Thursday, May 27, 2010
Supermind / Supramental Consciousness
I did say below I wanted to find out what "exactly" Sri Aurobindo thought the Supermind is, but first this. . .
Earlier today, while still in Deep Samadhi , a vivid Vision of a Face directly before my face. . . This Beautiful Face of pure Gold radiance (lashes and all) shyly peering between open fingers of very much flesh-like looking hand.
Today I chanced upon a passage from Isha Upanishads, which gave me a "this is synchronicity 101", pause (because of what I described in my opening paragraph).
The face of truth hidden by a golden lid;
that remove, O fostering Sun, for the law of the Truth, for sight.
O Sun, O sole Seer, Marshal thy rays, gather them together --
let me see of thy happiest form of all,
that Conscious Being everywhere,
He am I.
& & &
"All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehood and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda.
Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature.
In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter.
The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a prexistent knowlege, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and therefore inevitable. Its manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon earth it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and established it here.
Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter..
In fact, a supermind is already here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognizable. . ." . quoted with permission from Alan Kazlev's website called 'Kheper'.
It's been circa 50 years (I think) since his so-called death, yet I'm convinced that his stream of Consciousness has guided me to his Work because I didn't have any intention of looking at his work. I was aware of him and his work, but also heard he was a 'spiritual giant' and stayed clear of him. Then one day out of curiosity I began reading here and there, and once I wrapped my mind around this new language/ terminology, I thought "I already know this, because it happened to me!". How uncanny!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Living Truth Has the Last Word
Even though Reality appears different in different states of consciousness, at its 'summit' all states fall away. Meantime, it's fun to gab and scribble about its 'spectrum' -- as long as those who are not yet 'Realized' don't insist their version of 'truth' is the right one -- for in the end, the Living Truth must have the last word.
I quoted the following already (I'm sure) from The Flame Of Love - A Theology Of The Holy Spirit, penned by Clark H. Pinncok, but will again for the purpose of cross-referencing with what Sri Aurobindo said in The Mind of Light to see how although the spiritual orientation is different, in the end both philosophies word-point to the same 'truth'.
"God is present to us in creation, and the world is a natural sacrament. We meet Spirit in moments of joy and sadness, hope and yearning, suffering and struggle.
Spirit is in at work in the world and not "an ornament of piety." Our experience has the potential to mediate his presents. Spirit is "the mobile, pure, people-loving Spirit who prevedes every wretched corner, wailing at the waste, relaesing power that enables fresh start.
Her energy quickens the earth to life, her beauty shines in the stars, her strength breaks forth in every fragment of shalom and renewal that transpires in arenas of violence and meaningless."
(quote from "Johnson She Who Is p.213.)
The phrase "in arenas of violence and meaningless" is important. Spirit is not only everywhere present but everywhere up against the human negation of God.
The world does not know or receive the Spirit (Jn 14:17). There are powers of resistance with whom the Spirit is locked in mortal combat. Spirit is present in the struggle to make creatures whole, giving hope to the hopeless and working at reconciliation to bring about newness.
Spirit renews the face of the ground and works to restore brokenness, For when sin abounds, the Spirit's grace does much more abound.
Second, Creator Spirit keeps the link between creation and redemption open and alive.
Theology has the unfortunate habit of drawing a line between creation and redemption, distinguishing them too sharply. This looses sight of of the truth that redemption is a restoration of creation, not its denial. . . ."
"Let us stop demoting the Spirit, relegating him to spheres of church and piety. His role in creation is foundational to these other activities. The whole creation is home to the Spirit's operations, and the cosmic fruits issue in new creation The Spirit is the perfecter of the works of God in creation."
Aurobindo's The Mind of Light was published in 1953 . . . He didn't witness the Berlin wall collapse, didn't witness the other political changes on the world-stage. Slowly and surely the changes come . . .
Hell, my (Polish) father was arrested for buying a pig to feed his skinny brood of 6 which he purchased from a farmer directly -- which was against the communist law. Had Sri lived longer, would he sound more optimistic about the "descent" of Supermind? The following is one of the more 'up beat' passages.
