Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Bend Where Spirit Bids Me

Before I was guided to become energy healer, I had the pleasure to meet and participate in several Wicca Circle rituals.  Some of these folks had an amazing bright energy fields.  I believe the group's  high-vibing energies brought about one of the most curious (in 92') mystical experiences during  deep Yogic state -  which I can name  'Crown Chakra  Initiation' - because it felt like it.
Description: I became aware of very strong vibrating sensation  (on the top of my head) accompanied by a buzzing  sound and visible to my eye of contemplation beam of Light-Energy  engraving bright silver-white "disc" into the top of my head.  .  . I felt a bit of pain/discomfort during this 'engraving procedure'. . . and at some point  became aware that I was wide awake, and marveled:

"Isn't this amazing?  I'm not even asleep!".  

Why did I see the color of the "disc?" - one might ask -  and the answer is:   because the Witness in me saw it! Saw  the descent of Supramantal Force into my bodily being -- the frequency of Purity and Power of the Divine Force. 
My riffs on Shakti and Shiva's meetings come from a place of "direct experience". Plainly put the part of me (awakened Soul)  that transcended the earthly form hangs out in the Celestial plane of existence.
If I wasn't plugged into that white-diamond  Essence frequency, I wouldn't claim that my  Tonglen Work is done in the subtle/causal/non dual levels.

I experienced this,   therefore I know  that what I bear witness too, is true . . . but I don't expect anyone to believe me.  
I am very glad I discovered  Sri Aurobindo work -  because now I can say  he too had many spiritual experiences before he could assert:
"After realization of the Self, there are many things beyond that. The Divine guide within urged me to proceed, adding experience after experience . . .Till I arrived at Supermind". 

Ecstatically Dancing
In a Sea of Candle Flames  at Dawn
(mystical experience this AM)

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