in June 2009 blog titled, On Rapture Musings, describes three types of descends of Divine Force into my bodily being. I am astonished still, after all these years (early 90s') at the intensity of those Initiations, as well as my unwavering Trust in what was 'happening' . . .because I knew I was 'in good hands'. I was not a scholar of wisdom teachings or a meditator, and didn't know there were other beings who have undergone same or similar Initiations. And, when many years later I read Aurobindo's statement on karma, the pieces of this Kosmic puzzle fell into place: "Karma is not luck, it is transmission of past energies into the present" & "Karma is nothing but the will of the Spirit in action, consequence nothing but creation of will. What is in the will of being, expresses itself in karma and consequence."

In its now vastly edit-expanded form, the now Path Ordained by God, title, is a better fit. It reads like a new blog - hence the decision to do a 'do over' in this space.

In this post I will describe three types of Soul level Initiations that are now grounded in a very much grander verifying context. Aurobindo verified for me that the descent of Divine Force-Light-Bliss-Ananda into the bodily being takes place at the zenith-point of one's eternal self-Soul's evolution. These events, or experiences fall into the Yogic Soul science category. Genuine Saints and Siddhas demonstrate that Soul Powers are real. We know that recipients of Grace-bestowed Divine Revelations, have a moral duty to obey the inner call of our vocation for the benefit of all beings.
We encourage: 'open your soul to the Eternal - but it must be the Eternal that draws forth your strength and beauty, not desire for growth. For in one case you develop in the luxuriance of purity, in the other you harden by the forcible passion for personal stature' - in words of an unknown Master.
We remind the spiritual aspirant that, the surrendered one relies on Grace to help us patiently endure years upon years of continous elemination of karmic baggage.
What I bear witness to is not contaminated by personal desires. And, because I didn't misuse this Knowledge, or betray it by imagining I was 'special', I was able to sustain the responsibility of its Command / Divine Will and bring to the world's evolutionary spirituality table, the Story of what needs to happen before one attains the Final Samadhi. In other words *in poetic speak*, the attainment of the stage of Coronation in Omniscience in all its aspects, Wills us to 'bring down heaven to earth for ourselves and mankind'- Aurobindo's quote

Sri Aurobindo confirms for us that: 'Divine condition descends from above, is given by the Divine. + The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us. + We do not found ourselves on faith alone, but on great ground of knowledge which we have been developing and testing day and night for years upon years more scrupulously then any scientist his theory and his method on the pysical plane". +
From: The Life Divine, p.956 "For real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would be necessary too a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence, a will in it for its separate law of action to be completely annulled by transformation and lose all rights over our being."

All knowledge must be ultimately grounded in experience. Including brief descripitons of a direct contact with, and in every cell of my being felt the 'dynamic' descends of Supramental Forces in their 'supramentalising' aspects - without which 'farther progression, even an infinite development' wouldn't be possible:

1. This particular Initiation experience was unlike any other, yet just as startling-intense as the rest *circa 1993*, and occurred during a hands-on energy balancing session, in our Master's (Dr. Kiara Galbreath) home. On this rare occasion Kiara allowed us to practice on her. I joined the three students after I finished working on a fellow student. Standing room only and hands on teacher's knees suited me fine, until seconds into it I felt so much energy surging through me that my hands began 'jumping' with strong zaps of electric-like currents. Minutes later, a very much 'solid' column-like of Energy began pounding my Crown chakra in rhythmic waves. This was the most fascinating thing because I was standing in a room of talking and laughing people! I knew I had to stay as still as possible and take long deep breaths in order to accommodate such forceful influx of Transcendent Energy into my bodily being. I knew I was in an altered state of consciousness because even though I heard the noise/sound as if from great distance, it made my head hurt. The noise felt very uncomfortable and very annoying, so I decided to ask for silence. I made that request more than once - and finally, the woman sitting at teacher's feet heard me, and said: "Helen is asking for silence". No one heard her, so she asked again and the room fell silent. The instant that happened, I became very self-conscious of my breathing and asked the Energy to cease its action. . .Within few seconds this Force's rhythmic wave-action diminished in strength and came to a full stop.
I couldn't talk about this, but my teacher knew what that was about because she saw her Master get knocked off her feet (literally), by the sudden influx of the Energy when she placed hands on her.

