"Divine, you report from the Divine" - this is what popped into my awareness in deep samadhi this AM hour (deep sleep state).
Then, a Vision of white bird's descent towards me. * In Christian mystical literature 'white bird' (dove) symbolizes Holy Spirit.
Plus, a man holding up two torches ablaze with white Light.
Different scenarios, same theme. . .Holy Spirit (or Divine Shakti-light) is speaking to me. At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, I am glad to report that Cosmic synchronicity is orchestrated, or enacted, by the awakened Soul. I didn't ask for any of it.
I know that authentic saints and mystics also 'reported from the Divine'. . .These folks became my community of the adequate...and I check my Depth's data contemplative conclusions with theirs.
Like them, I had no saying in 'what happens next'. Like my beautiful peers, I realized this happened to me because I not only surrendered too, but responded to its Calling. I also know that the energy of gratitude plays a key role in receiving spiritual Blessings.
One of the most compelling mystical experiences was the one where I found myself 'standing on the top rung of the ladder' . . .Many years after that Initiation, I chanced upon Aurobindo's spiritual partner Mira's talk (confirmation) on "Consciousness is like a ladder" (aeongroup.com)
Quote: (Consciousness is like a ladder) "at each great epoch there has been extraordinary being capable of adding one more step to the ladder and reaching a place where the ordinary consciousness has never been. . .one more step to the ladder and reaching the Highest and at the same time connecting the top to the bottom. . .joining the Spiritual and the Material is the whole secret of realisation, and that is the work of the Avatar..."
* I think of myself as Humanity's Servant.
Brief recap / description of what happened in deep sleep state (Soul's awareness doesn't 'sleep'). Time-frame circa 98'.
I was on my back. . . when I looked down I beheld two (very) white moon slivers. Then I looked up and witnessed sky's star-studded canopy rush over to one side. Next, I'm looking at a Sun, and am aware I don't need to squint because of its brightness. I "knew" I was standing on the topmost rung of the ladder, and knew that a "smart man" was standing next to it (my inner Beloved). Next, my attention focused on a group of 'uncouth men'. . .One man began speaking to me. I really tried to hear his words, but heard only garble. I heard garble, but his 'pleading' body language spoke volumes. When I looked up again, a sudden movement on Sun's right startled me. In full bliss-mode now I watch white Dove's rapid descent towards me. I closed my eyes . . . from my chest ripples of the most blessed energy spread throughout my entire being. Tears of deep gratitude. . .I knew I would never turn away from suffering.
In: The Mind Divine, Sri Aurobindo in chapter on Supermind and Humanity, writes:
Mind, as we know it, has a power of consciousness quite distinct from Supermind, no longer a power devolved from it, connected with it and dependent upon it, but practically divorced from its luminous origin, is marked by several characteristics which we conceive to be the very signs of its nature: but some of these belong to Supermind also and the difference is in the way and scope of their action, not in their stuff or in their principle.
The difference is that mind is not a power of whole knowledge and only when it begins to pass beyond itself, a power of direct knowledge: it receives rays of the truth but does not live in the sun: it sees as through glasses and its knowledge is coloured by its instruments, it cannot see with the naked eyes or look straight at the sun. It is not possible for mind to take its stand in the solar centre or anywhere in the radiant body or even on the shining circumstance of the orb of perfect truth and acquire or share in its privilege of the infallible or absolute knowledge. It would be only if it had already drawn near to the light of Supermind that it could live anywhere near this sun in the full splendour of its rays, in something of the full and direct blaze of Truth and the narrow beginnings of a pure insight, a direct vision and it would take long for it, even surpassing itself, to reach to an imitative and fragmentary reflection of a dream of the limited omniscience and omnipotence which is the privilege od a delegated divinity, of the god, of a demigure...
My March 30/09 post titled Solar Heart Initiation, describes Soul-level experience. Somewhere else I talk about my 94-5 'thundering combustion experience' (etc)...These are examples of what happens at the zenith-point of one's Soul evolution. Such experiences bear witness to the fact that the micro/macro are entangled and can be experienced directly.
I will forever be grateful to Aurobindo for describing 'mechanism of descent' - which I second!
The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the material and the veil between the material and it no longer exists.
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