Friday, February 24, 2017

She is Solitary

Ultimate Transcendence is beyond one's individual existence.  .   .
This (Divine Vision) theme,  runs through all my  writings. Divine Vision means direct acquaintance with (first-hand perception)  and perfect understanding of, the universal Energy in all the realms of creation as an actual experience,  as opposed to 'cognitive understanding' by looking at a consciousness model.
Even though in this lifetime I was destined to become a 'housholder',  Kundalini Shakti made me aware that my Soul's virtual memories are grounded in Yogic tradition.  Yogic traditions explain  the mysterious Kundalini Force as that which liberates the Soul from its lower body.  Because this happened to me, I realized it is the same Source-power which creates the universe and knows itself to be the 'Creator'.
I learned that it takes a fully active Kundalini to transform our entire being by burning up all our karmas, unfold the psychic powers (Divine Siddhis),  fill us with permanent bliss and reveal the essence of our being to be divine. This happened to me - even though I didn't strive to 'achieve' anything - because my Karma was ripe-ready for this to happen.
One's True Nature is  discovered  through  Divine Vision when one's masculine and feminine Energies are fully integrated in the spiritualized mind-plane (which are neither dominating/controlling or passive). Now we see that we have  risen above the male/female distinction due to integration of one's  eternal Soul-essence with God's Essence.  Here one discovers of  being (also) literally one with all beings in the visible and invisible domains of existence. One who ascends to this level of spiritual wisdom  has no choice but see that when someone uses alluring spiritual language but doesn't have the Depth data's contemplative conclusions - based on Soul level Initiations -  to back their words,  is not Enlightened in the ultimate sense.
 We see that using high profile spiritual language does not evidence  mystical wisdom,  since 'correct knowledge' is different from liberating insight  -  liberating insight,  grounded in  multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence  due to having undergone many types of Soul-level Initiations.
Some think that  sharing  my mystical experiences is a sign of  "self-glorification" - and they do that, because their ego-mind can't accept there are universal truth's which are higher/more inclusive then their view of reality.
Gopi Krishna  has my back -  his discourse on: Signs and Characteristics of Enlightenment for Investigation,  includes the following:
The illumined person must be able to write what he has experienced and make that writing available to the world. (...) Therefore, no one can describe the superconscious state unless one has the experience of it. This is the most decisive sign to judge whether a man is enlightened or not. He must be able to give description of the superconscious state in words which are inspiring and which have an originality of their own.
One, whose Soul-journey through transcendent Light and Sound  culminates in getting plugged to the Essence of the Supreme Source, can describe in simple words what this Path without a map is like, without using concepts.
In this blog I chronicle the many types of Initiations - such as  my with Kwan Yin encounter, and what transpired  (just to give one example).
I  am glad I have Sri Aurobindo's verifying  voice  on this subject, as well:
Experience is a word that covers almost all the happening in yoga; only when something gets settled, then it is no longer an experience but part of the siddhi; e.g. peace when it comes and goes is an experience - when it is settled and goes no more, it is a siddhi. Realisation is different - it is when something for which you are aspiring becomes real to you; e.g. you have the idea of the Divine in all, but it is only an idea, a belief; when you feel or see the Divine in all, it becomes a realisation.

Ascended mystics of all traditions wrote from this Kosmic address.
Each Seer  discovers that  manifestation is Pure Consciousness manifesting itself in ALL the different names and forms - discovers that the experience of our core  Consciousness is Sat Chit Ananda  (I exist, I am aware, I am Pure Bliss).
Spiritual Joy  is the  balanced Yin/Yang  aspects within our being capable of   housing 'super emotions'  and it's counterpart 'super motivations'.  This  Energy is like the  Wind beneath our 'angel' wings  that carries one's Action and Compassionate Caring into the world of Form.
I had no names for what  motivated  my  feelings  during those very intense years, but  at some point the High Priestess archetype  (in me) compelled me to perform many  ceremonial rituals - often with tear-producing  intensity/sincerity,  whose aim is always. . .
 For the benefit of all beings!
 I am describing natural  surrender to the Divine Will,  because by then my  heart was broken open.
 She/awakened Soul is the mediator of the passage into Reality's supramental Depth. This inner-Guide's serenity, clear-seeing, wisdom and high intuition, has been my Guiding Light - is everyone's Guide when one gets in touch with it.
The Power of the Divine Grace reveals the Light-Radiance of who we are in the depths of our being, becomes  everyone's Guide, when one gets in touch with it and is willing to perform the Will of the one Spirit. Her only Intention is to Serve all beings in all domains of life. She doesn't crave to be seen, doesn't seek attention from others.  Her Gift to humanity is deep desire to give  away everything.
.  .  .She Sings.  .  .
Freedom Brought Me Power 
In Service I Give What I Have Become.
The Light of Truth Flows Into the World
Free From 'what's in it for me'

Permanent Samadhi state and Soul-level  meeting with the Divine, is our means through  which we access-See that which the surface mind can't.
Sri Aurobindo's  (confirming) words from: Letters on Yoga,  p.3 Experiences and Realisations

(Then)  there are experiences that help to lead towards the realisation of things spiritual or divine or bring opening or progressions in sadhana or are support on the way - experiences of a symbolic character, visions, contacts of one kind or another with the Divine  or with the workings of higher Truth, things like the waking of the Kundalini, the opening of the Chakras, messages, intuitions, openings to the inner powers, etc.   *Yes*
The one thing one has to be careful about is to see that they are genuine and sincere, if one is more concern with ego and being a big yogi or being superman than meeting with the Divine or getting the consciousness which enables one to live with the Divine, then a flood of pseudo or mixtures comes in, one is led into the mazes of the intermediate zone or spins in the groves of one's own formation.

Will add that, when the meeting of Soul and the Divine is genuine  it is not possible to get sucked into the vortex of self-deception and inflation - not possible to get lost in the Intermediate Zone.
Including couple of examples of  what  'super motivations' &  'super emotions'  experiences  are/were  like for me.  Those experiences  confirmed for me that my subconscious mind is not split from the surface mind.
1.  Years ago I found myself  standing on top of  a wide peacefully flowing river's current (in the middle) . . .the instant I noticed some folks standing on river's bank, I raised my right hand  and blessed their precious presence with the sign of the Holy Cross. I recall concentrating very intently on making the perfect sign of the Cross. *The Holy Cross became the container through which I poured out my heart's  blessings (super intentions & motivations).

2.   I found myself on a boat with several 'uncouth men'. . .without a thought of 'doing' anything at all, I found myself floating  away from the boat . . . The Water's turquoise color shimmered invitingly. . . I turned towards the  men and with raised hand  Blessed their presence with the Master Symbol.

I have no doubt that my heart-felt  'Rituals' and their Intentions, carried over into sleep state. Example:   For many months at noon (every day)  I chanted certain Prayer/Blessings for the benefit of all creation and its inhabitants.

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