Thursday, February 16, 2017

Communication of the Divine from the Source of its Nature

While ago I chanced upon Joseph Alexander's Youtube video  critiquing the film titled, Zeitgeist (didn't see it)  directed by Peter Joseph, who managed to:  "reduce the phenomenon of religion to an ancient form of plagiary and sun worship"  -  and thought it might be an interesting topic for the not faint of heart.
I completely agree with Joseph's analysis based on personal supramental experiences and their contemplative conclusions  because:   he paints an entirely new picture of the ancient myths and religion, showing that myths not only have a biological basis, but are also doorways into the evolutionary goal of our species.

All ascended mystics shared their Depth data with the intention to inspire and uplift others in order they  may aspire to reach their highest potential.
I will  include several  quotes from Joseph's video and  include links to three of my key posts on same theme.

It is true that a large portion of mythology and religious scriptures fall into the origins category. These are narratives which recount the story of creation, either of the first humans or of primal earth - and personification of natural forces into gods. However, the most important category of mythology - and also most overlooked were ignored, is also the most obvious -- an interpretation of spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness. This is the real secret of ancient myths.

Isis, Osiris, Horus and Seth were not just  vegetation or solar gods, they were symbolic representation of the different archetypes within the human soul. Isis represented the power of transformation and the virgin birth which is a symbol of sublimated sexual energy.

These symbols are communicated from inner planes of consciousness, which seek to guide humanity on the right path in order to transform the human body into a perfect instrument of Soul expression. As if from a cosmic seed, humanity is unfolding on this planet, destined to bloom into a cosmic conscious species. The sun and solar disc are more then just symbol of our planetary star - they are both iconic images (* High Archetypes)  analogous to mystical illumination expressing radiance of one who has entered into the state of Samadhi, or  Cosmic Consciousness.

In the case of the god RA, the golden disc sits on top of its head. Likewise, Isis is depicted with the white moon disc on her head - these head ornaments correspond to male and female archetypal energies, and the colors experienced in meditation.  This spiritual interpretation of the solar disc, as the mechanism responsible for inner illumination is more in line with the core teaching of ancient Egypt.  If the solar disc is simply a sun why would it be encircled by a Serpent.
Today, the greatest tragedy is not crimes committed by the religious establishment, or the international banking system, but by the tragic ignorance of our spiritual destiny. The real solution and road to happiness have always laid in knowledge of  one Self.

 With gratitude

* the last link is in need of edit-improvement because the 'ink' is too harsh on the eyes.

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