"It should be noted, however, that even at the bottom of the involutionary descent, in the blind eclipse of consciousness in Matter, in every field of the working of the Inconscient there are signs of the labour of an infallible force, the drive of a secret consciousness and its promptings, as if the Inconscient itself were secretly informed or impelled by a Power with a direct and absolute knowledge; its acts of creation are infinitely surer than the workings of our human consciousness at its best or the normal workings of the Life-power."
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Divine, You Report From the Divine
"Divine, you report from the Divine" - this is what popped into my awareness in deep samadhi this AM hour (deep sleep state).
Then, a Vision of white bird's descent towards me. * In Christian mystical literature 'white bird' (dove) symbolizes Holy Spirit.
Plus, a man holding up two torches ablaze with white Light.
Different scenarios, same theme. . .Holy Spirit (or Divine Shakti-light) is speaking to me. At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, I am glad to report that Cosmic synchronicity is orchestrated, or enacted, by the awakened Soul. I didn't ask for any of it.
I know that authentic saints and mystics also 'reported from the Divine'. . .These folks became my community of the adequate...and I check my Depth's data contemplative conclusions with theirs.
Like them, I had no saying in 'what happens next'. Like my beautiful peers, I realized this happened to me because I not only surrendered too, but responded to its Calling. I also know that the energy of gratitude plays a key role in receiving spiritual Blessings.
One of the most compelling mystical experiences was the one where I found myself 'standing on the top rung of the ladder' . . .Many years after that Initiation, I chanced upon Aurobindo's spiritual partner Mira's talk (confirmation) on "Consciousness is like a ladder" (
Quote: (Consciousness is like a ladder) "at each great epoch there has been extraordinary being capable of adding one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness has never been. . .one more step to the ladder and reaching the Highest and at the same time connecting the top to the bottom. . .joining the Spiritual and the Material is the whole secret of realisation, and that is the work of the Avatar..."
* I think of myself as Humanity's Servant.
Brief recap / description of what happened in deep sleep state (Soul's awareness doesn't 'sleep'). Time-frame circa 98'.
I was on my back. . . when I looked down I beheld two (very) white moon slivers. Then I looked up and witnessed sky's star-studded canopy rush over to one side. Next, I'm looking at a Sun, and am aware I don't need to squint because of its brightness. I "knew" I was standing on the topmost rung of the ladder, and knew that a "smart man" was standing next to it (my inner Beloved). Next, my attention focused on a group of 'uncouth men'. . .One man began speaking to me. I really tried to hear his words, but heard only garble. I heard garble, but his 'pleading' body language spoke volumes. When I looked up again, a sudden movement on Sun's right startled me. In full bliss-mode now I watch white Dove's rapid descent towards me. I closed my eyes . . . from my chest ripples of the most blessed energy spread throughout my entire being. Tears of deep gratitude. . .I knew I would never turn away from suffering.
In: The Mind Divine, Sri Aurobindo in chapter on Supermind and Humanity, writes:
Mind, as we know it, has a power of consciousness quite distinct from Supermind, no longer a power devolved from it, connected with it and dependent upon it, but practically divorced from its luminous origin, is marked by several characteristics which we conceive to be the very signs of its nature: but some of these belong to Supermind also and the difference is in the way and scope of their action, not in their stuff or in their principle.
The difference is that mind is not a power of whole knowledge and only when it begins to pass beyond itself, a power of direct knowledge: it receives rays of the truth but does not live in the sun: it sees as through glasses and its knowledge is coloured by its instruments, it cannot see with the naked eyes or look straight at the sun. It is not possible for mind to take its stand in the solar centre or anywhere in the radiant body or even on the shining circumstance of the orb of perfect truth and acquire or share in its privilege of the infallible or absolute knowledge. It would be only if it had already drawn near to the light of Supermind that it could live anywhere near this sun in the full splendour of its rays, in something of the full and direct blaze of Truth and the narrow beginnings of a pure insight, a direct vision and it would take long for it, even surpassing itself, to reach to an imitative and fragmentary reflection of a dream of the limited omniscience and omnipotence which is the privilege od a delegated divinity, of the god, of a demigure...
My March 30/09 post titled Solar Heart Initiation, describes Soul-level experience. Somewhere else I talk about my 94-5 'thundering combustion experience' (etc)...These are examples of what happens at the zenith-point of one's Soul evolution. Such experiences bear witness to the fact that the micro/macro are entangled and can be experienced directly.
