Few loose threads to tie up. . .
I want to acknowledge the significance (couple of posts earlier mentioned) of hearing/listening to the most sublimely enchanting "flute" melody . . .
Can't say I've ever been Eastern Indian music lover, but I knew and heard Shankara's masterful art since my ex had a couple of his albums.
But not once did I hear a solo flute piece until I Googled and listened to several pieces on YouTube.
None of the melodies sounded even close . . . Not even remotely close!
The sound of 'regular' flute is nice but it's missing that celestial tone -- missing that bliss-enchanting luminosity of sound.
How is such a thing possible? . . .
Not 'I', but my greater I-Soul-Spirit orchestrates, (or creates) this kind of synchronicity.
From Wikipedia on Krishnas flute:
"... flute charms the entire creation, animate as well inanimate. The deer-eyed gopis of Vajra are so fascinated "herewith that mandara flowers which decorate their coifure fall. May the sound of Krishna's flute, the enemy of Kamsa and saviour of gods bless you all!"
I saw another snippet on Krishna which states:
"According to Puranic sources, Krishna's disappearance marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga."
Therefore, can it be stated that the Flute's Melody announces the ushering of a New Era. That's the Message, and I'm the Messenger.
Hafiz wrote:
"I am a hole in the flute, through which Christ breath moves." Anyone whose (eternal) Soul fulfilled her ancient plan can bear witness to same.
And from another tying up / unpacking few things, file:
I Googled "white flame" and found out Eastern Tradition's have meditation to invoke the "White Angel" (who resides above one's head.)
In Deep Samadi-bliss, small White Dove flew out of my third eye . . .
The Mystic in me understands its significance.
The image/symbol represents, or stands for: I + Soul/Holy Spirit + Great Spirit = I Am That, and so are You (in our innermost being).
The Christian bible tells a story about Jesus being baptized by the Holy Spirit - in the image of a white dove descending from blue sky's canopy. . .He never said "I am the only sun of God". He urged those who liked his teaching to follow his example.
My Knowledge is not book knowledge...My life is my Testimony, that's how every mystic accumulates "empirical data".
'White Dove' / Holy Spirit / Shakti-Light, Baptismal (experience of the descent of Supramental Consciousness):
With the eye of Spirit, I-Soul gazed down and saw white as freshly fallen snow "2 moon crescents"... when I looked up. I saw the night sky rush over to one side and there it was - the uncreated Sun / symbol of Divine Truth. I was conscious/ aware I can look at it without having to squint.
Aware, I was standing on the top rung of the ladder while a "smart man" stood on the ground next to it.
Next instant, my gaze-attention was on a group of folks (on the ground). One man was looking and speaking to me. . .
I tired to focus intently on what he was saying. . .and even though his voice was 'faint' and I heard only 'garble', I saw his "pleading tone", saw his body's language cry for "help".
Next - a movement on the Sun's right side caught my eye, startling me. Next, a most welcome sight of a white bird's began its descent (in a straight beeline towards me) "and I knew!"
I closed my eyes to receive its Blissful energy (in my chest) radiating its Sweet currents' influence throughout the rest of my body.
Bhakti tears of eternal gratitude Sealed the Deal. . .
Most importantly, I knew (even before this Event) I would never turn away from cries of the world.
* In Sri Aurobindo's words on the inner Sun's significance: "The sun is the symbol of Divine Truth, it stands universally for the supramental Light, the Divine Gnosis. Light is the Light of Consciousness, Truth, Knowledge -- the sun is the concentration or source of the Light. It is the symbol and power of the inner or higher Truth."
* On "white as snow" Energy.
Many moons ago, while practicing hands-on energy balancing on my husband, I was startled (exclaiming loudly) by a sudden appearance of cloud-like whiteness which moved/danced between my several inches apart hands above his Crown chakra.
Years later I chanced upon Sri Aurobindo's words on 'White Light':
"White light indicates the divine consciousness. White is the purity and power of the divine Truth. The White light is manifestation of pure divine force descending from one of the truth-planes leading to the supramental. (I wrote about my with Kwan Yin encounter and Intitation, during which I saw - with the eye of contemplation - my room filled with "swirling white light".
* Is it safe for me to share what other ascended mystics for thousands of years experienced and shared? Do I keep quiet for fear of getting clobbered (with gaslighting furry) for my well earned 'Spirit-wings' from the: "who do you think you are", camp?
