Wednesday, March 28, 2018

She Speaks

All desire vanishes in that fortunate person whose consciousness is established in his own real nature. For him, the state of being of a limited individual has ended.  -Shiva Sutras (Sloka 4)

Delivered from selfish attachment, fear, and anger, filled with me, surrendering themselves to me, purified in the fire of my being, many have reached the state of unity with me.  -Gita
She exists to serve the ever-expanding evolution of understanding of the God state.
Once established in her Source, She realizes that her Essence is the same Radiance-Essence as the Supreme Divine (at the summit of Her evolution). The embodied aspect allows Her to directly See she remains eternally one with fathomless depth and Mystery of the God state, not as 'concept', not as 'nothing', but actually.
At this stage, She becomes the perfect instrument through which the Divine Force-Power baptizes the World of Form, as well as the invisible domains.
This is what ultimate Liberation  is about.

* Cautionary note:  One who aspires to become  Enlightened through the  'spiritual bypassing'  route, will create much misery because the unhealed psycho-emotional wounds and unresolved developmental needs can't be transcended by thinking 'now that I know this about me -- know,  I am selfish, greedy, jealous, that I crave to have status,  etc., I can rise above it' -- doesn't work. . . because they are not aware that psycho-emotional wounding can only be released at the level it was created. My post Healer's Notes addresses this topic *

When all desire vanishes, noble qualities arise. One whose  personal egoism  and its desires is no more, becomes  the very embodiment of traits such as:  simplicity, altruism,  non-attachment to fruits of our work,  we are free from the  'pleasure of domination', are jealous of none and free from indulgence in petty deeds. Doesn't mean we are incapable of facing the bully and breaking his/her joy of domination!

 Noble traits are carriers of  high-order frequency  (or Holy power)  which affects all dimensions simultaneously.  In other words, one whose mind is without the stain of  disturbance becomes the channel through which God's Essence-frequency flows into the world of Form. . .
When no longer driven by wish or desire, but an impersonal drive of the Conscious Love/Power/Supreme Knowledge  - not generated on human plane -  the divine Person (ascended Soul)  "brings the fires of the splendour of God into the human abyss"  without uttering a word. (Sri Aurobindo's words from poem titled,A God's Labour).
Without uttering a word? . .words are the containers into which subtlety of meaning is poured. Some  read the words (my testimony)  and see noting but 'woo woo' created by mentally ill mind.

This is why I  say:  Not I, but by the Knowledge/Will invested in me, I bear witness to what the Divine  disclosed to me,  for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of evolution of consciousness itself, without uttering a single word, I mean it literally.

I will end this reflection in Sri Aurobindo's words on Satchidananda from: Letters on Yoga Planes and Parts of Being (
Our (Yoga) having realised Sachichidananda in the spiritualised mind plane proceeds to realise it in the supramental plane. The supreme supracosmic Satchichitdananda is above all. Supermind may be described as its power of self-awareness and world-awareness, the world being known as within itself and not outside. So to live consciously in the suppreme Sachichidananda one must pass through the Supermind.. (...) The full dynamic truth of Sachichidananda and the universe and its consequence cannot be grasp by any other consciousness than the Supermind, because the instrumentation in all other (lower)  planes is inferior and there is therefore a disparity between the fullness of the static experience and the incompleteness of the dynamic power, knowledge, result of the inferior light and power of other planes.

*I wanted to, but was not able to edit-expand this post, and made the decision to re-write She Speaks in November 19, 2020.


  1. From the very feeling the hue of the page background's color upon first arriving at it, through and with that which is expressed by the words, reality is shared as is... obviously free of self-centeredness, effortless and real goodness is.


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