I will forever be grateful to Aurobindo for describing 'mechanism of descent' - which I second!
The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.
Then, a Vision of white bird's descent towards me. * In Christian mystical literature 'white bird' (dove) symbolizes Holy Spirit.
Plus, a man holding up two torches ablaze with white Light.
Different scenarios, same theme. . .Holy Spirit (or Divine Shakti-light) is speaking to me. At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, I am glad to report that Cosmic synchronicity is orchestrated, or enacted, by the awakened Soul. I didn't ask for any of it.
I know that authentic saints and mystics also 'reported from the Divine'. . .These folks became my community of the adequate...and I check my Depth's data contemplative conclusions with theirs.
Like them, I had no saying in 'what happens next'. Like my beautiful peers, I realized this happened to me because I not only surrendered too, but responded to its Calling. I also know that the energy of gratitude plays a key role in receiving spiritual Blessings.
One of the most compelling mystical experiences was the one where I found myself 'standing on the top rung of the ladder' . . .Many years after that Initiation, I chanced upon Aurobindo's spiritual partner Mira's talk (confirmation) on "Consciousness is like a ladder" (
Quote: (Consciousness is like a ladder) "at each great epoch there has been extraordinary being capable of adding one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness has never been. . .one more step to the ladder and reaching the Highest and at the same time connecting the top to the bottom. . .joining the Spiritual and the Material is the whole secret of realisation, and that is the work of the Avatar..."
* I think of myself as Humanity's Servant.
Brief recap / description of what happened in deep sleep state (Soul's awareness doesn't 'sleep'). Time-frame circa 98'.
I was on my back. . . when I looked down I beheld two (very) white moon slivers. Then I looked up and witnessed sky's star-studded canopy rush over to one side. Next, I'm looking at a Sun, and am aware I don't need to squint because of its brightness. I "knew" I was standing on the topmost rung of the ladder, and knew that a "smart man" was standing next to it (my inner Beloved). Next, my attention focused on a group of 'uncouth men'. . .One man began speaking to me. I really tried to hear his words, but heard only garble. I heard garble, but his 'pleading' body language spoke volumes. When I looked up again, a sudden movement on Sun's right startled me. In full bliss-mode now I watch white Dove's rapid descent towards me. I closed my eyes . . . from my chest ripples of the most blessed energy spread throughout my entire being. Tears of deep gratitude. . .I knew I would never turn away from suffering.
In: The Mind Divine, Sri Aurobindo in chapter on Supermind and Humanity, writes:
Mind, as we know it, has a power of consciousness quite distinct from Supermind, no longer a power devolved from it, connected with it and dependent upon it, but practically divorced from its luminous origin, is marked by several characteristics which we conceive to be the very signs of its nature: but some of these belong to Supermind also and the difference is in the way and scope of their action, not in their stuff or in their principle.
The difference is that mind is not a power of whole knowledge and only when it begins to pass beyond itself, a power of direct knowledge: it receives rays of the truth but does not live in the sun: it sees as through glasses and its knowledge is coloured by its instruments, it cannot see with the naked eyes or look straight at the sun. It is not possible for mind to take its stand in the solar centre or anywhere in the radiant body or even on the shining circumstance of the orb of perfect truth and acquire or share in its privilege of the infallible or absolute knowledge. It would be only if it had already drawn near to the light of Supermind that it could live anywhere near this sun in the full splendour of its rays, in something of the full and direct blaze of Truth and the narrow beginnings of a pure insight, a direct vision and it would take long for it, even surpassing itself, to reach to an imitative and fragmentary reflection of a dream of the limited omniscience and omnipotence which is the privilege od a delegated divinity, of the god, of a demigure...
My March 30/09 post titled Solar Heart Initiation, describes Soul-level experience. Somewhere else I talk about my 94-5 'thundering combustion experience' (etc)...These are examples of what happens at the zenith-point of one's Soul evolution. Such experiences bear witness to the fact that the micro/macro are entangled and can be experienced directly.
I will forever be grateful to Aurobindo for describing 'mechanism of descent' - which I second!
The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The River of Light
Introductory Note
Because the theme-subject of the 'highest integration and fulfillment' is very complex, each post unpacks but a portion of what happens on the Path without a map. . . It is intensly complex, because it includes accounts of direct contacts with and direct experience of the Kosmic Essence-Energy and its Forces, direct contact/mind-melt with with the Kosmic Mind and first-hand perception of all domains of existence.