It would be much easier not to, because no one would get angry.
Gopi Krishna wrote in Kundalini For The New Age - and I agree that:
"The men and women who have undergone this transformation and now have this expanded consciousness are known to be in the samadhi state of oneness with the cosmic consciousness. All the great mystics who have written on this subject have given their symptoms openly and plainly. That's the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Descent of Supramental Consciousness
Not without a great deal of struggle can one get passed the limitations of the egoic self before one tastes that kind of Peace and Bliss that passes understanding - but it happens sooner or later - even to me (smile)
The me, who has been known to not always be the angelic being some think I am today (smile), thanks to (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti performing cosmic makeovers on me. The awakened Shakti/Kundalini Goddess/Holy Spirit bestows blessing such as automatic body purification, first-hand perception of all the realms of creation, divine siddhis, fills us with bliss and reveals our inmost essence/nature/ to be Divine. This has been my experience so far. I didn't aspire to be spiritual and didn't choose this Path, it chose me, because my eternal self-Soul was ready to 'fulfill her ancient plan'. I didn't study esoteric texts and didn't have anyone to talk about what was 'happening' to me, so I tried to find others who were undergoing the same types of experiences and found some for-me-resonating information in the texts aboout the lives of Saints.
Meantime, the experiences of the Descent of Supramental Consciousness continued. I knew I was 'in good hands' and trusted implicitly this invisible to the eye of flesh part of Reality to 'work' into me what it Wills. To say that this journey has been hard is an understatement, and the hardest part was seeing my family's suffering because of the divorce I knew could not continue to be a 'wife' because it would mean I had to pretend nothing happened to me and nothing changed. I had no choice but ride my Soul's destiny wave to its culmination point without having the slightest idea what the 'end-point' might be.
Soul level Initiation experiences is the ascended Yogi's empirical data to be 'gained for earth consciousness'(not personal glorification, as some mean people accused me of). I kept a record of the 'major' experiences, and the idea one day I will be scribbling about it in a blog and other website places, never occured to me during the early years (begining in 1990).
Sri Aurobindo, whose work I discovered when I began scribbling here (2009), confirmed for me these Initiations were the 'Descendence of Divine Light, Peace, Force, and Ananda, and: "these are the things which transform the nature", in order "to carry on the work through the instrumet" + "One feels the force only when one is in conscious contact with it."
Gopi Krishna reminds us: "All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
Spirit Speaks chronicles how my Soul's journey through Light and Sound progressed - the good, the bad, and everything in between -- which may, or may not be a source of inspiration for others.
There are many types of bliss experiences (ten, according to the Upanishad) before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
My couple of nights ago description of getting a 'head massage'by spiraling bands of laser-like energy released my subtle/causal body from my its flesh body, felt blissful. Today's experience included the 'laser-like counter-rotating bands action, but subjectively the Bliss factor felt far more intense. The event/experience lasted maybe thirty seconds only, but it made a great impact on me because of the incredible intensity of the Bliss experience
Brief description: I was in Deep Yogic state (awake in sleep state) when I became aware of what felt like counter-rotating and laserlike bands of energy moving up and down my head and body. Startled, I instinctively braced myself to feel some kind of discomfort - since I remember very well those not always pleasant experiences (in every fiber of my being felt) of 'kundalini rushes' burning to crisp 'karmic chaff', but relaxed as I recognized this was different. . . I was absolutely alert, absolutely bliss-filled. . .The instant the 'massage' stopped, I heard a loud sound of what I could imagine what two electric wires might make when crossed. It's hard to describe precisely the sound, but it definitely sounded electric-like. . .Uttering "Thank You" for such blissful Initiation comes naturally.
This experienced triggered a memory of reading someone's descrcription of the 'Merkabah' body, and decided to find some info on this esoteric-sounding term. Quote:
"The Star Tetrahedron, better known as the Merkabah, is comprised of two opposing tetrahedron that are spinning in opposite directions. In ancient Egyp the word Merkaba referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world to another. In Hebrew it means chariot of God. In the bible it is the way Elijah ascended into Heaven. The word Merkabah means the space/time dimensional body; to assist in the attainment of higher levels of conscious awareness; and to travel or transition between dimensions and realities." ascensionnow.co.uk/star-tetrahedron-merkaba.html
Elsewhere, I saw this statement (but failed to jutt down source info) "The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light."
