Friday, July 21, 2017

Real or Fantasy-Constructions

I became active in one Facebook group -  and it has been  challenging.
Yesterday one member  insisted that what I share is nothing more but a delusional fantasy--quote,  "nothing but stories that you tell yourself."
I assured him that what I share was never meant for him  to see.  I said this, because I know that:  "A person who has reached a later stage can understand earlier world-views, but a person at an earlier stage cannot understand the later ones", in  Susanne Cook-Greuter words.
He made many nonsensical comments and in his last attempt to discredit me (yesterday) he posted  a link to an article on "New Age Bullshit".
He feels it is his duty to protect the membership from my "bullshit."
Today, I responded to his  indirectly  pointing finger in my direction,  the following accusation:

 We are free because there is no transcendent law (skip) But to protect ourselves from this insight we build various fantasy-construction of the ground of freedom (God, Nature, Consciousness, Being) as defensive mechanisms.

This is what I wrote in response:

Perchance, instead of the names you used (God, etc.) the term 'Lords Love' might be more palpable to someone like you?  St Catherine of Genoa - 15th century Christian mystic - described how she "received" in her heart "the wound of the unmeasured Love of God", which shook her very core of being. . .after which she exclaimed:   'O Love, can it be that thou has called me with so great a love, and made me know in one instant that which words cannot express?'
She is one among many other mystics who discovered within their innermost sanctuary (eternal self-Soul) that 'God is Love'. This type of experience is not hallucination. . .I know this because this happened to me.
Gopi Krishna - 20th century mystic and philosopher - described what happened to him:
 It was in my thirty fourth year, seventeen years after starting meditation, that I had my first experience of transcendental consciousness. It was in the winter, about the time of Christmas. I was meditating early in the morning when suddenly I found something giving way as if a new aperture had opened, and I felt an energy rising up my spinal cord. At first I was terrified, and my attention went to the sensation caused by the energy.

*  I had same experience, minus being 'terrified'.

At that moment the vision ceased. Then I again concentrated, and ultimately I managed to keep my attention focused at the crown of my head, while the energy rose upward, through the spinal cord, to the neck and then into my head. I then suddenly found that a stream of silvery light was pouring into my brain. 

* I had similar 'silver light' (multiple) experiences.

There was a sound like thunder or like a waterfall in my ear, and it grew louder and louder. At the same time, I began to expand.

*  I had same experience in 1994ish, and named it,  Thundering Combustion Experience. It was a full-blown out of mortal body experience. I thought the force of this Energy would kill me which compelled me to utter "God be with me!"

I cannot describe exactly what I mean by this, but it seemed that my consciousness was now gaining a wider and wider space, and I was leaving my body behind and projecting myself, spreading myself, all around in the universe. My body grew dimmer and dimmer, and I could hardly hear any noises coming from the street. I remained totally engrossed in the vision that was now unfolding before me. It was the vision of a silvery luster, alive, living, vibrant with life, conscious and spread all around me. The small self that was "I" seemed to become like a point of awareness, watching this great personality that had now developed and seemed to encompass the whole universe.
I was like a small cork floating in an ocean of consciousness, aware of the whole surface surface at every point of the compass. I felt myself expanding more and more, and this expansion was attended by a happiness that is not possible to describe.
* End of quote*

In my response to him I didn't mention that my sensation of 'spreading everywhere' felt like I was (literally)  endlessly flowing out of my crown chakra - this is also why I have been known to say "my chakra system/nervous system uncoiled to infinity". I described this particular experience in Spirit Speaks in post titled The River of Light - in May 2010.
Embodied mysticism is a rare thing. . .and when that happens we see the Many through the eyes of the One. It is because of these types of experiences I have the ability to give Shaktipat transmission (trans-mental  experience of non-duality).
Example: During hands-on Energy balancing one student pleaded from that deep under state, "Hold me, I'm scared".  I asked why she's scared and she said, "I'm so small".  After the session she told me she was terrified because she was 'just a speck in black vastness'.
When that happened to me first time, I (literally) felt a 'shift' sensation in my brain. . .the immensity of this Conscious Intelligence startled me, but by then I had even more intense experiences, and was able to remain conscious.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead (translated by A.E. Thurman) has the following description of this 'blackness' (I named poetically The Womb of Creation in some posts).

In the seventh dissolution (death), the stage of imminence, the two drops meet at the heart and enclose the consciousness; one perceives the sky full of bright dark-light, or pure darkness, and then one looses consciousness.... 

 "A voyager into the soul" -- Thurman's term for same as "psychonaut." I like it! In his words description of what it signifies.

A "voyager into the soul," an apt term for the Buddhist adept, who voluntarily abandons the pseudo-security of this planet of delusion, with its solid ground of ordinary, individuated suffering, to launch herself through the death-dissolutions into the subtle between-states to deepen her wisdom by exploring the unconscious and to expand her compassionate heroism by serving universes of beings on the subtle level, and then returns to the ordinary embodiment of the adept to assist her contemporaries.                                        
If curious, including link to post titled 'Divine, You Report From the Divine'  - which describes  what some of the  'voyaging into the soul' experiences were like for me.

May this be helpful as you journey into the depths of your being!  Be bold.

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