This (edit-added) opening statement includes quotes from the Tibetan Buddhism perspective, and Sri Aurobindo's statement on transformation/what needs to happen before one is ready for the Ultimate Erotic Union with the Supreme Beloved.
Will start by saying that only very recently I noticed in The Tibetan Book of the Dead (translated by Robert A.F. Thurman), that my experience of becoming/flowing out of my Crown chakra as
'River of Light', falls into the highest of the perfection stages, category. The following excerpt is from the Glossary section:
Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unexcelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of the perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female -- all dualities are integrated in this experience of fulfillment.
In one of my more recent posts titled: Second Coming, written in 2018, I wrote:
"The state of being as limited being has ended for me and now I belong to the Glory in which I dwell as a function of the Divine in service to the Divine (and beings in all dimensions of creation)."
Both very different statements but their core meaning is identical (to me).
In Aurobindo's (confirming) words from The Life Divine, p. 956
For a real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would be necessary too a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence, a will in it for its separate law of action to be completely annulled by transformation and lose all rights over our being.
Long time ago - long before I saw this statement - in one of my posts unpacking 'Cosmic Tonglen Duty', I said something like: 'Strictly speaking my body doesn't belong to me any more'.
*Edit-adding: I searched and found that I wrote those words in The Bliss of Identity - written in 2013.
Today, (May 2010) I came home with library-borrowed the only Aurobindo book available in this library system titled, The Mind of Light. To this day each time I read something penned by him, I am surprised. . .For years I thought this man's work was way beyond my league, and wasn't even curious to see what his writing is about. This mindset changed when I allowed myself to get curious (the year I began writing here -2009). Not initially, but once my brain got used to all those new terminologies, I discovered that: "I already know this, because this happened to me!"
I didn't know anyone who was experiencing and writing (internet forums) about the things I did (and claimed nothing), this is it was exciting to finally have Sri A writing - because it became really important for me to check/compare my Soul level mystical/supramental Events, with someone who got plugged to the same Kosmic address -- the domain of: 'I am absorbed in Celestial Samadhi lovingly attached to the Essence of the Supreme Beloved' (as well as all beings in the visible and invisible domains of creation).
This Kosmic address is reached when one is in permanent Samadhi state and the nervous/chakra system uncoils to infinity (thanks to awakened activity of Kundalini Shakti).
He confirmed this for me this, is why I named Aurobindo my 'primary peer review person' (even before I read his autobiographical poems The Bliss of Brahman and The Bride of the Fire).
I also resonate with Gopi Krishna's work. Long before I became somewhat familiar with his work, I already knew that my mystical experiences were not the result of subconscious mind's dive into hallucinatory wish-fulfilling formations.
The following excerpt is from Krishna's book titled: The Real Nature of Mystical Experience.
In every case of illumination, mere visionary experience is not sufficient. It must be attended by certain objective signs to confirm it.
It has to be remembered that in the mystical ecstasy the intellect remains active. There is no blunting of the rational faculty. This is repeatedly mentioned in the Upanishads. Reason has to be satisfied that the experience is not delusion.
(2010) Today I am bearing witness to what transpired this AM hour during Yogic/Deep Samadhi state which transcends sleep. . .
I was on my back with hands resting on mid-body. When my Bliss body's ecstasy has reached the critical mass-point, I beheld with the eye of contemplation (Spirit) a vast sea of diamond-white points of light morph into a 'solid' River of Light . . .and its endless' flow (sublimated Erotic Potency/Shakti Light) out of my Crown chakra into the world's hologram via subtle planes.
Words can describe what happens, but they can never convey the full extent of what this type of experience/event is like - including its impact on all dimensions of creation. . .
The Rig Veda seer didn't apologize for he/she received (God-Realization/Divine Revelation) and neither do I, because I know I earned it by fully submitting myself to the Supreme Divine. . .and then performing the Will of the Supreme Being:
By the Truth they (we) hold the Truth that holds all,
in the power of the Sacrifice, in the supreme other.