The mention of the golden sphere of uncreated Light, caught my attention because in 1990' my "head lit up like the sun" - according to my frightened husbands during those (in his words) "three or four minutes" - who now, from the far end of the room, kept glancing in my direction with shooing-away hand gestures asking (several times): "stop doing that, I can't see you".
If I/my non-biological Soul wasn't plugged to the Divine Bliss, I wouldn't be able to give 'Shaktipat' transmisions. One incident comes to mind - the time one of my student's with eyes closed perceived and described hovering above her mid-body large sphere of Light, asking "what's it doing here?" (repeatedly). Even though she was in an altered state of consciousness, she was able to communicate clearly what was happening . Not only asking, "what's it doing here?", but as the minutes ticked by she became agitated and declared: "I don't like this". I tried to explain the significance of what introduced itself to her eye of contemplation, and in the end it became very apparent she was not ready to receive and benefit from this Grace-given Initiation.
Most spirital aspirants are not aware that complete transformation is possible when the Supreme Kundalini Shakti 'rescues' the (true) Soul/Light being from its lower nature. Are not aware that:
"The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. It that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature. - Sri Aurobindo
The me, who has been known to not always be the angelic being some think I am today (smile), thanks to (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti performing cosmic makeovers on me. The awakened Shakti/Kundalini Goddess/Holy Spirit bestows blessing such as automatic body purification, first-hand perception of all the realms of creation, divine siddhis, fills us with bliss and reveals our inmost essence/nature/ to be Divine. This has been my experience so far. I didn't aspire to be spiritual and didn't choose this Path, it chose me, because my eternal self-Soul was ready to 'fulfill her ancient plan'. I didn't study esoteric texts and didn't have anyone to talk about what was 'happening' to me, so I tried to find others who were undergoing the same types of experiences and found some for-me-resonating information in the texts aboout the lives of Saints.
Meantime, the experiences of the Descent of Supramental Consciousness continued. I knew I was 'in good hands' and trusted implicitly this invisible to the eye of flesh part of Reality to 'work' into me what it Wills. To say that this journey has been hard is an understatement, and the hardest part was seeing my family's suffering because of the divorce I knew could not continue to be a 'wife' because it would mean I had to pretend nothing happened to me and nothing changed. I had no choice but ride my Soul's destiny wave to its culmination point without having the slightest idea what the 'end-point' might be.
Soul level Initiation experiences is the ascended Yogi's empirical data to be 'gained for earth consciousness'(not personal glorification, as some mean people accused me of). I kept a record of the 'major' experiences, and the idea one day I will be scribbling about it in a blog and other website places, never occured to me during the early years (begining in 1990).
Sri Aurobindo, whose work I discovered when I began scribbling here (2009), confirmed for me these Initiations were the 'Descendence of Divine Light, Peace, Force, and Ananda, and: "these are the things which transform the nature", in order "to carry on the work through the instrumet" + "One feels the force only when one is in conscious contact with it."
Gopi Krishna reminds us: "All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition."
Spirit Speaks chronicles how my Soul's journey through Light and Sound progressed - the good, the bad, and everything in between -- which may, or may not be a source of inspiration for others.
There are many types of bliss experiences (ten, according to the Upanishad) before one reaches the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit, "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level."
My couple of nights ago description of getting a 'head massage'by spiraling bands of laser-like energy released my subtle/causal body from my its flesh body, felt blissful. Today's experience included the 'laser-like counter-rotating bands action, but subjectively the Bliss factor felt far more intense. The event/experience lasted maybe thirty seconds only, but it made a great impact on me because of the incredible intensity of the Bliss experience
Brief description: I was in Deep Yogic state (awake in sleep state) when I became aware of what felt like counter-rotating and laserlike bands of energy moving up and down my head and body. Startled, I instinctively braced myself to feel some kind of discomfort - since I remember very well those not always pleasant experiences (in every fiber of my being felt) of 'kundalini rushes' burning to crisp 'karmic chaff', but relaxed as I recognized this was different. . . I was absolutely alert, absolutely bliss-filled. . .The instant the 'massage' stopped, I heard a loud sound of what I could imagine what two electric wires might make when crossed. It's hard to describe precisely the sound, but it definitely sounded electric-like. . .Uttering "Thank You" for such blissful Initiation comes naturally.
