Thursday, May 27, 2010

Supermind / Supramental Consciousness

I did say below I wanted to find out what "exactly" Sri Aurobindo thought the Supermind is, but first this. . .
Earlier today, while still in Deep Samadhi , a vivid Vision of a  Face directly before my face. . . This Beautiful Face  of pure Gold radiance (lashes and all)  shyly  peering between open fingers of  very much  flesh-like looking hand.

Today I chanced upon a passage from Isha Upanishads, which  gave  me  a  "this is synchronicity 101", pause (because of what I  described in my opening paragraph).

The face of truth hidden by a golden lid;
that remove, O fostering Sun, for the law of the Truth, for sight.
O Sun, O sole Seer, Marshal thy rays, gather them together --
let me see of thy happiest form of all,
that Conscious Being everywhere,
He am I.

& & &

"All the life and action and leading of the Supermind is guarded in its very nature from the falsehood and uncertainties that are our lot; it moves in safety towards its perfection. Once the truth-consciousness was established here on its own foundation, the evolution of divine life would be a progress in felicity, a march through light to Ananda.

Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and the divine Nature.
In its own plane it already and always exists and possesses its own essential law of being; it has not to be created or to emerge or evolve into existence out of involution in Matter or out of non-existence, as it might seem to the view of mind which itself seems to its own view to have so emerged from life and Matter or to have evolved out of an involution in life and Matter.
The nature of Supermind is always the same, a being of knowledge, proceeding from truth to truth, creating or rather manifesting what has to be manifested by the power of a prexistent knowlege, not by hazard but by a self-existent destiny in the being itself, a necessity of the thing in itself and therefore inevitable. Its manifestation of the divine life will also be inevitable; its own life on its own plane is divine and, if Supermind descends upon earth it will bring necessarily the divine life with it and established it here.

Supermind is the grade of existence beyond mind, life and Matter and, as mind, life and Matter have manifested on the earth, so too must Supermind in the inevitable course of things manifest in this world of Matter..
In fact, a supermind is already  here but it is involved, concealed behind this manifest mind, life and Matter and not yet acting overtly or in its own power: if it acts, it is through these inferior powers and modified by their characters and so not yet recognizable. . ." . quoted with permission from  Alan Kazlev's  website called 'Kheper'.


It's been circa 50 years (I think) since his so-called death, yet I'm convinced that  his  stream of Consciousness has guided me to  his Work because I didn't have any intention of  looking at his work.  I was aware of him and  his work,  but also heard he was a 'spiritual giant' and  stayed clear of him.  Then one day out of curiosity I  began reading here and there, and once I  wrapped my mind around this new language/ terminology, I thought "I already know this, because it happened to me!". How uncanny! 

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