- Rig Veda V.80.4
To reach this Kosmic station one must be in permanent Samadhi state. During the 11 to 13 hours I spend in bed each day -- in a state of extremely intense Erotic ravishment-activity -- I am completely detached from 'feelings' because I am in a state of Peace that passes human comprehension....Well, except for those very rare occasions when I return to my body abruptly and feelings get involved.
Soul level Liberation is not well understood, this is why I have a moral obligation to write about it (by giving precise accounts of what happens on this Path during the myriad of Initiatory experiences).
One who feels the Divine Presence and its governing Power manifesting through the body, understands perfectly its Nature as well as its action-influence in all domains of creation.
We also understand what the term: 'I have crossed the abode of life and death', signifies.
Those who submitted to Divine Will know, that at this stage-point in Soul evolution we are performing the Will of the one Spirit in order to. . .
... effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. + It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine-Ananda Christ's Kingdom of heaven, our Satyayuga - upon earth.
- Sri Aurobindo
I am glad I read that the Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit -- the Supreme Sachichidananda (which is above Supermind) -- "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level".
I share my Depth data's revelations just like any other (ascended) Soul has done - no matter the tradition. We demonstrate that this (evolutionary) Great Cosmic Power (Holy Spirit/Supreme Shakti) flows into the world of Form for the benefit of all beings in all realms of existence, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
The Bhagavad Gita says that 'finding supreme ecstasy is the final goal'. I learned that basking in Blissananda, is not the final goal. One whose Soul has fulfilled her ancient plan, knows that the Final goal is Divine Labor. . .The hardest job on the planet because we don't get 'time out'.
My gratitude to the author of The Mind of Light, Sri Aurobindo, is immense - it is my pleasure to include couple of quotes from chapter titled, The Divine Body.
"The new type, the divine body, must continue the already developed evolutionary form: there must be a continuation from the type Nature has all along been developing, a continuity from the human to the divine body, not breaking away to something unrecognizable but a high sequel to what has already been achieved and in part perfected. The human body has in its parts and instruments that have been sufficiently evolved to serve the divine life; these have to survive in their form, though they must be still perfected, their limitations of range and use removed, their liability to defect and malady and impairment eliminated, their capacities of cognition and dynamic action carried beyond present limits.
New powers have to be acquired by the body which our present humanity could not hope to realize, could not even dream of or could only imagine.
Much that can now be known, worked our or created by the use of invented tools and machinery might be achieved by the new body in its own power or by the inhabitant spirit through its own direct spiritual force.
The body itself might acquire new means and ranges of communication with other bodies, new processes of acquiring knowledge, a new aestesis, new potency's of manipulation of itself and objects...
These and other numerous potentialities might appear and the body become an instrument immeasurably superior to what we can now imagine as possible. There could be an evolution from a first apprehending truth-consciousness to the utmost heights of the ascending ranges of supermind and it may pass borders of the supermind proper itself where it begins to shadow out, develop, delineate expressive forms of life touched by a supreme pure existence, consciousness and bliss which constituted the worlds of highest truth of existence, dynamism of Tapas, glory and sweetness of bliss, the absolute essence and pitch of all the all-creating Ananda.
The transformation of the physical being might follow the incessant line of progression and the divine body reflect or reproduce here in the divine life on the earth something of this highest greatness and glory of the self-manifesting Spirit".
Because the theme-subject of the 'highest integration and fulfillment' is very complex, each post unpacks but a portion of what happens on the Path without a map. . . It is intensly complex, because it includes accounts of direct contacts with and direct experience of the Kosmic Essence-Energy and its Forces, direct contact/mind-melt with with the Kosmic Mind and first-hand perception of all domains of existence.
This (edit-added) opening statement includes quotes from the Tibetan Buddhism perspective, and Sri Aurobindo's statement on transformation/what needs to happen before one is ready for the Ultimate Erotic Union with the Supreme Beloved.
Will start by saying that only very recently I noticed in The Tibetan Book of the Dead (translated by Robert A.F. Thurman), that my experience of becoming/flowing out of my Crown chakra as
'River of Light', falls into the highest of the perfection stages, category. The following excerpt is from the Glossary section:
Sanskrit yuganaddha is the Unexcelled Yoga Tantra name for Buddhahood, the fifth and highest of the perfection stages, indicating that relative and ultimate, individual and universal, body and mind, bliss and wisdom, male and female -- all dualities are integrated in this experience of fulfillment.