2. I named the following *extremely intense* Initiation in 94, 'Thundering Combastion Experience'. I was flat on my back when suddenly my head became like a thunderously roaring ready to explode missile, and thought this Energy will render me 'toast' *dead* and uttered "God be with me!" Next instant I disappeared. . . without name and history 'I' became a witnessing awareness aware of the transcendent Intelligence immensity and magnitude so great that is beyond the wildest imagination. I don't know how long I stayed in this state, but felt what happened the instant my extremely subtle body snapped back into my flesh body. The impact was so strong-abrupt, I felt my light body's torso rise-up to sitting position before gently laying down.
I made a note of this experience on the back of (blank) page in book penned by Roshi Philip Kapleau titled: The Three Pillars of Zen - 25th Anniversary Edition.

*Edit-adding 23-05-18 verifying quote from Guy L. Beck's book titled, Sonic Theology p.39-103 with quote from the Darsana Upanishad (6.36-38)
"The Darsana Upanishad describes the sound heard when the consciousness becomes centered in the Brahmandra (anterior fontanelle), located in top-center region of the head: when air (prana) enters the Brahmaranda, nada (sound) is also produced there. Resembling at first the sound of conch blast and like roaring of a mountain cataract. Thereafter, O great wise one! The Atman, mightily pleased, will actually appear in front of thee. Then there will be ripeness of the Knowledge of the Atman from Yoga and disowing by the Yogi of worldly existence."

Edit-adding 2024-01-25 recently discovered *verifying* passages penned by Rig Veda seer and Shankara on 'the mighty Rudra'. Adi Shankara defined the name Rudra as: "One who makes all beings cry at the time of cosmic dissolution." + "The strength of Godhead never departs from Rudra, him who is sovereign of this world, the mighty." (2.33g).
The Rig Veda seer named the Godhead's Power 'Rudra', which is often associated with the sound not heard with our ears."+ 'His terrifying howl as he embraks on his destructive rampage' *karmic 'demolition* + 'The might of the mighty eradicates problems'. Rig Veda's prayer to Rudra, includes this verse: "We worship the three eye one who has matted hair who shines like the Sun".

Edit-adding 2024-04-20 The rushing/mighty wind imagery in Christianity emphasizes the dynamic and transformative nature of the Holy Helper/Spirit, which the God-Realized Jesus promised he would 'send on behalf of the Father'.
From (King James) Acts 2:2-4 "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven of a rushing mighty wind, and filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it set upon each of them."
And: Jeremiah 5:13 "And the prophets shall become wind, and the word is not in them: thus shall it be done unto them."
The rushing wind imagery emphasizes the dynamic and transformative nature of the Holy Spirit's presence.
John 14:26 testified what Jesus promised his disciples:
"But the Helper the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to you remembrance of all that I have said to you."

I am happy to say one who beheld with the eye of Spirit Jesus' spiritual Grace-bestowed 'pure in Spirit' stature, wrote: "Had I lived in Palestine in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, I would have washed his feet with, not with my tears, but with my heart's blood." - Vivekananda.

I am happy to say that Aurobindo confirmed for me/us that:
"A strong son of lightning came down to the earth with the fire feet of swiftness, Spledid: Light was born in a womb and thunder's force filled the human form." - Saviti. +
"There are many Forces (but) it is only the Supramental Force that works absolutely because it creates its own conditions. The Force descends for two things:
1. To transform Nature 2. To carry out the work through the instrument. + The descent of Peace, the descent of Force or Power, the descent of Light, the descent of Ananda - these are the four things that transform nature. + At first one is not conscious entirely and in detail. +
All these different actions of the Force on the adhara with the intention of opening it up from above and below and horizontally also. The action from above opens it to the descent of forces from above the Mind and the ascent of consciousness above the lid of the ordinary human mind. The horizontal action helps open it to the cosmic consciousness on all its levels. The action from below *Erotic potency transmuted into true force of Ananda* helps to connect the superconscient. Finally the consciousness instead of being limited to the body becomes infinite, rises infinitely above, plunges infinitely below, widens infinitely on every side. + There is besides the opening of the centers to the Light and Power and Ananda that has to descend from above." -Excerpts from: Letters on Yoga - On Descent. *The River of Light Revisited, riffs on same theme 2019/04)*