This experienced triggered a memory of reading someone's descrcription of the 'Merkabah' body, and decided to find some info on this esoteric-sounding term. Quote:
"The Star Tetrahedron, better known as the Merkabah, is comprised of two opposing tetrahedron that are spinning in opposite directions. In ancient Egyp the word Merkaba referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world to another. In Hebrew it means chariot of God. In the bible it is the way Elijah ascended into Heaven. The word Merkabah means the space/time dimensional body; to assist in the attainment of higher levels of conscious awareness; and to travel or transition between dimensions and realities." ascensionnow.co.uk/star-tetrahedron-merkaba.html
Elsewhere, I saw this statement (but failed to jutt down source info) "The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light."
The mention of the golden sphere of uncreated Light, caught my attention because in 1990' my "head lit up like the sun" - according to my frightened husbands during those (in his words) "three or four minutes" - who now, from the far end of the room, kept glancing in my direction with shooing-away hand gestures asking (several times): "stop doing that, I can't see you".
If I/my non-biological Soul wasn't plugged to the Divine Bliss, I wouldn't be able to give 'Shaktipat' transmisions. One incident comes to mind - the time one of my student's with eyes closed perceived and described hovering above her mid-body large sphere of Light, asking "what's it doing here?" (repeatedly). Even though she was in an altered state of consciousness, she was able to communicate clearly what was happening . Not only asking, "what's it doing here?", but as the minutes ticked by she became agitated and declared: "I don't like this". I tried to explain the significance of what introduced itself to her eye of contemplation, and in the end it became very apparent she was not ready to receive and benefit from this Grace-given Initiation.
Most spirital aspirants are not aware that complete transformation is possible when the Supreme Kundalini Shakti 'rescues' the (true) Soul/Light being from its lower nature. Are not aware that:
"The Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. It that is so, it is not likely that our true integral perfection in being and in nature can come by by one kind of realisation alone; it must combine many different strands of divine experience. It cannot be reached by the exclusive pursuit of a single line of identity that is raised to its absolute; it must harmonise many aspects of the infinite. An Integral consciousness with a multiform dynamic experience is essential for the complete transformation of our nature. - Sri Aurobindo
Monday, November 16, 2009
For Hypathia of Alexandria With Love
When I found out that Hypathia of Alexandria was murdered by religious fanatics, Fierce Indignation compelled me to give voice to what sane beings feel. Many are afraid to rock the conventional boat, some are not and sing at the top of our voice: I AM HER VOICE NOW, I AM THE VOICE OF EVERY WOMAN WHO WAS MURDERED OR SILENCED BY THE OPPRESSOR!
That day I wrote I AM WHO I BECAME, to honor Hypatia's life and her contribution to the world.
I am ancient yet ageless Source of Life
The personification of the Life Force itsel
Worshipped under many aspects
Known by many names.
A single embodiemnt of all gods and goddesses.
As Wrathful Protectress, like long-submerged
Volcanic fires under the sea. . .
I, the Ever-Lasting One erupted
Riding crest's wave, vowing to solemnly guard the
Evolutionary currents with a cry:
That day I wrote I AM WHO I BECAME, to honor Hypatia's life and her contribution to the world.
I am ancient yet ageless Source of Life
The personification of the Life Force itsel
Worshipped under many aspects
Known by many names.
A single embodiemnt of all gods and goddesses.
As Wrathful Protectress, like long-submerged
Volcanic fires under the sea. . .
I, the Ever-Lasting One erupted
Riding crest's wave, vowing to solemnly guard the
Evolutionary currents with a cry:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The True Oracle
'The True Oracle' . . .thus I heard - in Deep Samadhi state - in the Divine plane of existence, where the Ultimate Knowledge about the True nature of reality is Realized. In this state-stage one discovers that the Ultimate Awakening is given by Divine Grace and Realized by the awakened awareness of the True Oracle - one's fully ascended eternal self-Soul. It is She who bears witness to the fact that her Essence-Bliss is identical with the Essence of the One Spirit . . .
When the not enlightened critic insists: 'Absolute truth is not perceivable by humans', I wholeheartedly agree and explain that Absolute Divine Truth/ Divine Revelation is perceivable by one who becomes more than human at the zenith-point of ones eternal self-Soul's evolution.
I found confirmation for what it means to 'become more than human', in The Tibetan Book of The Dead in the Glossary section. My copy was translated by Robert A,F. Thurman:
Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unecelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated in this experience of fulfillment.