In one of my more recent posts titled: Second Coming, written in 2018, I wrote:
"The state of being as limited being has ended for me and now I belong to the Glory in which I dwell as a function of the Divine in service to the Divine (and beings in all dimensions of creation)."
Both very different statements but their core meaning is identical (to me).
In Aurobindo's (confirming) words from The Life Divine, p. 956
For a real transformation there must be a direct and unveiled intervention from above; there would be necessary too a total submission and surrender of the lower consciousness, a cessation of its insistence, a will in it for its separate law of action to be completely annulled by transformation and lose all rights over our being.
Long time ago - long before I saw this statement - in one of my posts unpacking 'Cosmic Tonglen Duty', I said something like: 'Strictly speaking my body doesn't belong to me any more'.
*Edit-adding: I searched and found that I wrote those words in The Bliss of Identity - written in 2013.
Today, (May 2010) I came home with library-borrowed the only Aurobindo book available in this library system titled, The Mind of Light. To this day each time I read something penned by him, I am surprised. . .For years I thought this man's work was way beyond my league, and wasn't even curious to see what his writing is about. This mindset changed when I allowed myself to get curious (the year I began writing here -2009). Not initially, but once my brain got used to all those new terminologies, I discovered that: "I already know this, because this happened to me!"
I didn't know anyone who was experiencing and writing (internet forums) about the things I did (and claimed nothing), this is it was exciting to finally have Sri A writing - because it became really important for me to check/compare my Soul level mystical/supramental Events, with someone who got plugged to the same Kosmic address -- the domain of: 'I am absorbed in Celestial Samadhi lovingly attached to the Essence of the Supreme Beloved' (as well as all beings in the visible and invisible domains of creation).
This Kosmic address is reached when one is in permanent Samadhi state and the nervous/chakra system uncoils to infinity (thanks to awakened activity of Kundalini Shakti).
He confirmed this for me this, is why I named Aurobindo my 'primary peer review person' (even before I read his autobiographical poems The Bliss of Brahman and The Bride of the Fire).
I also resonate with Gopi Krishna's work. Long before I became somewhat familiar with his work, I already knew that my mystical experiences were not the result of subconscious mind's dive into hallucinatory wish-fulfilling formations.
The following excerpt is from Krishna's book titled: The Real Nature of Mystical Experience.
In every case of illumination, mere visionary experience is not sufficient. It must be attended by certain objective signs to confirm it.
It has to be remembered that in the mystical ecstasy the intellect remains active. There is no blunting of the rational faculty. This is repeatedly mentioned in the Upanishads. Reason has to be satisfied that the experience is not delusion.
(2010) Today I am bearing witness to what transpired this AM hour during Yogic/Deep Samadhi state which transcends sleep. . .
I was on my back with hands resting on mid-body. When my Bliss body's ecstasy has reached the critical mass-point, I beheld with the eye of contemplation (Spirit) a vast sea of diamond-white points of light morph into a 'solid' River of Light . . .and its endless' flow (sublimated Erotic Potency/Shakti Light) out of my Crown chakra into the world's hologram via subtle planes.
Words can describe what happens, but they can never convey the full extent of what this type of experience/event is like - including its impact on all dimensions of creation. . .
The Rig Veda seer didn't apologize for he/she received (God-Realization/Divine Revelation) and neither do I, because I know I earned it by fully submitting myself to the Supreme Divine. . .and then performing the Will of the Supreme Being:
By the Truth they (we) hold the Truth that holds all,
in the power of the Sacrifice, in the supreme other.
- Rig Veda V.80.4
To reach this Kosmic station one must be in permanent Samadhi state. During the 11 to 13 hours I spend in bed each day -- in a state of extremely intense Erotic ravishment-activity -- I am completely detached from 'feelings' because I am in a state of Peace that passes human comprehension....Well, except for those very rare occasions when I return to my body abruptly and feelings get involved.
Soul level Liberation is not well understood, this is why I have a moral obligation to write about it (by giving precise accounts of what happens on this Path during the myriad of Initiatory experiences).
One who feels the Divine Presence and its governing Power manifesting through the body, understands perfectly its Nature as well as its action-influence in all domains of creation.