3. Intro note: One whose Ultimate Motive is the service of Truth itself bears witness to what happens when our body-mind-soul gets lit-up/charged by the Power of the Supramental Forces and becomes a real-perfect/responsive vessel of the Spirit (after many types of Initiatory experiences, or descends of the Divine Nature). . .
It's how the Royal Science Yoga rolls.
I was awakened suddenly because my entire being was vibrating with a loud high voltage note frequency. That too felt uncanny, but not entirely surprising as by then Kundalini Shakti/ Holy Spirit put me through many types of 'cosmic makeovers'.

Edit-adding in 2023-06-18, statement on Shabd *Sound* penned by Rig Veda seer: "But the perfect saints, irrespective of whether they belong to one religion or the other, have gone beyond this and have spoken of Sar Shabd and Sat Shabd as well, and regions beyond Brahmand." -wikipedia/surat_shabd_yoga

Becuse of these, and many other types of Initiations, long time ago I wrote: 'I am neither Christian, or any other world's tradition mystic, because the Supreme Beloved introduced me to what exists at the core of all esoteric systems. At this stage-attainment one has the spiritual authority to declare: 'I jumped out of all possible systems by becoming one with the very source of all power, and therefore, am no longer bound by any of them'.

Edit-adding 2024-07-10 link to video which includes - recorded by scientists - the sound of a gold frequency. . .Will add: Many years ago while blessing the space (low lighting) with the Master symbol before my students piled in, I was stunned into disbelief by observing that each wave of my hand produced a very much 'solid' looking (like 'pure gold') gold streaks. That night one of my gifted students, beheld with the eye of contemplation (eyes closed and Shakti-induced meditavie state) my white light aura-field. Years later I read Aurobindo's comment on what the white light signifies: "White light indicates the divine consciousness. White is the purity and power of the divine Truth & The white light is a manifestation of pure divine force descending from one of the truth-planes leading to the supramental."

For some unknown reason to me I can't post direct links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1B7LFAmhcs - or it can be accessed by search engine by title: Real Human Recordings - Bioenergy Fields by Scientists.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Real Spirituality Explained

World's wisdom teaching found in sacred texts, when misunderstood in the inferior terms of the waking mind's pride, and completely invisible to itself its impulse that rejoices in tearing down thousands of years of contemplative conclusions in service to personal interests, ambition, and gain, is a proud anti-evolutionary force.
Those of us whose moral duty is to perform the Will of the one Spirit, obey the inner call of our vocation. . .We have an obligation to affirm that, 'the experience of oneness in the mystical vision which shows that the triumph of one soul is the triumph of all', is a most precious thing *Gopi Krishna's Q*
It is not our job to change minds. We remind folks that observer-dependent Reality is disclosed by Yogic sciences and demonstrate that this Knowledge must be grounded in experience. . .That, our Depth data is very much verifiable by those who are qualified, and *remind* that genuine encounters with the Divine are transformative. . .
This is why, when someone tells me/us our 'contemplative conclusions are produced by innate human mental schemas projected onto experience rather than objective truth,' I see with crystal clear clarity, what they say has nothing to do with me/us.

We Sing

Beyond the framework of Logic, the vanity of its wisdom
Destroys itself in an empty space of Knowing. . .
Divine, immortal and spiritualized consciousness that's
Grounded in the Will and Power of the Supreme Being,
Acts freely through God-realized Soul *through human body*
Giving meaning to seemingly meaningless life. . .
Establishing a 'heaven on earth' for the benefit of all beings
Without 'what's in it for me', agenda.

Sri Aurobindo's explanation of 'true spirituality' makes sense to those of us who experience in every cell of our being the descent of Divine Beloved's Presence and its Transformative Influence/Power.

