Monday, May 1, 2017

Spiritual Evolution Beyond Nirvana

One who is interested in  Enlightenment grounded in multidimensional evolution into wholeness and transcendence - as revealed by the eternal self-Soul - will find the excerpts penned by brilliant minds interesting.  The subtlety of meaning couched within these words  will  resonate with one who is committed to  developing their  spiritual intelligence.
But first, a reflection (from the eternal self-Soul perspective) on the nature of Enlightenment that includes but transcends Nirvana. Spirit Speaks chronicles the many phases of what needs to 'happen' before one attains the apex-point of Soul's evolution, as well as descriptions of experiences that lead to the 'final Samadhi'-- a stage where one realizes that Nirvana is a necessary, but not the final stage-Realization (in all its aspects). The final stage includes Grace-given descents of Divine Peace-Bliss-Force/Power . . .These Initiations guide the process of inner transformation and can, in some cases, lead to a (permanent) state of Union of the non-biological Soul with the transcendent Beloved. (Because) This 'happened' to me, I have the authority to assert, 'the actual state of Soul Liberation - or the last Samadhi - is Nirvana and full Enlightenment'. . .
One who attains the Last Stage of Coronation into Omniscience in all its aspects is the holder of a Legacy of Eternal Value.

We look to those who are qualifed (communal affirmation) for affirmation. Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche asserts thus:
"Absolute Truth is not an object of analytical discourse or great discriminating wisdom. It is realized through the blessing of the Guru and fortunate Karmic potential. Like this mistaken ideas of discriminating wisdom are clarified."

These following passages are from book penned by Ken Wilber *author of many books on human development and consciousness* titled, One Taste.

Well, anybody can say, 'All things are One,'  'All sentient beings posess Spirit,' 'All things are part of a great unified Web of  Life,' or 'Subject and object are nundual.' Anybody can say those things. The question is, do you directly and actually realize that? Are you speaking with any sort of awakened authority, or are these just words to you?
What if they are just words? What does it matter?
Well, spiritual realities involve not merely statements about the objective world, but also statements of  subjective facts, interior facts -- and for those statements to be true when they come out of your mouth, you must be directly in touch with those higher, interior facts, or else you are not being truthful, no matter how 'correct' the words might sound. It is the subjective state of the speaker, and not the content of the words, that determines the truth of the utterance. (...)

Most of my books are written about systems theory, Gaia, the Great Mother, ecopsychology, the new paradigm, and so on, are written with reference to the gross, waking state. You can easily tell  this because  they never mention any of the subtle realm phenomena -- nothing about the various meditative states, samadhis, interior illuminations, the extraordinary states of dream yoga, transcendental awareness, and so on. Nor do they mention the even higher states of causal formless. So when they claim to be 'holistic' and 'nondual,' they really aren't, not in the full sense. At best, they are at the level of nature mysticism, where consciousness is confined to union with the gross, waking state. This is fine as far as it goes, it just doesn't go very far. It is the shallowest of the spheres of mystical Oneness in the Great Nest of Spirit. (....)

So when somebody at the subtle level says 'All things are One,' they mean something different than when gross-level theorist says that. (...) Usually, when someone whose access consciousness is confined to the gross realm says 'All things are One,' they mean something like systems theory or ecopsychology -- they mean all empirical phenomena are aspects of a unified process. But when someone also has access to subtle-realm consciousness, they mean all empirical and all subtle phenomena are aspects of a unified process. This is much deeper and wider realization, which transcends and includes the gross realm.
So their consciousness is actually stronger.?
In a sense, yes. Their awareness does not blank out at the threshold of the dream state. Because of their own development and evolution of consciousness, they can remain 'awake' even as the dream arises -- or they can enter profound states of savikalpa samadhi and not go blank. And this 'strength'  of consciousness becomes even greater at the causal stage of development, because you reach a type of 'constant consciousness' or 'constant witnessing capacity,' which means you are 'awake' or conscious through all three major states -- waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. So consciousness becomes stronger and stronger, persisting through more and more changes of state, and this is reflected unmistakably in your life, your work, your theorizing, and so on. These signs are hard to miss. (...)
At the subtle stage you have access to a variety of forms of deity mysticism -- interior illuminations, nada, shabd, various samadhis or meditative states, saguna Brahman (Deity with Form), prayer of the heart, dream yoga, most of the bardo realms, and so on. This is the subtle realm of deity mysticism. Because the subtle-soul transcends but includes the gross-sensorimotor realm, at the level of deity mysticism you also have access to nature mysticism, so those are not exclusive. But the lower nature mystics tend to think you're nuts.
And the causal. . .
Is the home of formless mysticism -- pure Emptiness, the Abyss, the Unborn, ayn, nirdoh, nirvikalpa, jnana samadhi, classical Nirvana or cessation. This experience  (or 'nonexperience')  of cessation is unmistakable and indelible. And when somebody has directly experienced that state, and they are writing books spiritual books, believe me, they will write about that! And you will intuitively feel that they know what they're talking about. (....)
Once you push through causal formlessness -- which is the home of the pure Witness -- then the Witness itself collapses into everything that is witnessed through all three states. 

To truly understand what Soul-level Liberation means/is about, one has to be Initiated (on the Energy level)  to a much deeper  Mystery,  before one discovers what it means to be One with all beings in the visible and invisible domains, and what True Union of the Soul with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme,  means/is like.
Aurobidno's  words highlight  what needs to happen before one reaches this   stage.

"By "void" is meant emptiness clear of all content except existence pure and simple. Without that one cannot realise the silent Brahman.  +   The silence still remains, but if you become full of force, light, Ananda, knowledge etc., you cannot call yourself blank any longer.

In addition: The following explanation on  mechanism of descent, is   something - as far as I know - no one else has written about. . . and,  I second that, because this happened to me and in this blog describe many types of Soul-level Initiations.

The Descent of Peace (Sat) the descent of Force of Power (Chit) the descent of Ananda, these are the things that transform nature. It is not really the plane that descends, it is the Power and Truth of it that descends into the veil between the material and it no longer exists.  
Divine condition descends from above, is given by the Divine. (...) The higher spiritual planes create their own formulations in the subliminal in the depths within us. (but)  To know them, the Supermind must descend into us.
 -  Aurobindo's qoutes from

Thousands of years of cross-cultural support from contemplative mystics/scientists bear witness to the fact that genuine Enlightenment is not 'personal' . . . it is for the benefit of all beings in the visible and invisible realms, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself.

I have written  about  'Cosmic Tonglen Duty'  in various posts, this is why don't feel the need to  bring it up  constantly --  even though  this is the context within which much of what I write about  arises  (on the energy level).  So briefly - without going into details of the hows' and whys' of it -   I want to add the following reflection. . .
One cannot know what  the 'beyond nirvana' truly (literally) means, unless one's Soul-Force (Universal Body) is on 'Cosmic Tonglen Duty'.  This happens when one's nervous system (all chakras)  uncoils to infinity. . . this is why I don't expect  many folks to  embrace the meaning within the words I write with full acceptance.
Maybe, if I were a male,  it would have been a different story.
Then again:
This blog has visitors from South Korea, China, and other lands, and I marvel.  .   .
Blessings to one and all  brave souls that stop by here! 💗

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