We also understand what the term: 'I have crossed the abode of life and death', signifies.
Those who submitted to Divine Will know, that at this stage-point in Soul evolution we are performing the Will of the one Spirit in order to. . .
... effect a spiritual transformation and to bring down a divine nature and a divine life into the mental, vital and physical nature and life of humanity. + It is not personal Ananda, but the bringing down of the divine-Ananda Christ's Kingdom of heaven, our Satyayuga - upon earth.
- Sri Aurobindo
I am glad I read that the Upanishad lists ten ascending levels of bliss before one reaches the the Bliss of the Eternal Spirit -- the Supreme Sachichidananda (which is above Supermind) -- "and each level a hundredfold the intensity of the proceeding level".
I share my Depth data's revelations just like any other (ascended) Soul has done - no matter the tradition. We demonstrate that this (evolutionary) Great Cosmic Power (Holy Spirit/Supreme Shakti) flows into the world of Form for the benefit of all beings in all realms of existence, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.
The Bhagavad Gita says that 'finding supreme ecstasy is the final goal'. I learned that basking in Blissananda, is not the final goal. One whose Soul has fulfilled her ancient plan, knows that the Final goal is Divine Labor. . .The hardest job on the planet because we don't get 'time out'.
My gratitude to the author of The Mind of Light, Sri Aurobindo, is immense - it is my pleasure to include couple of quotes from chapter titled, The Divine Body.
"The new type, the divine body, must continue the already developed evolutionary form: there must be a continuation from the type Nature has all along been developing, a continuity from the human to the divine body, not breaking away to something unrecognizable but a high sequel to what has already been achieved and in part perfected. The human body has in its parts and instruments that have been sufficiently evolved to serve the divine life; these have to survive in their form, though they must be still perfected, their limitations of range and use removed, their liability to defect and malady and impairment eliminated, their capacities of cognition and dynamic action carried beyond present limits.
New powers have to be acquired by the body which our present humanity could not hope to realize, could not even dream of or could only imagine.
Much that can now be known, worked our or created by the use of invented tools and machinery might be achieved by the new body in its own power or by the inhabitant spirit through its own direct spiritual force.
The body itself might acquire new means and ranges of communication with other bodies, new processes of acquiring knowledge, a new aestesis, new potency's of manipulation of itself and objects...
These and other numerous potentialities might appear and the body become an instrument immeasurably superior to what we can now imagine as possible. There could be an evolution from a first apprehending truth-consciousness to the utmost heights of the ascending ranges of supermind and it may pass borders of the supermind proper itself where it begins to shadow out, develop, delineate expressive forms of life touched by a supreme pure existence, consciousness and bliss which constituted the worlds of highest truth of existence, dynamism of Tapas, glory and sweetness of bliss, the absolute essence and pitch of all the all-creating Ananda.
The transformation of the physical being might follow the incessant line of progression and the divine body reflect or reproduce here in the divine life on the earth something of this highest greatness and glory of the self-manifesting Spirit".
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Aim of Supramental Yoga is . . .
There is a big difference between knowledge by description and knowledge by acquaintance. This is why no matter how high-profile and alluring someones spiritual language is, if it's not backed by (Depth) mystical data, one can assume the alluring words are not' but a translation of what somebody else said.
The onus is on those who make wild claims to provide scientific evidence to support them - not others - this is why to the best of my ability I describe what introduced itself to the eye of contemplation and all of my senses.
By the time (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti began her cosmic makeover on me my heart chakra was broken open. Even in my childhood I saw human suffering and it pained me.
Soul science can prove the existence of God / Divine - because beyond the laws of the personal I, exists a Crystal Clear Space where everything is revealed to ones awakened eternal self-Soul's consciousness.
Not the surface personality, but the Soul / the She who lives independently of the mind and its constantly changing emotional states discovers: I am not merely like God. . .I have the exact same (substance) Essence as the Absolute / Divine.
The Truth of this extremely subtle nature is accessible by means of Samadhi. Permanent Samadhi state is reached after the Divine presence within (via Crown chakra) is merged with the Great Cosmic Power-Bliss. I'm glad I'm not the only one who asserts:
Only the Divine can Initiate one into full Knowledge.