The following excerpt is from: Letters on Yoga:

It is a beautiful characater that you describe in your letter, a perfect type of the sattvic man, a fine and harmonised ethical nature supported and vivified by a fine and developed psychic being. But still, although it may be regarded as an excellent preparation for the spiritual life, it cannot by itself be called spirituality - unless indeed we reduce the meaning of the word to the connotation ordinarily given to reduce the meaning of the word to the connotation ordinarily given to it in the West where mental ideation, ethical striving, a flowering of fine character, altruism, self-sacrifice, self-denile, philantropy, service to manor are considered the height of spiritual aspiration or spiritual attainment. Obviously if that is to be the last word of earthly achievement, there is no need for anything farther; the close and vivid discovery of the soul and self, the straining towards that which is behind life and above mind, the passion for the Eternal or the Infinite, the hunger for a freedom and wideness of consciousness and existence not limited by the narrow moulds of intellect, character, and the past Life - aims of humanity, the thirst for union with the Divine or for the pure bliss and beauty of spiritual existence not tied down to mental and vital values must be dismissed as a superfluous dream for which there is neither place nor necessity here.

Yet these things have been not only dreamed of and hungered after but reached and tasted by beings born in a mortal and human body. Spirituality lies there; its essence consists in a bursting of the human mental, moral, aesthetic, vital moulds in order to reach beyond them and enter into a consciousness of which these are the very stuff, to which these experiences are native. Anything less than that, than a striving after it or at least a partial realisation of it is not spirituality.
The spiritual man is one who has realised something of it even if only in one aspect out of many; one who is striving after it is the spiritual seeker. All else however magnificently intellectual, ethical, aesthetically beautiful and harmonious, vitally splendid, great and forceful or physically perfect is a valuable achievement on the way, but not yet that, for one has not passed the Rubicon of mind into a new empire owing to the nature of the past evolution of consciousness and of spirituality itself, there has been much confusion on this point and there is still more today because of the present domination of the Western ideal.
On one side or another mental idealism, ethical development, altruistic charcter and action, religious piety and fervour, occult powers, feats of ascetic endurance have been put forward as the essence of spirituality or the test or proof of achievement or the signposts of the journey to spiritual perfection. It is ignored that any of these things may be there and yet there need not be any spiritual life behind it, any rebirth into a new consciousness or any remoulding of either the inner or the outer consciousness no longer in a higher or richer power of mind and life and body only, the instruments, but in the direct light and force of the hitherto veild user of the instrument, the now revealed and directly active soul, self, spirit or of the Divine or Eternal whose representatives or aspects they are.
This confusion meets us at every point and in all sorts of forms whose common error is to ignore the essence and core of the matter. The Western intellect presnts us with the strivings of the mind, life, emotions, passions, moral will and tells us these are the real spiritual things, man's high aim and endevour. *skip*

To seek one's own inner spiritual growth, to draw back from the ordianry life in order to reach something beyond, to search after the Divine above humanity is mere egoism, not true spirituality, but an aberration, a misdirection of the will and life. All that might be admirable and true - as certainly all the things those eulogised have their place in the human evolution, if the premise on which it were founded were true - that the seeking for something behind, something beyond, something of which the evolution of mind, life and body was only a veil or a preparation is an illusion and chimera.
But if these things are real, if the seeking is a lasting and major drive in Nature, then all those objections and recommendations are futile. For this drive will fulfill itself, this hidden reality will draw and draw us till we achieve it. Those who feel its call, cannot do otherwise then to follow and strive, even if need be leave all else for it, hold all other greatness, splendour, nobility, beauty as cheaper minor things compared with the this other Light and Greatness and Beauty of which they have had the vision, the intimation, the formless attraction or else the passing touch or glimpse.

Ever since Mind itself reached a certain development, there has been at first dimly and gropingly, then more and more clearly and intimately this drive in man towards something behind and beyond Man, towards the discovery or expression of something hidden in his being and a world existence which is more real then his surface self even at its best, greater, fuller, truer, more divine. To arrive at that can come only by a change of consciousness, a new basis of consciousness which is not the lower instrumental consciousness of mind, life and body. *skip*

For a mind is a twilight preparing for light, an ignorance seeking after knowledge, a bondage to Nature groping after freedom and mastery over Nature. It is not on mind, on its self-modifying ignorance and bondage or even on its half-light, half-mastery, half-knowledge that the next step can base itself. It must base itself on soul consciousness, consciousness of the spirit and self - for so only can there can be the full light, the spontaneous mastery, the intimate and real knowledge.

Supermind Explains Itself

Edit-expanded 2024-09-28 Someone can study Sri Aurobido's writing for several decades and still declare: "I have been following a ...