Soul level spirituality involves the fully active Kundalini Shakti whose 'job' is to transform our entire being by automatic body purification. She bestows upon us the ability to have first-hand perception of all the domains of creation, she is responsible for the activation of divine Siddhis (in the superconscious field of the mind), filling us with boundless Bliss and revealing the essence of our being to be Divine.
One who is ready for the 'path without a map' bears witness to why 'only by hard sacrifice is High heaven earned'. . .Karma placed me in this situation because I was ready to endure many years of (Unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti's 'makeovers', as well as Initiations into Deepest Mysteries by receiving many types of Soul level Experiences (essential for the complete transformation).
And, because I knew I was 'in good hands', I submitted fully to this mind-boggling Force-Power-Intelligence.
Sri Aurobindo confirms this for me:
The psychic aspires to the Divine or answers to things divine, it is surrendered in principle, but it has to develop its surrender in detail carrying with it the surrender of all the being. +
The mind shies from complex cognitive work, the higher vital wants the freedom to fulfill its ambitions, the lower vital loves to indulge in its petty deeds, etc. As each of these defects is identified and relinquished, the psychic flame burns with ever-new intensity creating palpable warmth in various parts of being. +
Only the one who offers his whole nature, finds the Self. Only the one who can give everything, enjoys the Divine All everywhere. Only supreme self-abandonment attains to the Supreme. Only the sublimation by sacrifice of all that we are, can enable us to embody the Highest and live here in the immanent consciousness of the transcendental Spirit.
In this section I want to have on record what transpired this AM hour during 'Yogic Sleep' (which transcends sleep)
At some point the most pleasant sensations of laser-like beams of Energy began spiraling around my head. . .Next, in my Light-transferred body I beheld the most enchanting panorama of a European looking town. . .So familiar its beauty. Simultaneously, I am thinking 'is this what it will be when I die?' I don't want to go into other 'pleasant' details, and will only add that at some point I remembered I have a blog where I scribble to my heart's content about the things that matter to me without being bullied, and 'woke up' in this dimension.
When the not enlightened critic insists: 'Absolute truth is not perceivable by humans', I wholeheartedly agree and explain that Absolute Divine Truth/ Divine Revelation is perceivable by one who becomes more than human at the zenith-point of ones eternal self-Soul's evolution.
I found confirmation for what it means to 'become more than human', in The Tibetan Book of The Dead in the Glossary section. My copy was translated by Robert A,F. Thurman:
Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unecelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female--all dualities--are integrated in this experience of fulfillment.
Soul level spirituality involves the fully active Kundalini Shakti whose 'job' is to transform our entire being by automatic body purification. She bestows upon us the ability to have first-hand perception of all the domains of creation, she is responsible for the activation of divine Siddhis (in the superconscious field of the mind), filling us with boundless Bliss and revealing the essence of our being to be Divine.
One who is ready for the 'path without a map' bears witness to why 'only by hard sacrifice is High heaven earned'. . .Karma placed me in this situation because I was ready to endure many years of (Unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti's 'makeovers', as well as Initiations into Deepest Mysteries by receiving many types of Soul level Experiences (essential for the complete transformation).
And, because I knew I was 'in good hands', I submitted fully to this mind-boggling Force-Power-Intelligence.
Sri Aurobindo confirms this for me:
The psychic aspires to the Divine or answers to things divine, it is surrendered in principle, but it has to develop its surrender in detail carrying with it the surrender of all the being. +
The mind shies from complex cognitive work, the higher vital wants the freedom to fulfill its ambitions, the lower vital loves to indulge in its petty deeds, etc. As each of these defects is identified and relinquished, the psychic flame burns with ever-new intensity creating palpable warmth in various parts of being. +
Only the one who offers his whole nature, finds the Self. Only the one who can give everything, enjoys the Divine All everywhere. Only supreme self-abandonment attains to the Supreme. Only the sublimation by sacrifice of all that we are, can enable us to embody the Highest and live here in the immanent consciousness of the transcendental Spirit.
In this section I want to have on record what transpired this AM hour during 'Yogic Sleep' (which transcends sleep)
At some point the most pleasant sensations of laser-like beams of Energy began spiraling around my head. . .Next, in my Light-transferred body I beheld the most enchanting panorama of a European looking town. . .So familiar its beauty. Simultaneously, I am thinking 'is this what it will be when I die?' I don't want to go into other 'pleasant' details, and will only add that at some point I remembered I have a blog where I scribble to my heart's content about the things that matter to me without being bullied, and 'woke up' in this dimension.
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