As far as I'm concerned everyone has the right to their opinion no matter how absurd - but no one has the right to their own facts. It is very important to me to fact-check my work with the work of the community of the adequate. I named Aurobindo as my primary communal affirmation person.
(I discovered his work long after my Soul journey through Light - Sound - Sight began, and
claimed/asserted nothing until I discovered his work).
Today I'm including excerpt from: The Life Divine - in Sri Aurobindo's words from
This then must be the nature of the third and final transformation which finishes the passage of the soul through the Ignorance and bases its consciousness, its life, its power and form of manifestation on a completely effective self-knowledge. The Truth-Consciousness, finding evolutionary Nature has to descend into her and enable her to liberate the supramental principle within her, so must be created the supramental and spiritual being as the first unveiled manifestation of the truth of the Self and Spirit in the material universe.
The change that is effected by the transition from mind to supermind is not only a revolution in knowledge or in our power for knowledge. If it is (to) be complete and stable, it must be a divine transmutation of our will too, our emotions, our sensations, all our power of life and its forces, in the end even of the very substance and functioning of our body. Then only it be said that the supermind is there upon earth, rooted in its very earth-substance and embodied in a new race of divinised creatures.
My mystical experiences bear witness to this. . . for the benefit of all life, for the benefit of sentient beings and the Great Consciousness looking out through the eyes of every being.
The other day I opened the front door to let Spring sun's warmth and air flow in. After a while I glanced outside and noticed it was raining ' very fast' - and my laundry was drying outside! My first instinct was to run out and grab the almost dry stuff, but stopped myself in mid-step because I realized it was still sunny!
Not first time I saw in bright of day this type of crystal-like energy raining down upon the earth.
The onus is on those who make wild claims to provide scientific evidence to support them - not others - this is why to the best of my ability I describe what introduced itself to the eye of contemplation and all of my senses.
By the time (unsolicited) Kundalini Shakti began her cosmic makeover on me my heart chakra was broken open. Even in my childhood I saw human suffering and it pained me.
Soul science can prove the existence of God / Divine - because beyond the laws of the personal I, exists a Crystal Clear Space where everything is revealed to ones awakened eternal self-Soul's consciousness.
Not the surface personality, but the Soul / the She who lives independently of the mind and its constantly changing emotional states discovers: I am not merely like God. . .I have the exact same (substance) Essence as the Absolute / Divine.
The Truth of this extremely subtle nature is accessible by means of Samadhi. Permanent Samadhi state is reached after the Divine presence within (via Crown chakra) is merged with the Great Cosmic Power-Bliss. I'm glad I'm not the only one who asserts:
Only the Divine can Initiate one into full Knowledge.
As far as I'm concerned everyone has the right to their opinion no matter how absurd - but no one has the right to their own facts. It is very important to me to fact-check my work with the work of the community of the adequate. I named Aurobindo as my primary communal affirmation person.
(I discovered his work long after my Soul journey through Light - Sound - Sight began, and
claimed/asserted nothing until I discovered his work).
Today I'm including excerpt from: The Life Divine - in Sri Aurobindo's words from
This then must be the nature of the third and final transformation which finishes the passage of the soul through the Ignorance and bases its consciousness, its life, its power and form of manifestation on a completely effective self-knowledge. The Truth-Consciousness, finding evolutionary Nature has to descend into her and enable her to liberate the supramental principle within her, so must be created the supramental and spiritual being as the first unveiled manifestation of the truth of the Self and Spirit in the material universe.
The change that is effected by the transition from mind to supermind is not only a revolution in knowledge or in our power for knowledge. If it is (to) be complete and stable, it must be a divine transmutation of our will too, our emotions, our sensations, all our power of life and its forces, in the end even of the very substance and functioning of our body. Then only it be said that the supermind is there upon earth, rooted in its very earth-substance and embodied in a new race of divinised creatures.
My mystical experiences bear witness to this. . . for the benefit of all life, for the benefit of sentient beings and the Great Consciousness looking out through the eyes of every being.
The other day I opened the front door to let Spring sun's warmth and air flow in. After a while I glanced outside and noticed it was raining ' very fast' - and my laundry was drying outside! My first instinct was to run out and grab the almost dry stuff, but stopped myself in mid-step because I realized it was still sunny!
Not first time I saw in bright of day this type of crystal-like energy raining down upon the earth.
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