Saturday, July 10, 2010

The One Light Shining Through All

The one light shining through all is the Buddha Mind . . .
Different traditions have other names for the same One Light-bliss.
The Rig Veda  says: "I honor in you the divine that I honor within myself and I know we are One."
For personal reasons, I like best the following quote, because it includes the dimension of mystical  Love-Essence.
"Some Upanishads describe Brahman as the Lord of Love. It is a description born of pure personal experience of a seeker of truth, not from a devotee's imaginative and self-induced emotional energy." 

Conventional Christianity teaches that "God is Love", that Jesus "is the only son of God" -- which never made much sense to me, because Jesus' invited his followers to 'do as I do and greater thiings will be accomplished'.

Below, in the comment section, I wrote "Buddha mind in me sees same in you". . .It is the same one Force-Intelligence that each enlightened being --in permanent Samadhi--discovers within their innermost sanctuary/one's eternal self-Soul who is one with the Supreme Existence  and its Love-Bliss. . .consciously.
Enlightened Liberation is about discovering and living within  Divine Nature. The ascended mystic, or Yogi/Yogini,  who abandoned all cravings and is established in the Supreme Love-Bliss bears witness to this Truth by describing why/how/what happens on this Path through Light and Sound.
Gopi Krishna agrees: All the great mystics who have written on the subject have given their own symptoms openly and plainly. That is the tradition. And from their descriptions, one can compare one's own condition. 

Words' (intent) are meant to spark interest in the Divine, but the meaning must be felt in every fiber of one's being without ceasing.
That 'felt' energy -- because it is a non-local phenomenon -- influences holographicaly every*thing.

In this blog I am bearing witness to what happens at the zenith-point of Soul's evolution. I talk about undergoing transformation of epic proportions...Of being Initiated into the greatest Mystery of all (in my case unsolicited), Kundalini Shakti, style.  Liberation grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence, is not for the faint of heart, because bhava Samadhi is impossible to retain unless worldly desires have been removed and proper qualities have been established. The Shiva Sutras affirms this:
All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness
is established in his own nature.
For him the state of being of a limited individual has ended.

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